Chapter 191 Golden Fluff
In just one click, the golden egg pecked out the chicken and pig's brains, and when it was done, it still stomped on the chicken and pig's corpse.

"You are too cruel, little guy. Why did you kill it all at once?" Xian Wu smiled bitterly and picked up the golden egg.

The golden egg's small eyes are as red as dragon fruit, and its mouth and claws are covered with wet blood, like a ferocious little devil from hell.

"Jin Dan!" Seeing that Xian Wu was safe and sound, Jin Dan rubbed his furry little face against him, making Xian Wu dirty.

Xian Wu rubbed Jin Dan's little golden head lovingly. Xian Wu was very touched by its behavior of protecting its master.

After returning the dead chicken to the kitchen, Xian Wu poured a large bucket of cold water, then heated it with the devil's left hand and boiled it, giving the golden eggs a bath.

What surprised Xian Wu was that the golden egg's fluff didn't even touch water. Even if it was completely soaked in water, it wouldn't touch a drop.

"Let me study it carefully." After washing the golden egg's beak and two small paws, Xian Wu pulled off a piece of its golden hair.

Jindan rubbed his head with his little wings, squinted his big eyes, looked up at Xian Wu in confusion, and didn't understand why he was pulling his hair.

Using the devil's left hand to decompose the hair of the golden egg, Xian Wu found nothing special. The devil's realm only contained carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

"In this case, wouldn't I be able to synthesize a large amount of fluff by decomposing the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the air?" Xian Wu said happily.

He just started doing it, and he didn't stop synthesizing until Ouyang called him to have dinner every day.

He has 99 soul powers, and can synthesize 99 hairs every time.

At this time, the amount of fluff synthesized by Xian Wu has almost filled the one hundred cubic meter large space ring.

Xian Wu handed the space ring to Ouyang Tiantian and asked, "Tiantian, is there a way to spin these golden fluffs into wool?"

His idea was to give each of his wives the spun wool and let each of them knit a woolen garment for themselves.

"Yes, sir, I can weave. I'll send someone to buy the loom tomorrow, that's all." Ouyang smiled and nodded every day.

She looked at the massive amount of fluff in the ring, and then at the little golden egg standing at Xian Wu's feet. She didn't understand why there was so much hair.

After hearing Ouyang Tiantian's answer, Xian Wu nodded with satisfaction. She was indeed his woman, not only beautiful, but also capable.

Xian Wu put his arms around Ouyang Tiantian's waist, winked and said, "It's great every day, I'll reward you well tonight."

"Husband~ I'm... I'm happy." Ouyang Tiantian shyly leaned on Xian Wu's shoulder and whispered.

She took the time to see the doctor today. No wonder her relatives didn't come two days ago. It turned out that she was pregnant with a baby, and she was the first one to get pregnant.

Hearing Ouyang Tiantian's words, Xian Wu felt like he was struck by lightning and stuttered: "I...I, Xian Wu, have...a wife?"

Recalling the day when he went to the Shengming Family to buy snacks, Ouyang bought a lot of hawthorn red fruits every day, and Xian Wu suddenly realized.

"Let me listen." Xian Wu squatted on the ground, hugged Ouyang Tiantian's waist, and put his ear against her belly.

Gollum... Gollum...

Xian Wu was stunned when he heard the sound, looked up at Ouyang Tiantian, and asked excitedly: "Is this... the sound made by a child?"

"This is the sound I made. Go and have dinner quickly. My stomach is growling with hunger." Ouyang urged Tiantian.

Xian Wu's face turned red and he made a mistake. It's really not his fault. He has no experience in being a father or taking care of pregnant women.Using the soul-quenching pill to leave the golden egg in the martial arts arena, Xian Wu and Ouyang Tiantian walked side by side to the dining hall.

"Leave the textile work to others. Don't be too tired and hurt your fetus." Xian Wu said with concern as he walked.

Now that his third wife is pregnant, he can't let her do heavy work anymore.

There are plenty of weavers in the Glory City, so just pay to hire one, and by the way, hire a tailor or something.

Ouyang Tiantian smiled and shook his head: "I'm pregnant in ten months. I'm not even a month old yet. Don't make a fuss about it."

The doctor told her that although she could work as usual, she could not have sex for the time being because there was a risk of miscarriage.

"Okay, you do what you can." Xian Wu nodded and told him that it was okay to fight and kill, but he was almost useless in taking care of others.

His wife was pregnant, and as the child's godfather, Nie Li should have expressed his gratitude by getting a prescription for anti-fetal medicine or something.

After dinner, he went to Nie Li to ask for it, took it to the pharmacy and gave it directly to Yang Xin, asking her to take it to the Alchemist Association for mass production.

After a while of burning incense, the couple slowly came to the dining hall, which was brightly lit, as bright as day.

Many oil lamps were lit in the dining hall, and Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, Wo Xueshen, and Xiao Ning'er sat around the dining table counterclockwise.

Xian Wu and Ouyang Tiantian took their seats one after another. Except for Shen Xiu who was still in a coma, their family was finally here.

When he ravaged Shen Xiu, Xian Wu could not bear it, but kindness to his enemies was cruelty to himself, and he had to be ruthless.

However, every time after Shen Xiu fell into coma, he would feed her Jiuzhuan Dan to help her recover from her injuries.

"Okay, stop looking at it and start eating." Xian Wu picked up the chopsticks and asked everyone to start eating.

But under Yang Xin's majestic gaze, everyone started picking up the food after Xian Wu picked up the first chopstick.

Xian Wu held the rice bowl and said while eating: "Baby, Lan Ruo, Ning'er, I and I are going out tomorrow."

"What are you going for?" Yang Xin put down her chopsticks, looked at Xian Wu in confusion, and said in confusion: "Ning'er is now wanted by the entire city of the Holy Family with a reward on her head. Why did you take her running around, and then she was caught by Shen Hong."

Xian Wu chewed the food and said: "Tomorrow we are going to go deep into the Holy Ancestor Mountains to hunt down the legendary monster sleeping in the Snow Wolf Canyon - the Howling Moon Wolf King."

Perhaps because he often manages his subordinates in the Alchemist Association, Yang Xin exudes the aura of a superior person who is not angry and asserts his authority.

However, her superior aura only worked on Huyan Lanruo and Ouyang Tiantian, and was completely ineffective on herself, the head of the family.

He is a man who can hold her down and rub her, so how can he be afraid of her?

"No, it's too dangerous! You are only at the Black Gold level, how can you beat the legendary monster? You are not allowed to go!" Yang Xin looked serious.

She knew that the Howling Moon Wolf King commanded thousands of wolf sons and grandsons. It was more intelligent than humans and was quite cunning. Even the legendary demon master Ye Mo couldn't deal with it. How could Xian Wu be his? opponent?If you go, you will die!

Xian Wu put down his chopsticks and handed the empty bowl to Xiao Ning'er, who consciously helped fill the meal.

"I'm going to hunt monsters, not to die. If you can't beat them, you can run away. Why are you nervous?" Xian Wu looked at the tearful Yang Xin with black lines on his head, as if he would die in a second.

(End of this chapter)

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