Chapter 183
After exchanging blows with Shen Hong, Xian Wu was knocked back a few meters away.

Although Xian Wu's soul power was higher than Shen Hong's, and his physical strength reached the black gold level, he still used Tiger Palm.

Although Shen Hong was slightly inferior to Xian Wu in terms of soul power and his physical strength was as strong as black gold, what he hit was a flaming palm.

Shen Hong has been trapped in the Black Gold Peak Demon Spirit Master for many years. Like Ye Zong, in order to break through to the legendary level, he chose to practice both soul and martial arts.

The best martial skill of the Holy Family is the Flame Palm inherited from their family. Shen Hong is very talented and has already cultivated to the Golden Flame Palm realm.

Flame Palm is a legendary soul martial skill, while Tiger Attack Palm is the most basic Qi martial skill. The levels of the two martial arts are quite different.

Moreover, the power of Shen Hong's Golden Flame Palm has reached the black gold level and has the ability to melt steel and make iron. It is understandable that Xian Wu suffered a disadvantage.

"Golden Lion Armor!!!" Xian Wu was furious and put on a layer of golden plate armor all over his body, with a huge sword wheel hanging on his back.

Shen Hong did not dare to be careless and summoned the demon spirit and divine fire Kunpeng to transform into a monster with an eagle head and body.

The audience who were about to leave were suddenly attracted by the fighting on the rostrum. The fighting was more intense off the field than on the field. It was really strange.

Seeing that Xian Wu was about to fight with the members of the Holy Family, Huyan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian, Nie Li and others all ran to help in the fight.

The genius match was originally organized by the Sacred Family. The referees and staff were all members of the Sacred Family. Seeing that their Patriarch was fighting with others, they rushed over one after another, surrounded Xian Wu and the people who helped him in the battle, and their swords were on edge. .

"Brother-in-law! If you have something to say, why bother using a knife or a gun?" Shen Hong opened his eagle mouth and spoke human words.

Most of the martial arts arena in the west of the city were members of his holy family. Even with Ye Zong's support, he would not show mercy.

Shen Ming coughed violently for a while, got up and reported, "Master, my uncle is interested in your daughter-in-law and insists on breaking off the engagement."

Although he was very clean and Xian Wu won the game and saved his life, he was still a member of the Holy Family and had to stand on the family's side.

"You fart!" Shen Ming's words made Xian Wu's nostrils smoke. "Obviously you guys tricked me into dealing with Xiao Ning'er, and won the genius battle with despicable means." When Shen Ming said this, he became a bully. Are men dominating women?
Shen Hong didn't take it seriously. He motioned for Shen Ming to take Shen Fei away and said, "Cheating? What my brother-in-law said is a bit too much!"

"You and my sister Shen Xiu are already engaged, so stop thinking about other women. Let's do this. Tomorrow your wedding will be arranged together with Shen Fei's wedding. What do you think, brother-in-law?" Shen Hong said with a sharp hawk. With his eyes, he scanned the people of the Haozhen family.

Nie Li stood on tiptoes and whispered a few words to Xian Wu.

Xian Wu gritted his teeth, disarmed himself, nodded and smiled: "Okay, just do as my uncle said, and we will have a double happiness tomorrow!"

A good man does not suffer immediate losses. If a fight breaks out, he is not afraid of hurting Nie Li, Ye Ziyun and others.

"This is the right thing! After I finish organizing Fei'er's wedding tomorrow, I'll go have a wedding with you and your sister." Shen Hong released the possession.

He smiled and patted Xian Wu's shoulder, and found that Xian Wu's shoulders were strong and powerful, and his strength had reached the black gold level.

Shen Hong was secretly frightened. No wonder he could receive a golden flame palm from himself without being hurt. If they really had to fight, he might not be able to win!
"Let's Zhang Fei eat enoki mushrooms - see you tomorrow!"

The people from the Holy Family who had previously surrounded the Haozhen Family dispersed like a tide, making way for Xian Wu.

They felt the terrifying aura emanating from Xian Wu. If they offended him, they would definitely die ugly.

After listening to Xian Wu's words, Shen Hong scratched his head and muttered in confusion: "Who is Zhang Fei? What is Enoki mushroom?"


Returning to the Haozhen family, Xian Wu rushed into Shen Xiu's bedroom and stripped her completely naked.Shen Xiu was too tired last night and slept in a daze until noon. She was suddenly pulled up roughly and she was completely confused.

"Xian...Xian Wu, you...what are you doing? Let...let me go! Ah!" Xian Wu, who was like a beast, frightened Shen Xiu.

Soon Shen Xiu's shrill screams were heard in the room, and Huyan Lanruo silently closed the door to prevent the family scandal from being publicized.

Having been with Xian Wu for a long time, Huyan Lanruo knew very clearly that Xian Wu was angry, very, very angry.

Ouyang Tiantian, who was not dealing with Huyan Lanruo, rarely came over and asked worriedly: "Second sister, Shen Xiu won't be killed, right?"

Xian Wu looked like a madman, like a beast that wanted to eat people, and he could do something impulsive.

"No!" Huyan Lanruo waved her hand. Although Xian Wu was angry, he was not angry enough to kill someone.

Xian Wu is the future city lord appointed by the legendary demon spiritual master Ye Mo. If he kills people rashly in the city, his good future will be ruined.

Hu Yanlanruo believed that Xian Wu would not lose big because of small things, and there was no grass anywhere in the world, so why should he fall in love with a flower unrequitedly.

At night, the lights come on.

Shen Xiu slumped on the bed like a puddle of mud, her breathing was weak, her whole body was shaking and twitching, foaming at the mouth, and her eyes rolled up.

"Huh! Brother pays his debts, and there is no good person in the Holy Family. I will not let you die, I will torture you." Xian Wu opened Shen Xiu's slightly red and swollen mouth and stuffed a nine-cup Zhuan Dan, the art of running guidance, helped her take it.

After leaving the room, Xian Wu sent Wo Diaochang and his sister Wo Xueshen to guard the door, preventing Shen Xiu from leaving the room.

After informing Yang Xin's eldest son, Xian Wu unfolded his wind and thunder wings and disappeared into the thick night.

"Any woman who wants to touch me, I will let you know my Xian Wu's methods today!" Xian Wu thought angrily as he flew.


At dawn, the pterosaur family.

"Go away! Don't put that dirty thing on my head!" Xiao Ning'er pushed away the mother-in-law holding the phoenix crown and the maid holding Xiapei.

The woman had a black mole on the corner of her mouth. She was specially sent by the Holy Family to paint Xiao Ning'er's eyebrows and hair and help her dress up as a bride.

The other maid was from the Pterodactyl family. She begged hard: "Miss, please don't embarrass us two servants. The time is coming soon. If we don't dress you up, the adults will punish us."

The wedding is expected to be held at dusk, and there is still day time. The reason why the Holy Family puts on their makeup in advance is because they want to carry the eight-carriage sedan and walk around the entire Glorious City to impress all the people in the city. Everyone knew that Shen Fei was going to marry Xiao Ning'er.

"..." Xiao Ning'er bit her lip after hearing what the maid said. She was very kind at heart and didn't want to hurt innocent people.

Seeing Xiao Ning'er's hesitation, the maid quickly hit the snake on the stick and started to dress Xiao Ning'er up.

But when she was wearing the phoenix crown, Xiao Ning'er still couldn't accept it and slapped her away.

"Niece Ning'er, don't be ridiculous. Don't you care about your father's life or death?" Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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