Chapter 187
In the early morning of the next day, Shen Hong brought a large group of people from the Sacred Family to the door, and surrounded the Pterosaur Family tightly.

In the living room, Shen Hong was sitting on the teacher's chair, his face was as gloomy as charcoal, his beard and hair were calm, and he was very angry.

"Xiao Yi and Xiao Ning'er have caused this great humiliation to our Holy Family. Xiao Yunfeng must give me an explanation." Shen Hong said coldly.

The fact that he held a wedding for his two sons has spread in the City of Glory, and their holy family has become a laughing stock.

What's even more hateful is that this morning, he discovered that those two losers actually slept in the same bed, shamelessly!
Xiao Yunfeng sat in the main seat and said expressionlessly: "Master Shen Hong, everything was planned by Xiao Yi, and I didn't know anything about it!"

He had heard what happened last night from his friends, and just as Xian Wu arranged, Xiao Yi took everything into his own hands.

"What a complete ignorance! Xiao Yi is also the elder of your pterosaur family, how can you get rid of the involvement." Shen Hong snorted coldly.

Recalling what happened yesterday, Xiao Yi's state was extremely abnormal. A normal person would definitely run away when faced with his attack.

But Xiao Yi stood there, motionless, as if he wanted to die.

His biggest dream is to become the head of the Winged Dragon Family. How could he harm the Holy Family that has been helping him?
Intuition told Shen Hong that something was wrong, Xiao Yi must have been controlled by someone using nightmare-type or spirit-type demon spirit combat skills.

The only people who could do such a thing were the Winged Dragon family and that little brat Xian Wu. Xiao Ning'er must have been hidden by them.

Faced with Shen Hong's pressing step by step, Xiao Yunfeng said neither humble nor overbearing: "Explain? You killed Elder Xiao Yi, and I haven't settled the score with you yet! Even if he committed a heinous crime and deserved to be punished, he should be arrested and punished by the City Lord's Mansion. , what authority do you have to execute him?"

The City Lord's Mansion has the final say in the entire Glory City. If it is just killing members of the family or servants, the City Lord's Mansion may not take care of it, but if it kills foreigners or elders of foreign races, the City Lord's Mansion will definitely take care of it.

Moreover, Xiao Yi is also a black gold-level demon spiritual master and the mainstay of the defense of Glory City. Killing him is tantamount to endangering Glory City.

"Xiao Yi deserves death. I won't pursue his case, but you must hand over Xiao Ning'er." Shen Hong conceded.

He has no reason to kill people rashly.Moreover, the time is not yet ripe, and he does not want to break up with that old Ye Zong yet.

Xiao Yunfeng accepted it and shrugged: "Xiao Yi was responsible for Ning'er's marriage. I was under house arrest by him at the time. I don't know where he got Ning'er. If there is any news about the Shen Hong family, please let me know. If you tell me, I will send people all over the city to search for you!"

Xiao Ning'er is now hiding in the Haozhen family. He is the only one in the entire Winged Dragon family who knows about it. He will never betray his daughter.

With Xian Wu's help, he wiped out the Yilong family and eliminated all Xiao Yi's followers in the sea of ​​souls.

Although the strength of the Pterodactyl Family has fallen to the ranks of aristocratic families, the current Pterodactyl Family is more united than ever before.

He promoted some young family members as new elders, and now the entire pterosaur family is following his lead.

Xian Wu's ability to control people is truly miraculous. Not only can he control people to act at will, but he can also make people reveal their true feelings.

"As a father, you don't know where Xiao Ning'er has gone? I don't believe it unless you let me search." Shen Hong pressed for further.

He knew that as the head of the family, no matter how weak Xiao Yunfeng was, he would not let the family be searched inside and out by outsiders.

If Xiao Yunfeng refused to allow the search, he would insist that Xiao Yunfeng hid Xiao Ning'er in the house, and then suppress the business of the Yilong Family.

The most important thing that the Holy Family lacked was money, and he wanted to use money to drive the Winged Dragon Family into desperation until they handed over Xiao Ning'er.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunfeng spread his hands and directly agreed to Shen Hong's request: "Search, search whatever you want! The ugly thing is the first thing to say. If something is broken or lost, you have to compensate according to the price. The boudoir of the women's family must be taken care of by your holy family. The female relatives came to search." The Winged Dragon Family is now greatly weakened and lacks funds for reconstruction, which is exactly what it takes to blackmail the Holy Family.

"Search!" Shen Hong slapped the table and ordered all the people of the Holy Family to start searching for the Pterodactyl Family.

He originally thought that Xiao Yunfeng would not let him search, but now that he was on the verge of searching, he had no choice but to search. Maybe Xiao Ning'er was really not here.

Since Xiao Ning'er is not in the Pterodactyl Family, she must be in the Haozhen Family. With that little brat's character, she will definitely not make friends with anyone.

Shen Xiu had spent two nights at Haozhen Family, and it was not known whether she had gotten the secret of the ancient treasure from Xian Wu.

After getting the ancient treasure, he will definitely be promoted to the legendary level. Then he will no longer have to worry about Ye Zong and can do whatever he wants.

Haozhen family.

Shen Xiu staggered, staggered and walked out of the room, and sneaked into the west wing.

After closing the door behind her back, Shen Xiu tiptoed around and found familiar clothes in the closet, smelling a familiar fragrance.

At Shenglan College, she had been Xiao Ning'er's tutor for two months, so she naturally knew what clothes she wore and what she smelled like.

"Okay, this little whore is indeed hiding in the Haozhen family. No wonder Xian Wu has been sneaking around all day long. It turns out to be the hidden beauty in the golden house."

Thinking of the heinous things Xian Wu had done to her, Shen Xiu's proud and delicate body couldn't stop trembling.

She felt like she was about to fall apart from the torture. If she didn't leave this place of right and wrong, she might lose her life one day.

She didn't want to be the first woman to be slept to death in the history of Glory City.

What frightened Shen Xiu the most was that after Xian Wu tossed her until she was breathless, he would forcibly feed her the Nine-Revolution Pill to restore her vitality.

"Xian Wu is simply a devil!" Shen Xiu gritted her teeth with hatred and quietly stuffed Xiao Ning'er's bellyband into her arms.

Although she said this, Shen Xiu had an inexplicable feeling for Xian Wu in her heart. When she opened and closed her eyes, all that came to her mind were Xian Wu's silver hair, her strong forearms, and her muscular waist. That……

After shaking her head, Shen Xiu took the evidence and exited Xiao Ning'er's room, preparing to hand it over to the people from the Sacred Family who came to practice in the Pyramid of Fire of the Haozhen Family.

"Golden egg!"

Shen Xiu, who was closing the door, was frightened by the sudden cry. When she looked back, she found a cute little yellow duck raising its head, staring at her with big watery eyes, looking at her curiously.

"Shh - don't scream, sister will give you snacks." Shen Xiu took out a few pieces of candied fruit from the space ring and threw them on the ground.

While Jin Dan's attention was attracted by the snacks, Shen Xiu strode back to the room.

"Bah! Bah!" Golden Egg spat out the unpalatable candied fruit and jumped and trampled on it.

At this moment, Xian Wu was returning from the martial arts arena, ready to take a rest, when he happened to find the golden egg in front of Xiao Ning'er's door...

(End of this chapter)

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