The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 192 Wine and Fire Anti-Cold Pill

Chapter 192 Wine and Fire Anti-Cold Pill

"You are my husband. If you are going to fight for your life, how can I not be nervous?" Yang Xin grabbed Xian Wu's hand, put it on her belly, and said pitifully: "Husband, I have your flesh and blood, I don't want to The child is born without a father.”

Hearing Yang Xin's words, Xian Wu was stunned and murmured: " are happy too? When did it happen?"

First it was Ouyang Tiantian, and now it is Yang Xin. Two of his four women are already happy, and the happiness comes too suddenly.

"Me... too?" Yang Xin turned her head and glanced at Huyan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian, Wo Xueshen and Xiao Ning'er in confusion.

Besides her, who else is pregnant with her husband's flesh and blood?Is it the plump Huyan Lanruo or the childlike Ouyang Tiantian?
Ouyang Tiantian put down the bowl and chopsticks, raised his little hand weakly, and responded in a low voice: "Sister, it's me, I have it too..."

After saying that, Ouyang Tiantian secretly glanced at Huyan Lanruo. Her expression was as ugly as if she had eaten a dead fly.

"Take good care of your baby these days. Don't run around here and there. Leave the family matters to Lan Ruo for the time being." Yang Xin said lightly.

Although Ouyang Tiantian's children will compete with her children for the young master of the family in the future, she believes that her children will not lose.

Besides, it was Xian Wu, the head of the family, who decided who to be the young head of the family. She couldn't interfere, so she might as well let nature take its course.

Huyan Lanruo put down the bowl and chopsticks with a bang and reminded: "Sister, I want to hunt monsters with my husband, it's useless to leave it to me!"

She didn't want to stay at home and deal with trivial matters. If Yang Xin and Huyan Lanruo both got there, she couldn't fall behind.

During this journey of hunting legendary monsters, she will redouble her efforts and strive to...

"What your eldest sister means is to wait until you come back." Xian Wu took the meal brought by Xiao Ning'er and took the opportunity to touch her little hand.

Xiao Ning'er gave Xian Wu a resentful look. It had been almost a week since she had lived in the Haozhen Family, and Xian Wu had never touched her once.

"Forget it, since you insist on going, then go ahead." Yang Xin sighed and took out a porcelain bottle from the space ring.

Xian Wu took the porcelain bottle, pulled out the cork, and poured the contents into his hand. It turned out to be fiery red pills.

"What kind of pill is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" Xian Wu left one pill and put the rest back into the bottle.

Yang Xin raised Xian Wu's neck, raised his jade-shoot-like index finger, and explained: "This is the wine-fire anti-cold pill. The wind and snow monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains are good at controlling wind and snow. Taking the wine-fire anti-cold pill can be effective." Protects against frostbite.”

The Wine-Fire Anti-Cold Pill was made based on one of the three prescriptions given to her by Xian Wuxin, and the association was stepping up its efforts to make it.

The biggest threat facing the Glory City is the wave of wind-snow monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains, and the Fire and Wine Anti-Cold Pill is currently the most useful.

Most of the wine, fire and cold-resistant elixirs refined by the Alchemist Association were sent to the City Lord's Mansion, which distributed them to the city guards.

"It's time to eat, be serious." Xian Wu pushed Yang Xin's huge evil body and asked her to return to her seat and sit down properly, and continue eating.

Decomposing the remaining wine fire anti-cold pill with the devil's left hand, he found that the wine fire anti-cold pill actually only contained carbon, hydrogen and oxygen elements!

The elements of the Wine, Fire and Cold-Resisting Pill are the same as the fluff of the golden egg, which are composed of three elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Although they contain the same elements, their molecular structures are different, so they have different functions.

Satisfied with wine and food, Xian Wu rubbed his chubby belly and said to his women: "Big darling, take care of the house after we leave, and come back immediately if anything happens; every day, you stay at home well." Come on, if you have any questions, go to your elder sister." "Xueshen, you continue to work as your accountant, if you have any requests, ask your elder sister and third sister, they are all super nice." Xian Wu looked at the only non-staff member of the harem group, "You three, don't talk to Shen Xiu. Let her do it. Wait until I come back and deal with her properly."

Yang Xin frowned, and vowed: "Husband, don't worry, with me here, that woman Shen Xiu can't make any waves."

"Don't worry, husband~ I will monitor Shen Xiu for you. When you come back, I will report to you everything she has done." Ouyang Tiantian brushed her bangs on her forehead. She would not confront Shen Xiu head-on. After all, Shen Xiu's natal family is a sacred peak family.

Xian Wu nodded and ordered: "In short, tolerate it if you can, and give in if you can. I will settle the accounts with her when I come back."

After settling things at home, Xian Wu told Huyan Lanruo and Xiao Ning'er to pack their belongings tonight.

He planned to set out in the dark at dawn tomorrow to prevent those bastards from the Holy Family from discovering Xiao Ning'er and causing unnecessary trouble.

After leaving the restaurant, Xian Wu went to the east wing of the second courtyard to find Nie Li and tell him about tomorrow's plans and arrangements.

"Ning'er, go back and pack your things." Xian Wu looked back, and Xiao Ning'er bit her thin lips and followed step by step.

Xiao Ning'er lowered her head, walked quickly to Xian Wu, and asked pitifully: "Brother Wu, do you still hate me for stabbing you with my sword?"

Hearing this, Xian Wu stopped and was stunned, and then said with a smile: "How could it be possible? It's all a matter of sesame seeds and rotten millet."

"Then why don't you touch me?" Xiao Ning'er raised her head, opened her big innocent eyes, and stared at Xian Wu with resentment.

"Why didn't I touch you?" Xian Wu smiled and reached out to hook Xiao Ning'er's chin, her short silver hair fluttering in the wind.

Xiao Ning'er stomped her feet, grabbed Xian Wu's big hand, then put it on her forehead with a blushing face, and said: "That didn't count just now, but now it counts. Brother Wu, I want you to love me, like love Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, and Ouyang Tiantian are like that."

"No... not now!" Xian Wu quickly withdrew his hand and explained patiently: "In two years, when you are the same age as Huyan Lanruo now, I will marry you again. Your main task now is to practice. .”

"No, I want you now." Xiao Ning'er threw herself into Xian Wu's arms.

Xian Wu is no longer the young young man he used to be. He is now a father and has a very open mind about men and women.

Some issues are principled and he will never violate them.

Unable to resist Xiao Ning'er's obsession, Xian Wu gave her a kiss.

"Brother Wu, again and again!" Xiao Ning'er hugged Xian Wu's waist and refused to let go.

Hu Yanba coughed dryly and came out of the wine cellar in the third courtyard. He slowly passed by the two of them and walked to the bathroom.

Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er froze at the same time, and Xiao Ning'er's face turned as red as a monkey's butt.

"Go back, pack your luggage, and go to bed." Xian Wu ordered coldly.

Xiao Ning'er loosened Xian Wu's belt, stuck out her pink tongue, and left dejectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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