The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 184 Xiao Yi forced marriage

Chapter 184 Xiao Yi forced marriage
Xiao Yi walked into Xiao Ning'er's boudoir with her hands behind her back, a faint smile on her face, Xiao Ning'er must get married today.

"Niece Ning'er, if you don't care about your father's life or death, you can leave the Pterodactyl Family now, and I won't stop you."

Xiao Yi knew Xiao Ning'er's character. This child had been filial to her parents and valued family ties since she was a child. Xiao Yunfeng was her weakness.

As long as Xiao Yunfeng is firmly in his hands, Xiao Ning'er will definitely obey.

"Xiao Yi, what did you do to my father!" Xiao Ning'er stood up from the dressing table and summoned the Thunder Demon Wind Weasel, furious.

After the game yesterday, she was secretly monitored by Xiao Yi and the people from the Holy Family.

In order to help her leave, her father Xiao Yunfeng led his cronies to fight with Xiao Yi, and was eventually defeated and captured.

The Holy Family gave Xiao Yi a large amount of money to bribe the elders of the family, and the entire Pterodactyl Family was controlled by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Ning'er suddenly summoned a demon spirit to possess her, which shocked Xiao Yi. This little girl dared to attack him. He was at the black gold level.

"Presumptuous! How dare you disrespect your elders!" Xiao Yi summoned a golden pterosaur demon spirit to possess him, trying to suppress Xiao Ning'er.

Although he didn't know how Xiao Ning'er recovered her soul power, she was always at the gold level and was no match for him.

"Bang!" Xiao Ning'er and Xiao Yi used the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Palms at the same time, and Xiao Yi, who was full of confidence, was directly blasted out of the door.

Xiao Yi underestimated the enemy, and only used [-]% of his strength, but he didn't expect to be directly sent flying.

" actually got promoted to the black gold level?" Xiao Yi's face was filled with shock. How could she get promoted so fast!
Xiao Ning'er rushed out of the door, grabbed Xiao Yi's collar, lifted him up with one hand, and said angrily: "Let my father go!"

She didn't expect that Xiao Yi, a black-gold level demon spiritual master, could be so rubbish, and was sent flying by her palm.

"You can let Xiao Yunfeng go, but you must marry into the Holy Family." When death was about to happen, Xiao Yi was still stubborn.

A genius like Xiao Ning'er must not stay in the Pterodactyl Family, otherwise he will never be the head of the Pterodactyl Family.

A 13-year-old black gold level demon spiritualist, she is more talented than Lord Ye Mo and second only to that demon Xian Wu.

With her in the Holy Family, Xiao Yunfeng's status will be as stable as Mount Tai, and all the elders combined cannot shake his status.

Xiao Ning'er gritted her silver teeth and widened her almond-shaped eyes as she threatened: "I will never marry into the Holy Family. I am Xian Wu's woman. Even if I die, I will die with him. Let him go quickly." My father, otherwise I will destroy you now."

Xiao Yi, a thief who cheated on others, usually only acted arrogantly, but actually colluded with outsiders to harm the family.

"Destroy me? A toad eats garlic - you have a bad tone." Xiao Yi snorted coldly and broke free from the restraints easily.

Before Xiao Ning'er was born, he was already a black gold demon spiritual master. How could he be afraid of the threat of a newly promoted black gold master?

"Bang!" Xiao Yi and Xiao Ning'er exchanged palms again. This time, Xiao Ning'er was knocked back into the room, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.

Xiao Yi stood with his hands behind his hands and said proudly: "You will shine brightly if I give you some sunshine. Are you really treating yourself as a dish? Today you have to marry whether you want to marry or not. What are you two doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up? Dress up, Miss, the people from the Sacred Family will come to pick you up soon!"

"Here!" The maid and the mother-in-law responded at the same time. The maid helped Xiao Ning'er up, and the mother-in-law put a phoenix crown on her.

Xiao Ning'er still wanted to struggle, but Xiao Yi shot directly and hit Xiao Ning'er's acupuncture points, making her unable to move. "Xiao Yi, I can marry you, but don't hurt my father, otherwise I will never let you go!" Xiao Ning'er shouted.

At this point, she could only compromise temporarily.As soon as she gets the chance, she runs away.If she couldn't escape, she would bite her tongue and kill herself.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Who do you think I am, Xiao Yi? Xiao Yunfeng is my half-brother, how could I kill him? Our family has made a bet with the Shen family. Since If you lose, you have to fulfill the contract and you can’t break your promise.”

How could he kill Xiao Yunfeng?After killing Xiao Yunfeng, Xiao Ning'er will not fight for him in the future, he just wants to be the head of the family.

"Xiao Yunfeng ignored the family's reputation and made a big mistake by letting you leave without permission. After completing your marriage to Shen Fei, I will convene a meeting of family elders to impeach Xiao Yunfeng. He is not worthy of continuing to be the head of the Wing Dragon Family." Xiao Yi stroked his beard and said.

The nine elders of the Yilong family were bribed by him. Impeaching Xiao Yunfeng was just a formality. The important thing was that he wanted to be the head of the family.

After seeing the maid and the mother-in-law put a phoenix crown on Xiao Ning'er and put a red hijab on her head, Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction and turned around to leave.

"You two, keep an eye on the young lady. Don't make any mistakes before the Holy Family picks her up. If there are any mistakes, come to see me!" After leaving Xiao Ning'er's boudoir, Xiao Yi solemnly ordered someone outside the house. Two gold-level warriors guarding him.

"Here!" The two warriors cupped their fists and raised their spirits. Xiao Yi was famous for his ruthlessness, and they didn't want to die.

As soon as Xiao Yi left, Xian Wu climbed over the wall and entered Xiao Ning'er's courtyard, carrying a sack on his shoulder.

The two golden warriors' eyes were dull, like wooden figures, and they allowed Xian Wu to carry the sack and pass by.

"Who?" Xiao Ning'er's heart tightened when she heard the door open, fearing that Shen Fei would come and molest her.

Because she was wearing a red hijab and the sea of ​​souls was sealed, Xiao Ning'er couldn't see clearly and couldn't feel the scene inside the house.

In the boudoir, the maid and the mother-in-law were also stunned, standing motionless as if they had not seen anything.

Xian Wu put down the sack, stretched his neck, and said with a smile: "Beautiful girl, your fiancé is here to take you home."

"Is it you, Shen Fei?" Xiao Ning'er's heart skipped a beat, wondering what she was afraid of. "Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll bite my tongue and commit suicide!"

If Xiao Yi hadn't tapped her acupuncture points to make her unable to move, she would have kicked Shen Fei's bile out.

"Shen Fei? Is there any mistake? I am your fiancé, okay!" Xian Wu lifted Xiao Ning'er's hijab. Xiao Ning'er, with her phoenix crown and garland, was so beautiful that she looked like a fairy who stepped out of a painting.

At this moment, Xian Wu's breathing was stagnant, his pupils were dilated, his breathing was rapid, and his soul was throbbing like never before.

"Brother Wu???"

Xiao Ning'er looked at the man in black in disbelief. She blinked rapidly, thinking that she was overthinking and hallucinating.

The passionate kiss that followed made Xiao Ning'er understand that everything in front of her was not an illusion.

After untying Xiao Ning'er's acupuncture points, Xian Wu held her tightly in his arms, stroking her jade back and comforting her: "Ning'er, don't be afraid, Brother Wu is here to save you..."

(End of this chapter)

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