Chapter 189 Purple Soul Sea

Looking at the halberd of the Soul Soldier, which was full of light and murderous intent, Nie Li's eyes revealed a look of envy: "What a handsome Soul Soldier!"

"I also have a soul weapon." Nie Li clenched his fists, frowned, and a pair of black fists appeared out of thin air.

The punch is similar to the finger tiger. There are several holes in the iron plate that can pass through the fingers. One end is smooth and the other end is equipped with sharp spikes.

The jab is about the same size as a fist and is very effective in street fighting. It is suitable for fighting in tight spaces.

Without a specific area, the combat effectiveness of punches and stabs will be greatly reduced, and their practicality is not as good as swords, guns, swords and crossbows, and almost no one likes to use them.

Xian Wu looked at Nie Li holding a pair of small fists in his hands, and couldn't help but taunted: "Does this thing of yours deserve to be called a soul soldier? It's rubbish."

"Why are you talking to your adoptive father, kid? No matter how big or small!" Nie Li raised his fist and stared at his big eyes.

Ever since Xian Wu practiced at a higher level than him, he became more and more presumptuous. At the same level, he was able to beat Xian Wu out of shit.

"Why are you so anxious? What I said is all true." General Xian took back his halberd to the sea of ​​souls, patted the dust on his hands, and then asked: "How about you, are you willing to hunt the legendary level with me?" Monster, when the time comes, the demon spirit will belong to me, and the rest will belong to you."

With Nie Li by his side, with his extensive knowledge, he can avoid a lot of trouble along the way and greatly increase his winning rate.

"No, I don't want to die yet." Nie Li resolutely refused. Although he is strong, he is not strong enough to single out a legendary monster with his body of silver. A sneeze from the monster could probably kill me."

What's more, there will definitely be a large number of black-gold and gold-level monsters guarding the legendary monster's lair, so as not to chew him to the bone.He didn't even hold Ziyun's wife's little hand or kiss her little mouth. Little... ahem, he didn't want to die yet.

"What are you afraid of? I will send my women to protect you. Except for Shen Xiu, they are at the black gold level." Xian Wu continued to persuade.

Yang Xin, Xiao Ning'er, and Hu Yanlanruo are black gold stars, Ouyang Tiantian is gold star, and Wo Xue Shen has no realm.

Wo Xueshen currently serves as the financial accountant of the Haozhen family, and Xian Wu does not plan to let her become a regular employee for the time being.It's not because her family is not an aristocratic family, it's mainly because Wo Xueshen is mediocre in appearance and can't stand on the stage.His wives are all as beautiful as flowers.

However, Wo Xueshen's purple soul sea is indeed interesting. It has the form of a white hole and chaotic attributes. As long as Xian Wu comes within one meter of her, the soul power in the soul sea will be sucked away instantly, leaving not a drop. It is very abnormal.

Wo Xueshen is like a bottomless pit. No matter how much soul power she absorbs, her realm will not improve and she will always remain an ordinary person.

Xian Wu felt that Wo Xueshen was his natural nemesis. Fortunately, he found him first. If he had been found by others...

However, Wo Xueshen's nemesis is a bit weak. He can kill anyone except him.

Thinking about it from another angle, Wo Xueshen, the nemesis, can actually become a savior. If I stand with her, Chaos Devourer can absorb whoever he wants, and there is no need to worry about absorbing too much soul power and exploding .

After settling the matter of the Holy Family, he had to cultivate a good relationship with Wo Xueshen. If the relationship was in place, it would not be too late to marry him.

Although Wo Xueshen's abilities are very abnormal, Xian Wu does not intend to take her with him this time. She has no ability to protect herself and is afraid of an accident.

After she came back, I would teach her martial arts, starting with the six-character five-shaped boxing, and then act together when she has the power to protect herself.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Nie Li's eyes lit up, and then he touched his chin and said, "If I have their protection, I can think about it. Why don't I think about it! It's a matter of life and death, I have to think about it, just in case The boat has capsized in the gutter!" Looking at Xian Wu's relaxed and stress-free expression, Nie Li was very unhappy. Please consider the feelings of the vulnerable groups, please!

"Think about it, think about it slowly. I have plenty of time. The main reason is that I want to improve my strength as soon as possible so that I can wipe out the Holy Family. Think about it carefully. Let's set out early tomorrow morning!" Xian Wu waved his hand, stood up and left, leaving a stunned Nie. Leave.

Looking at the back of Xian Wu leaving gracefully, Nie Li gritted his teeth. He didn't want him to think about it, so he informed him directly.

After leaving the Water Pyramid, General Xian made some simple arrangements at home.

"No, I want to go too! I want to go too!" Huyan Lanruo put her arms around Xian Wu's neck and acted coquettishly, jumping up and down like a child.

Xian Wu smiled bitterly and said comfortingly: "You can stay and look after the house. The Holy Ancestor Mountains are full of dangers. I will just take Ning'er there."

If he could, he wouldn't want anyone else, mainly because Xiao Ning'er was now being hunted by the Holy Family throughout the city, leaving the city unsafe.

What's more, Xiao Ning'er has fused with the Fenglei Tianque demon spirit, which can not only control the wind and thunder, but also fly freely, which is very suitable for running.

Huyan Lanruo, on the other hand, is fused with the Red Tooth Tiger Demon Spirit, so he can fight head-on, but if he can't run away, he will die if he is surrounded.

This time they were going to the Saint Ancestor Mountains to hunt legendary monsters. The number of monsters was far greater than theirs, so they had to be outsmarted but not attacked by force.

Xian Wu's plan was to rush in and behead him, and then run away after killing the legendary monster.

"No, no, I want to go too~" Hu Yanlan turned a deaf ear and grabbed Xian Wu's arm, shaking him and acting coquettishly.

She didn't care so much, she would go wherever Xian Wu went, and even if she died, she would die with Xian Wu.

Xian Wu didn't know when he would come back, so she didn't want to squat at the door like a watchdog all day long, waiting for him to come back.

Besides, Xian Wu only took Xiao Ning'er and Xiao Bichi with him. If he got lonely on the way, something would definitely happen to her. Absolutely not!

Xian Wu only belongs to her!

"You naughty little goblin, forget it, just go!" Xian Wu patted Huyan Lanruo's chin and said, "Since you are going, then your grandpa shouldn't go. It’s not okay to stay and look after the family, as there is no one to watch over them.”

The biggest headache for Xian Wu was Shen Xiu, a bitch. During his absence, she would definitely search the entire house.

However, the ancient treasure that their Holy Family was looking for was simply a non-existent existence. He was able to become so powerful only because of the help of Nie Li, a max-level boss.

Now that the max-level boss wants the Holy Family to disappear in the Glory City, even if he and Shen Xiu are already married, he must do it.Besides, he originally hated the Holy Family, including Shen Xiu, who had become his fourth wife.

He hated it, but he was very satisfied with Shen Xiu's protruding body, otherwise he wouldn't have made Shen Xiu unconscious several times.

"What are you doing? Ouch~" Xian Wu slapped Huyan Lanruo's life-threatening hand away and pushed her out of the bedroom while saying: "Today I belong to Ouyang Tiantian, don't have wishful thinking!"

(End of this chapter)

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