Chapter 186

Looking at Xiao Yi who was frozen into an ice sculpture by Xian Wu, Xiao Yunfeng was very relieved. If God wants him to perish, he will definitely make him go crazy. This is retribution.

"Uncle Xiao, do you know where the cell key is?" Xian Wu searched Xiao Yi's body but couldn't find the cell key.

Those responsible for guarding the cell were all warriors. None of them could resist his charm, and they all turned into puppets.

Xiao Yunfeng pointed to Xiao Yi's space ring and asked, "Isn't it here? If not, it should be at the guard's place."

When fighting Xiao Yi, he was knocked unconscious. When he woke up, he found that he was sent to a cell.

As for the key to the cell, he had never seen it once after being locked up for so long. He didn't know where it was exactly.

"Come here and use the key to open the cell door!" Xian Wu ordered the two guards standing at the cell door.

He took off Xiao Yi's space ring and put his soul power into it, but found no key or even a key-shaped object.

The guards walked around like robots, and then reported in unison: "There is no... key."

"Trash, what use do you have!" Xian Wu cursed angrily, turned to Xiao Yunfeng and said: "Get out of the way, I will destroy it violently."

Xian Wu summoned the painted halberd, a soul soldier that had been eating dirt in the soul sea, and cut the iron chain into two pieces with one blow.

He is already a demon spiritual master at the peak level of black gold, so the power of the soul weapon painted halberd has reached the peak level of legend, cutting iron like clay.

"Bang bang! Bang bang!" The handcuffs and shackles were all cut off by Xian Wu, and Xiao Yunfeng, who was free again, moved his wrists and ankles.

"Thank you, nephew, for the rescue." Xiao Yunfeng, who was dressed in dirty prison clothes, cupped his hands at Xian Wugong and asked worriedly: "I wonder if Ning'er..."

Since Xian Wu knew that he was imprisoned by Xiao Yi, he must have met Ning'er, and no one except Xiao Yi and others knew about it.

"Uncle, don't worry, Ning'er has been rescued by me, and the person sitting on the sedan chair of the Holy Family is the substitute I arranged." Xian Wu replied.

I really look forward to the scene when Shen Fei lifts the hijab and discovers that the bride is Shen Yue. The expression must be quite exciting, right?

"It's good that Ning'er is fine, it's fine that she's fine." Xiao Yunfeng muttered while inputting his soul power into the ice sculpture to unseal Xiao Yi.

Before Xiao Yi could recover, Xiao Yunfeng slapped him on the back of the head, violently destroying Xiao Yi's soul sea.

"Ah!!! My head hurts so much, my head is about to burst-" Xiao Yi covered his head and rolled on the ground.

He wanted to mobilize the soul sea, but he couldn't sense it. He wanted to summon demon spirits, but it was even more impossible. His soul sea was destroyed!
Xiao Yunfeng stared at Xiao Yi on the ground and said with hatred: "Xiao Yi, you have harmed the family by marrying outsiders. You deserve death."

He had shown mercy only by destroying Xiao Yi's soul, but if he had been the head of another family, he would have killed him to avoid future troubles.

"My dear nephew, can you please do my uncle a favor?" Xiao Yunfeng turned to Xian Wu and begged with his fists clasped in his hands after Xiao Yi was dealt with.

Xian Wu nodded and replied with a smile: "Of course, Ning'er is my true love, and you will be my future father-in-law."

After he eradicates the big cancer of the Holy Family from the Glory City, he will marry Xiao Ning'er and have a lot of children.

"Good son-in-law!" Xiao Yunfeng patted Xian Wu on the shoulder, put the snake-beating stick on his stick, and said with a smile: "Come, come with me to clear out the Pterodactyl Family!"

With Xian Wu as a powerful thug, Xiao Yi's life-and-death accomplices dared to blow up their hair, and he was completely crippled one by one.

"Wait a minute, the Holy Family will find Ning'er's substitute sooner or later, and I suddenly have a good idea." Xian Wu looked at Xiao Yi.

I saw two red cherry blossoms that were constantly rotating in his eyes, and then Xiao Yi stopped howling and got up like a puppet.Xian Wu glared at Xiao Yi with his cherry eyes while ordering: "Go to the wedding banquet of the Holy Family. After paying homage, reveal that the bride is Shen Yue, a man disguised as a woman. He laughed at Shen Hong and then said that you planned this. All for the purpose of humiliating the Holy Family."

"Understood!" Xiao Yi nodded dullly, then followed the turn and walked out of the cell.

Xiao Yunfeng asked worriedly: "Is it okay to let him go alone? Will Xiao Yi wake up on the way to the Sacred Family?"

If Xiao Yi wakes up midway and goes to the Holy Family to file a complaint, Ning'er's situation will be in danger and it will also affect Xian Wu's career.

"No problem!" Xian Wu waved his hand, "It's better not to send people to follow. The Holy Family will definitely be furious and hurt innocent people."

After sending Xiao Yi away, Xian Wu protected Xiao Yunfeng and eliminated the elders who had betrayed the family one by one.


At dusk, hundreds of birds return to the forest and the sky is filled with red clouds.The Holy Family was buzzing with gongs and drums, and was very lively, and everywhere was filled with joy.

"One bow, heaven and earth - two bows, high hall - husband and wife, bow to each other - send into, cave..." The ceremony was suddenly interrupted.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I have something to say!" Xiao Yi stood up from his seat, pointed at the bride and said, "The bride is Shen Yue!"

Fake?The proud Shen Fei felt like he was struck by lightning. He rashly took off the bride's hijab and found that it was Shen Yue.

Seeing Shen Yue with a shy face, all the guests present fell silent, and the entire auditorium fell into a deathly silence.

What the hell, isn't Shen Hong's son married to Xiao Ning'er from the Winged Dragon family? How come they are Shen Hong's two sons?
Treating everyone like monkeys?Damn it, refund the money, refund our share of the money!

The Holy Family is so greedy. Yesterday, they made a lot of money from the genius battle, and today they are still trying to make some money. It's shameless!
All the whispers of the guests were heard by Shen Hong. He was at the black gold level and could even hear the sound of ants walking.

"That's enough!" Shen Hong's old face was so gloomy that water dripped from his face. He slammed the chair and asked, "Xiao Yi, what's going on?"

Xiao Yi crossed his arms and said expressionlessly: "I planned all this, what can you do to me? Shen Hong, you are such a big fool, you actually let your two sons get married, you are really laughing to death. I am If you want to humiliate the Holy Family, what can you do to me?"

"Death!" Faced with Xiao Yi's ridicule, Shen Hong could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and pierced Xiao Yi's chest with a flaming palm.

Shen Hong was so angry that he didn't even notice that Xiao Yi didn't even run away or resist.

"Everyone." Shen Hong suppressed his anger, cupped his fists and raised his hands to the guests present, and said in a cold voice: "Xiao Yi deserves it for insulting my holy family. When the city lord comes later, please be my witness."

"no problem!"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Forced by Shen Hong's power, everyone had no choice but to agree. You must know that he is the third greatest master in Glory City, second only to Ye Zong and Ye Mo in strength.

Now he is so angry that his head is dizzy and his eyes are red, and no one wants to get into trouble with this.


Haozhen family.

Sensing that the soul power attached to Xiao Yi had disappeared, Xian Wu frowned, then regained his composure and continued to entertain the guests with the wine pot. Today was not only Shen Fei and Shen Yue's wedding, but also his and Shen Xiu's wedding. .

The wine is almost gone, and it’s time for him to enter the bridal chamber...

(End of this chapter)

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