Chapter 181 The Final Battle

Xiao Ning'er never imagined that the man she longed for would actually represent the Holy Family in the Genius Battle and become her enemy.

You must know that she only agreed to fight between geniuses in order to break off her engagement with Shen Fei and to be with him Xian Wu.

Unexpectedly, Xian Wu turned his elbows outward, adjusted his cannon to hit her, and helped the Holy Family to deal with her. It was really chilling.

Huyan Lanruo was also very confused. These two people were so passionately kissing just now, why did they run to the ring to fight in the blink of an eye?

Ouyang Tiantian, who received Shen Xiu with Xian Wu last night, knew that Xian Wu agreed to Shen Xiu's promise to fulfill his promise.

Nie Li frowned, crossed his arms, comforted Ye Ziyun and said, "Don't worry Ziyun, I will definitely teach Xian Wu a lesson when he comes back!"

"Just you?" Looking at Nie Li who was talking nonsense, Ye Ziyun glanced disdainfully. That Xian Wu was now at the peak of the black gold level.

Nie Li has not even reached the gold level. He is two realms away from others. Teaching others a lesson is more like humiliating himself in the past.

Although I don’t understand why Xian Wu is an enemy of Ning’er on behalf of the Holy Family, but being an enemy of Ning’er is like being an enemy of Ye Ziyun.

Xian Wu was already a peak black gold expert. Even if she was filled with anger and felt unworthy for Ning'er, what would happen?

He couldn't beat him again and again...but he could use his status as her sworn sister to teach him a lesson verbally.

For the sake of his godfather, his father Ye Zong, he couldn't hit someone even if he scolded him, right?

Recently, my grandfather went to the Sacred Ancestor Mountains to deal with the beast tide. Almost no one in the Glory City could suppress Xian Wu.

"Damn it! Xian Wu, just wait for me. When I advance to the legendary level before you, I will definitely avenge Ning'er!"

Ye Ziyun stared at Xian Wu's generous back indignantly. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but that back looked very similar to her father Ye Zong.

"Bah! My father is not a playboy like him." Ye Ziyun was a little discouraged when she thought of her stepmother Xue Yin.

Although my father only married Aunt Xue after his mother died, it is an indisputable fact that he married two wives.

Hearing Ye Ziyun's muttering, Nie Li looked serious and patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry Ziyun, I will only love you and be good to you in this life. I will definitely not have three wives and four concubines like Xian Wu. You fall in love with someone you meet, and they are in heat everywhere.”

"Shut up!" Ye Ziyun shouted. She was already in a bad mood, but Nie Li added fuel to the fire, which was really annoying.

Nie Li shrank his neck angrily. What he said was the truth from the bottom of his heart. I wonder which sentence made my sister-in-law angry?
On the rostrum, Shen Ming and Shen Fei sat on the chairs, their expressions were very ugly, as if they accidentally swallowed a dead fly.

Looking at the two people who were gazing at each other, Shen Fei gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and the bangs on his forehead were standing on end and glowing green.

"Damn Xian Wu, that despicable Xiao Ning'er dares to hook up in public. I'm really angry!"

Shen Fei stared at Xian Wu's dazzling silver hair with resentment, wishing to burn it to pieces with the red lotus flame of the Red Flame Black Tiger.

Xiao Ning'er had been engaged to him for a long time. Although they were not actually married, they were already known as husband and wife.

If this bastard Xian Wu hadn't been a black-gold peak demon spiritual master whose strength was on par with his father, and he had two old guys named Ye Zong, Ye Mo, and the entire Fengxue Family supporting him, he would have dispatched the masters in the family long ago. Kill him secretly.Damn Xian Wu, how could he be so lucky? He found a treasure of some ancient power and soared into the sky with it.

"Hmph! When that woman Shen Xiu breaks into the Hao Zhen family and cheats out the treasure, it will be the anniversary of your Xian Wu's death!" Shen Fei gritted his teeth.

Shen Ming, who was sitting next to Shen Fei, picked up the teacup tremblingly. The next game was about his life and fortune.

If Xian Wu fails his aggressive attack and loses the last game, Shen Hong will definitely kill him when he goes back.

"Master Shen Fei, if Xian Wu loses the game, you can beg me for mercy in front of the head of the family." Shen Ming begged.

When the competition agreement was drawn up with the Pterodactyl Family, Shen Fei also participated. He wouldn't burn bridges across the river, right?

Shen Fei snorted coldly, closed his eyes and said, "You have the full authority to arrange the genius battle. What does it have to do with me?"

If Xian Wu loses the genius battle, it is equivalent to the Holy Family losing to the Pterodactyl Family. His father will definitely be furious.

His old man lost his temper and refused to recognize his relatives. He didn't want to get involved in this and be implicated by Shen Ming.

"No, Master Shen Fei! You can't do this! How could I have made an agreement with the Pterodactyl Family on my own without your consent? You can't let me bear all the responsibilities alone!" Shen Ming's voice was stern. What a bad person!

Shen Fei patted the armrest of the chair and said coldly: "Shen Ming, don't talk nonsense. When did I agree to you and the Pterodactyl Family to draw up an agreement? It's all your own decision! You'd better not talk nonsense. ,otherwise……"

Seeing Shen Fei's sinister expression, Shen Ming shrank his neck.He is worthy of being Shen Hong's son, and he has nothing to do with him.

Shen Ming clasped his hands together, hoping that Xian Wu would not lose the game and that a miracle would happen.

"Boom!" The gong sounded to start the game, but Xiao Ning'er and Xian Wu on the stage did not make any move and were silent.

Xiao Ning'er bit her lips and asked in a trembling voice: "Brother I annoying to you? As for asking you to help the Holy Family."

The man in front of him made him love and hate him at the same time. How could he help his mortal enemy deal with him?

"Hate? What nonsense are you talking about? It's too late for me to like you, so how can I hate you?" Xian Wu paused, with a very serious expression on his face, and continued: "To be honest, the first time I saw you I fell in love with you from the beginning."

Although Xiao Ning'er was very aloof at the time and often mistook his kindness for a donkey's heart and lungs, he still liked this little stubborn donkey.

Xian Wu's sudden confession made Xiao Ning'er blush with embarrassment.

She almost couldn't help laughing when she thought of the scene where Xian Wu dropped his pants in public on the day of the entrance test.

"What the hell? This is a genius battle competition, not a genius dating conference!"

"The scene in the ring is so harmonious. I have to say that Xiao Ning'er and Xian Wu are truly a match made in heaven."

"Uncle Hehe! I bet five thousand demon spirit coins that Xian Wu will win. Fight quickly. If I really can't do it, I can just take out the stick!"

The audience stared wide-eyed, not understanding what kind of medicine was sold in Xian Wu's gourd.Grandma, do you want to fight or not?
(End of this chapter)

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