The Demon God: I can decompose all things

193 - King of the Holy Spirit

193 - King of the Holy Spirit
Nie Li is temporarily staying in the east wing of the second courtyard, and Ye Ziyun is staying in the west wing opposite. They have just finished dinner, so they should all be there.

I don't know where the two have reached, Xian Wu always feels that there is no way.Nie Li is very young, but inside he is a bad old man who is hundreds of years old.

If Ye Ziyun was an old witch who was hundreds of years old inside, would Nie Li still like her?To be prude is not to pester someone else's body.

Xian Wu felt that all men were the same as himself, judging people by their appearance. An 80-year-old man still likes little girls.

Knocking on Nie Li's door, Lu Piao, Du Ze and the others were all there, drinking tea and sharing their cultivation experiences around the table.

"Brother Wu, you're here just in time. Let's add some dry ice." Lu Piao held the teacup in one hand and approached Xian Wu with a shy face.

Ever since Nie Li told him that Xian Wu could use "dry ice" to make a super delicious bubble tea, Lu Piao had always wanted to give it a try.

Xian Wu snapped his fingers, and three square pieces of dry ice fell into Lu Piao's tea cup with a "plop-plop-plop-plop", causing the tea to splash.

Lu Piaoqian took a sip, the feeling of bubbles gushing from his stomach to his throat was really refreshing and delicious.

"Brother, I want it too!" Seeing Lu Piao's expression of enjoyment, Zhu Junxiang also stood up and handed the tea cup to Xian Wu.

Xian Wu raised his hand and snapped his fingers to refill Zhu Junxiang's liquid. He slapped away the dry ice that Lu Piao had just brought to his mouth with his other hand.

"Dry ice is not ice. Don't eat it blindly. It will make your stomach explode!" Xian Wu warned with a serious expression.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Zhu Junxiang was so frightened that he put the teacup on the table and hid far away.

"F*ck!" Zhang Ming, who was sitting next to Zhu Junxiang, yelled and hurriedly ran away like a frightened rabbit.

Du Ze and Wei Nan also dispersed with lingering fear. They didn't understand why Nie Li liked to drink such dangerous drinks for excitement?

Nie Li took Zhu Junxiang's teacup and drank it down. He showed the dry ice left in the teacup to everyone, and explained, "You don't need to be so scared. As long as you don't eat the dry ice, you'll be fine. This thing is cold and cold. How delicious it is."

Although he heard Nie Li's explanation, Zhu Junxiang still didn't dare to try again. Ordinary tea was quite delicious, so there was no need to risk his life.

"It tastes good! It tastes good!" Lu Piao continued to drink herbal tea carelessly, and asked Xian Wu to add ice after drinking it.

Xian Wu sat in Lu Piao's original seat and asked, "Nie Li pack up, we will set off as soon as [-]:[-] tomorrow morning."

Mao hour is between five and seven o'clock in the morning. The arrival of Mao hour means five o'clock in the morning, when it is just dawn.

"Brother, are you really going to hunt the legendary monster? That is the strongest monster in the mainland!" Zhu Junxiang looked admiring.

His cultivation qualifications are average. Even with a thirteenth cultivation speed bonus, he has only reached Silver Five Stars.

However, he is not the slowest in cultivation. The slowest is Nie Li, who is only two stars in silver.

Xian Wu waved his hands disdainfully, closed his eyes and said, "What is a legendary monster! My target is that spirit monster."

He was talking about the spiritual god-level monster that ushered the Holy Spirit Continent into the Dark Ages. Once it is resolved, the continent will return to human rule.

When the time comes, he will be the king of the entire Holy Spirit Continent.Killing the legendary monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains was just the first step towards becoming king.

Becoming the lord of the City of Glory is the second step to becoming king. The third step is to expand the territory of human existence...

In fact, he doesn't have a strong desire for power, he just wants a legitimate harem of three thousand.

As the unparalleled sage king who expelled monsters, unified the continent, and returned mankind to a beautiful home, it wouldn't be too much for him to marry a few more women, right?
"Hey, wake up, why are you drooling?" Nie Li waved his hand in front of Xian Wu's face, interrupting his lust.If you think about it with your toes, you will know that Xian Wu must be thinking about women, because except for women, nothing can move him.

Xian Wu wiped his saliva with his sleeve, coughed dryly, and said, "By the way, do you have anti-fetal medicine? My wife is pregnant."



Lu Piao and Zhang Ming's eyes widened one by one. They hadn't even touched a girl's hands, and Xian Wu already had a child!

"Brother, that's cool!" Zhu Junxiang gave Xian Wu a thumbs up. His admiration for Xian Wu was like a surging river, endless.

Du Ze secretly swore that when Holy Orchid College starts in two days, he will also find a beautiful female classmate to get married.

"Cough cough... cough cough..." Xian Wu's words were so shocking that Nie Li, who was drinking tea, coughed as if he wanted to cough out his lungs.

Seeing that Nie Li was coughing heavily, Xian Wu immediately used the guidance technique to guide out the tea drops poured into his trachea and lungs.

While patting Nie Li on the back, Xian Wu asked: "Are you feeling better? Okay, give me the anti-fetal prescription, urgently need it!"

"Where can I get you a prescription for an abortion? I'm not a doctor. I'm going to find your baby Yang Xin." Nie Li pretended to be angry, winked at Xian Wu, and then touched his back. He patted him three times in a rhythmic manner, trying to push him away.

Xian Wu understood and knew that Nie Li didn't want to reveal that he had the elixir recipe in front of Du Ze and others, so he cooperated with the drill and said: "If you don't have it, you won't have it. Why are you pushing me? Let go, I will leave on my own. Don't push it. Then push me to Ye Ziyun's door."

Nie Li glanced at Ye Ziyun's room, hummed softly, and then closed the door.

It wasn't that he didn't want Du Ze and the others to know that he had the prescription, but he didn't want them to know that he had the prescription for an abortion.

He is a young man with a gynecological prescription, which is very embarrassing in front of his friends and damages his bright and majestic image.

He and Ye Ziyun haven't even gotten close to each other yet. If the news about gynecological prescriptions reaches her ears, she may suspect and misunderstand him.

"You guys continue chatting while I pack my luggage." Nie Li continued his work without returning to his seat, rummaging through the boxes and started packing.

Xian Wu, who was kicked out of the room, touched his nose in embarrassment and thought to himself: "Nie Li asked me to go find him in the middle of the night, right?"

He is not Sun Wukong, and Nie Li is not the ancestor of Bodhi. He behaves like a spy. Isn't it just a prescription for an abortion? What's the big deal?Besides, brothers all know that Nie Li has god-level skills, so it’s not surprising that he has a prescription, so why hide it.

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all." Xian Wu shook his head and prepared to go back to the bedroom to rest.


Ye Ziyun's door suddenly opened, and she raised her finger at Xian Wu: "Come here, I have something to ask you."

"Looking for me?" Xian Wu looked around and found no one else in the yard.

With an anxious mood, Xian Wu tiptoed towards Ye Ziyun, and was suddenly pulled into the room by the latter.

"What does she want to do? Is she planning something against me?" Xian Wu's heart was beating like a deer.

(End of this chapter)

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