Chapter 185
In Xian Wu's warm embrace, Xiao Ning'er felt inexplicably at ease. Thinking of what happened in the morning, she bit Xian Wu's earlobe angrily.

"Damn Xian Wu! Stinky Xian Wu! If you hadn't competed in some guessing game, I wouldn't have lost." Xiao Ning'er muttered angrily.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Xian Wu almost couldn't hold back his laughter: "Why do I think that you lose faster if you don't guess punches!"

He clearly said that he was going to pull out a rock, but Xiao Ning'er foolishly pulled out a pair of scissors. I don't know what she was thinking.

"No! I'm very good at playing backgammon. I can definitely beat you. If you don't believe me, let's give it a try." Xiao Ning'er looked unwilling to admit defeat.

Recalling the scene when she was dominated by Ye Ziyun in backgammon when she was a child, Xiao Ning'er regretted it as soon as she finished speaking.

Faced with Xiao Ning'er's provocation, Xian Wu just smiled and said, "Time is running out. Take off your clothes quickly. We have to leave immediately."

I am quite familiar with Xiao Ning'er's character of refusing to admit defeat. Now is not the time to play backgammon, so I have to run away quickly.

Seeing Xian Wu touching her here and there, Xiao Ning'er did not resist, but closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

"You two, put Shen Yue into the bridal clothes, hurry up!" Xian Wu took off Xiao Ning'er's coat and threw it to his mother-in-law.

Xian Wu untied the sack he had brought, and lying inside was Shen Yue who had snatched Xiao Ning'er's seat.

While Xiao Ning'er took out new clothes from the space ring and put them on, she looked at Shen Yue with confusion as she was being manipulated like a doll.

"Brother Wu, what did you do to them? Why do they listen to you like this?" Xiao Ning'er waved her hand in front of Shen Yue.

Facing Xiao Ning'er's temptation, Shen Yue remained motionless, staring at his big eyes which were slightly inferior to Zhang Ming's, expressionless.

Xian Wu put the sack into the space ring and explained: "They have all fallen under my spell and can be controlled by me in a short period of time."

The greater the difference in soul power between the person who has been charmed and his soul, the longer the time of being charmed. The principle is similar to that of sexual transformation.

Soon the maid and the mother-in-law put the bridal clothes on Shen Yue. Except for her breasts and hips, Shen Yue's figure was similar to Xiao Ning'er.

"Ning'er, come here, my husband will do a trick for you!" Xian Wu put his arms around Xiao Ning'er's shoulders, and then showed his affection to the bride Shen Yue.

He originally didn't want to persecute Shen Yue, but both Shen Ning and Shen Xiao were severely injured by Xiao Ning'er, so they couldn't bear this important task.

Although Shen Yue was only bronze, the Holy Family was heavily guarded and had many masters. It took him a long time to get Shen Yue out.

People with higher levels of charm consume more soul power. It was dark and cloudy last night, so most of the time was spent on restoring soul power.

Xiao Ning'er shyly hugged Xian Wuhu's waist. She was not an easy girl. She had a very strict upbringing and was not as open-minded as Huyan Lanruo.

She opened her beautiful big eyes, looked up at Xian Wu, then turned to look at Shen Yue, and asked curiously: "What trick?"

As soon as Xiao Ning'er finished speaking, Shen Yue changed drastically. His skin was as white as snow and could be broken by a blow, his chest was bulging, and his buttocks were raised.

"This... this, this..." Looking at Shen Yue, whose figure and appearance were even more perfect than hers, Xiao Ning'er was dumbfounded in surprise.

She let go of Xian Wu and approached Shen Yue curiously. It was so realistic!
Xian Wu pursed his lips, Xiao Ning'er's unseen appearance was really funny: "Okay!"

Pulling Xiao Ning'er away from Shen Yue, Xian Wu ordered the maid and mother-in-law to help her sit down in front of the dressing table and cover her with a red hijab.

"Shen Yue, do your best to cooperate with the Holy Family's team to welcome the bride, and don't let them see any flaws." Xian Wu ordered.

The person who is charmed will completely obey the orders of the charmer. Even if they are told to die, they will commit suicide immediately without hesitation. "Follow your my best..." Shen Yue agreed dully, his self-awareness completely sealed.

Xian Wu picked up Xiao Ning'er in a princess hug and said with a smile: "Let's go, my husband will take you home, away from this place of right and wrong."

"Brother Wu, can you bring my father with you? He is under house arrest by Xiao Yi. Please~" Xiao Ning'er looked pitiful.

Her grandfather was the best to her in the pterosaur family, but he passed away, leaving only her father who was kind to her.

Although Xiao Yunfeng had always ignored her in the early years, she was very moved when he took action against Xiao Yi to help her escape from marriage.

This incident made her understand that her father still loved her deeply, but he was not good at expressing it. As the saying goes, father's love is like a mountain.

Her life experience is very similar to that of Ye Ziyun. Both lost their mothers when they were young. She has already lost her mother and does not want to lose her father again.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Xian Wu frowned and asked, "Then do you know where your father is being held?"

Seeing Xiao Ning'er shaking her head, Xian Wu was speechless. Where did the huge pterosaur family ask him to go to find Ning'er's father?

"Let's do this. I'll take you back to the Haozhen family first, and then I'll come and save your father. What do you think?" Xian Wu asked.

Xiao Ning'er smiled bitterly. She was already a black gold level demon spiritual master, but she was still a burden in Xian Wu's eyes.

She thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "Okay, I'll do as you say."

"Yeah!" Xian Wu hugged Xiao Ning'er, walked out of the backyard, summoned the wind and thunder wings, and used Thunder God's Fury to instantly leave the Pterodactyl Family.

It only took a few minutes from arriving at the Pterodactyl Family to leaving the Pterodactyl Family.

Therefore, after dispelling the charm of the maid and the two guards, they did not notice any obvious abnormality.

Looking at "Xiao Ning'er" sitting quietly in front of the dressing table, the mother-in-law whispered: "It seems that your young lady has figured it out."

The maid nodded, so what if she didn't agree?He couldn't beat him again and again, but his father was still in someone's hand.

At the end of the night, dawn began to rise, and a red sun peeked out from behind the high mountain peaks, and the sunlight shone into the canyon of the Glory City.

"Niece Ning'er, the bride-to-be from the Holy Family is here, let's get on the sedan chair." Xiao Yi put his hands behind his back and smiled broadly.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, "Xiao Ning'er" slowly stood up and slowly walked out of the boudoir with the support of the maid and mother-in-law.

Xiao Yi stroked his goatee and was very satisfied with Xiao Ning'er's performance. The acupoints untied themselves without running away. It seemed that she cared about her father very much.However, the more she cared about Xiao Yunfeng, the less she could stay in the Winged Dragon Family, which would prevent him from taking the position of head of the family.

Escorting Xiao Ning'er out of the small courtyard, out of the gate of the Wing Dragon Family's mansion, and boarded the eight-carriage sedan of the Holy Family, Xiao Yi's hanging heart was finally relieved.

After sending Xiao Ning'er away, Xiao Yi shook his head, hummed a tune, and came to the cell where Xiao Yunfeng was imprisoned.

"Brother, I have already sent Ning'er's niece away for you, so don't worry." Xiao Yi smiled evilly, "You have to suffer here for a few days. After Ning'er's niece's wedding is over and the family meeting is held, I will let you go." You come out."

"Xiao Yi, you thief, you must die a good death!" Xiao Yunfeng grabbed the railing, his eyes cracked.

Facing Xiao Yunfeng's insults, Xiao Yi did not feel dissatisfied. The deal was already done. No matter how much Xiao Yunfeng scolded him, he could not change what was about to happen.

However, why were his eyes full of anger and unwillingness just now, but now they were full of sympathy?crazy?
(End of this chapter)

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