Chapter 188 Ready to go
"Hey! Golden Egg, what are you stepping on? Even if you don't like eating it, don't mess with it." Xian Wu came over while giving a lesson.

Bending down and touching Jindan's round, furry little melon, Xian Wu picked up a piece of preserved fruit and observed it.

Using the devil's left hand to decompose and synthesize the preserved fruit in his palm, he discovered that this kind of snack was not the daily supply of the Haozhen family.

The candied fruits, yellow melon seeds, chestnuts and walnuts of the Haozhen Family are all produced by the Shengming Family in the south of the Glory City.

In order to be able to eat delicious snacks anytime and anywhere, the fifteen phantom balls on the devil's left hand were all replaced by snack templates.

Therefore, he is very familiar with the structure of these snacks, and none of them look like the snacks in his hand.

He is not short of money. The snacks purchased by Haozhen Family are all premium grade, unlike the ones in the palm, which are dry, hard and small.

Xian Wu squatted on the ground, took out a soul-quenching pill from the space ring, and asked Jindan: "Who gave you these junk food?"

Jindan Zhu Bajie swallowed the soul-quenching pill as eagerly as a ginseng fruit, then licked his lips, opened his golden mouth and pointed.

"What a greedy guy. From now on, I won't call you Golden Egg, but Golden Pig." Looking at the dissatisfied Golden Egg, Xian Wu smiled helplessly, took out the big wine gourd from the space ring, and put A gourd of soul-quenching pills was poured into Jin Dan's little mouth.

Golden Egg raised its little wings and hugged the big wine gourd, drinking the soul-quenching pill like a drunkard.

Not long after, a gourd of soul-quenching pills was poured into the bottomless pit of golden eggs.

Golden Egg's body suddenly expanded. It used to be like a basketball, but now it is as high as his knees when he stands up straight.

The plump golden egg jumped so high that it landed on Xian Wu's shoulder, and its sharp little claws made Xian Wu grin.

"Can you tell me now who feeds you these snacks?" Xian Wu asked, looking at the golden egg bigger than his own head.

With the golden egg standing on his shoulders, he felt as if he had an extra head. The scene was indescribably weird and terrifying.

Although Xian Wu wanted to put the golden egg on top of his head as usual, it would look better that way.

But considering the sharp little melon seeds of Jindan, he was afraid that this little guy would play Mei Chaofeng and make a few holes in his skull.

I don’t know what kind of monster Golden Egg is, but in its cub stage, its claws can break through his black-gold level physical defense.

"Golden egg! Golden egg!" The golden egg raised its small wings and pointed towards a row of neatly arranged north rooms.

There are five main rooms in the north room in the fourth courtyard. From left to right, Ouyang Tiantian, Yang Xin, himself, Huyan Lanruo and Shen Xiu live there. Xiao Ning'er currently lives in the west wing.The direction the golden egg wings point to is the room where Shen Xiu lives.

"It turns out to be Shen Xiu's Bichi." Xian Wu touched his chin and then thought about it, "What was she doing in the west wing?"

Xian Wu suspected that Shen Xiu had discovered that Xiao Ning'er was hiding in the Haozhen family. After all, the two lived not far apart and were in the same courtyard.

"Shen Xiu, this bitch, still has the energy to sneak around. It seems that fucking her is not hard enough." Xian Wu's eyes turned cold.

Pulling the obstructing golden egg off his shoulder, Xian Wu threw a soul-quenching pill in the direction of the martial arts arena to lure it away.

After dismissing the golden egg, Xian Wu strode to Shen Xiu's room without saying hello and just opened the door and entered.

At this time, Shen Xiu was covering his head with a quilt, pretending to be asleep, feeling very anxious and uneasy. Only Xian Wu in the entire Haozhen family dared to open the door like this.

Xian Wu grabbed Shen Xiu's quilt and threw it off, pinched her chin, and asked, "Are you feeling bored?" "What... what's wrong? What do you mean by that, I I've been wearing it in the bedroom all the time, and I haven't gone anywhere, really!" Shen Xiu pouted, staring at her big innocent eyes, her heart beating like a frightened deer.

Could it be that Xian Wu already knew that she had been to Xiao Ning'er's bedroom? It was impossible. No one saw her when she left!
Xian Wu let go of Shen Xiu's chin and curled his lips impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, summon the flaming demon fox to possess you, I'm going to do it."

He would not leave Shen Xiu's room today unless he exhausted all of Shen Xiu's energy and exhausted her into a dead dog.

Now that she has discovered it, he no longer hides it. He tires her to death every day to see how she gets to Gaomi.

After entering the martial arts field in the courtyard, Hu Yanba sat on the golden mat, drinking wine and looking up at the sun.

"It's already tea time. Why hasn't that little guy Xian Wu come back? I'll go take a look." Hu Yanba stood up.

Hu Yanba raised his buttocks, and the golden egg underneath seemed to be amnesty. He twisted his round body, flapped his wings, and ran away like crazy.

Hu Yanba usually stayed in the third courtyard, and rarely went to the fourth courtyard, which was Xian Wu's inner residence, which was very inconvenient.

When I go to Sijin Yard, I usually give some delicious things to my precious granddaughter, and then leave without stopping.

As soon as he passed through the porch, Hu Yanba keenly heard the woman's scream of ecstasy. He coughed dryly and his face suddenly turned red.

As Hu Yanba exited the courtyard, he said angrily, "I knew it! That boy Xian Wu must have stopped doing business again!"

The battle lasted until noon. Even if Huyan Lanruo and Ouyang Tiantian came to call Xian Wu for lunch, he did not come out.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Xian Wu finally walked out of the room.

In the room, Shen Xiu collapsed on the bed and fell into a semi-conscious state. Even the maid wiped her with a wet towel, but she didn't wake up.

After eating something hastily, Xian Wu left the mansion and went to Nie Li to discuss hunting legendary monsters.

Being stuck at the Black Gold Peak was no solution, so Xian Wu decided to take the initiative and cause trouble for the three legendary monsters sleeping in the Saint Ancestor Mountains.According to records, they are the Howling Moon Wolf King, the One-eyed Demon Ape and the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard.

As long as he swallows five more legendary monsters, he can break through to the peak of the legendary level and become the true master of the Glory City.

He has been promoted to the peak of the legendary level, and the soul weapon and halberd can be promoted to the peak of the spiritual god level, and he can destroy whoever he wants to destroy.

Without even thinking about it, that old pervert Nie Li must be harassing Ye Ziyun in the Water Pyramid.

"What's the matter?" Nie Li followed Xian Wu to the lounge with a displeased look on his face. Such a rare world between the two of them was disturbed.

Xian Wu said bluntly: "I'm going to hunt the legendary monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains. Do you have any suggestions?"

Before setting off, ask Nie Li, a max-level boss, to avoid any disadvantages.

"Suggestions? What advice can I give you if you go and die? Do you want to advise you not to die?" Nie Li did not think that the current Xian Wu could challenge the legendary monsters. He would only be able to feed others.

"You're looking down on me?" Xian Wu summoned the Soul Weapon Painted Halberd from the Soul Sea and showed his trump card to Nie Li. "How about it? With it here, I won't have any problem challenging monsters below the legendary peak."

(End of this chapter)

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