Chapter 182
It was almost noon, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Seeing that Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er were still not fighting, the audience was getting more and more impetuous.

After thinking for a long time, Xian Wu spoke slowly: "Ning'er, let's start the game quickly. After you're done, come to my house to play."

As for what to play, I haven't decided yet, but I won't play like Shen Xiu. Xiao Ning'er is different. She is his true love.

"Brother Wu... I can't beat you..." Xiao Ning'er said hesitantly.

Before she could tell her about her agreement with the Holy Family, Xian Wu spoke first: "It doesn't matter, let's play guessing."

Guessing is good. It can determine the winner without affecting his honor as the number one genius in the Glory City. It is also simple and quick.

"Guess... guessing?" Upon hearing Xian Wu's suggestion, Xiao Ning'er was stunned for a moment, her beautiful big eyes filled with doubts.

If she doesn't choose the method of fighting to decide the outcome, but chooses guessing to decide the outcome, she still has a great chance of winning.

Although Xian Wu has a high level and strong strength, the guessing game is about luck. Even if he is a legendary demon spiritual master, he may lose.

Recalling when she played guessing games with Ye Ziyun when she was a child, she won every time, so Xiao Ning'er was very confident in guessing games.

"What do you think? If you don't like guessing, we can also compete in backgammon." Xian Wu suggested with a smile.

Backgammon?Xiao Ning'er still thinks that guessing is more reliable. She and Ye Ziyun never won when they played backgammon.

Xiao Ning'er smiled and nodded and said: "Brother Wu, let's guess the game. The winner will be decided in one round. I have never lost in the game."

Xiao Ning'er puffed up her proud little breasts, and her pretty face was filled with a confident smile she had never seen before. She didn't think she would lose.

"Well, Ning'er is so confident, so I'll go all out." Xian Wu whispered, "I can cast stones."

In the audience, looking at Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er who were about to use scissors, rock, and paper, Ye Ziyun's little heart suddenly stopped.

She recalled the scene when she was playing guessing games with Xiao Ning'er when she was a child. Because she kept losing in backgammon, Xiao Ning'er was very unhappy, so she deliberately let Xiao Ning'er lose during the guessing game, so that Xiao Ning'er kept winning. In fact, her The level of guessing is very good.

"Ning'er will most likely lose this match." Ye Ziyun nervously grabbed her skirt and stared at the ring intently.

Nie Li disagreed and retorted: "No way, no matter what Xiao Ning'er does, there is a [-]% chance that she will not lose?"

Guessing has three outcomes - win or lose. Xiao Ning'er's probability of losing is only one-third, so she probably won't lose.

Ye Ziyun rolled her eyes at Nie Li. Ning'er was steady by nature. After listening to Xian Wu's words, she would definitely use the scissors.

On the ring, Xiao Ning'er was preparing to punch while thinking about what Xian Wu had just said.

"The first thing Xian Wu said was that he would go all out, which meant that he would not be waterproof in the guessing game and deliberately gave in."

"Secondly, Xian Wu told me that he could punch. This sentence must be Xian Wu's deceit. He was lying."

"Xian Wu will definitely not be able to use fists. He wants to trick me into showing paper, and then use scissors to beat me. If I use fists, I will definitely win."

"However, what if Xian Wu first wants to test me and gets out of the way? Then wouldn't I just throw myself into a trap?"

"Forget it, let's use scissors first. No matter if Xian Wu uses scissors or paper, I will not lose. He will definitely not use rocks!" Everyone in the audience was fascinated by the dueling style of the two children. I was speechless.

The final match of the genius battle actually involves guessing the game?What a joke!Is it worthy of the other contestants who were seriously injured after trying their best to compete?Is it worthy of the audience’s expectant gaze?Is it worthy of the broken arena beneath your feet?

"Rock - scissors - paper!" Xian Wu ignored the audience's cheers and shouted to himself.

He wanted to give the victory in this last game to Xiao Ning'er, and it would not do him any good if the Holy Family won.

He already said that he could produce rocks, so Xiao Ning'er should be able to produce cloth, right?Xian Wu felt that Xiao Ning'er would not be an idiot enough to use scissors.

It was okay that Xian Wu didn't smile, but his smile made Xiao Ning'er more suspicious.

Finally, Xiao Ning'er took out the scissors.

"Uh..." Xian Wu's smile froze. What's going on?Why does Ning'er produce scissors?Got kicked in the head by a donkey?
Under Shen Ming's frantic gesture, the referee immediately stepped onto the stage and announced loudly: "In the final match, Xian Wu wins!"

Hearing the referee's announcement, Xiao Ning'er seemed to have had all her strength drained away, and slumped to the ground like a limp noodle.

"It's's all over..." Xiao Ning'er muttered to herself, covering her face with her hands, falling into a state of despair.

Xian Wu didn't know why, so he came over, half-crouched down, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, Ning'er. We will continue to work hard in the talent competition next year."

"There is no next year! Why are you throwing rocks!!" Xiao Ning'er pushed Xian Wu down violently, stood up, and ran out of the arena.

Xian Wu scratched his head and didn't understand why Xiao Ning'er was so out of sorts. Wasn't it just that he lost the genius battle? It wasn't that he lost his virginity.

At this time, on the rostrum, Shen Fei held a copper trumpet and shouted to the audience with great joy: "Everyone, I have something to announce. Tomorrow is the wedding day of Xiao Ning'er and I. All friends are welcome to come to me. The Holy Family attended the banquet, especially Xian Wu."

Shen Fei pointed the horn at Xian Wu, his face full of pride. It turned out that he had misunderstood Xian Wu, and Xian Wu didn't like Xiao Ning'er.

Otherwise, how could Xian Wu transfer Xiao Ning'er, who was so easily available, into his arms?Jie Jie Jie...

"What the hell did you say? Tell it to your grandpa again?" Come on!"

"Uncle, please don't do anything!" Shen Ming quickly grabbed Xian Wu's strong forearm and explained: "The Winged Dragon Family has made a bet with our Holy Family. If we lose, Xiao Ning'er will be dismissed. The engagement with Shen Fei, if we win..."

"If you win, the engagement between Shen Fei and Xiao Ning'er will be executed immediately, right?" Me, do you want to die?"

Xian Wu reached out and grabbed Shen Ming's neck, then lifted him up with one hand.

"Aunt... ahem... uncle, you... ahem... you didn't even ask me." Shen Ming was so depressed that his face turned purple, his hands and feet kept flying waste, and he looked like he was about to die.

"Brother-in-law, stop!" Just when the two were about to be strangled to death, Shen Hong suddenly arrived and slapped Xian Wu on the back with a golden flame palm.

Xian Wu did not dare to resist, so he let go of Shen Ming and Shen Fei, turned around and slapped Shen Hong in the face.

boom! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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