The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 195 Nightmare Demon Pot

Chapter 195 Nightmare Demon Pot
It's midnight, the moon is in the west, and the sky is filled with stars.

Xian Wu walked out of Shen Xiu's room with unfinished intentions. The appointed time had come, and he should go to Nie Li to get the prescription for fetal anorexia.

"I feel like Nie Li is like Doraemon. He gets whatever I want." Xian Wu muttered as he walked.

If he hadn't made Nie Li his adoptive father, he wouldn't have been able to ask for this or that from others. His face was as thin as Du Ze's.

Without Nie Li giving him the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art", introducing him to Yang Xin, and giving him tens of millions of demon spirit coins, he would not be where he is today.

He was able to live in a big house, grow a large field, and marry a beautiful wife, all thanks to Nie Li, Xian Wu felt like he was in a high office now.

However, he would not follow the example of Gao Yanei and tease a married man. He also had a bottom line. If he wanted to tease, he had to tease a young lady.

His women were all prostitutes in the past, and he had personally verified that every one of them was genuine.

Boom boom boom!
Xian Wu raised his fingers and knocked on Nie Li's door. There was dim candlelight in the room, and he didn't know what Nie Li was doing inside.

"Xian Wu? Why are you knocking on my door when you're up so late at night?" Nie Li poked his head out of the door and asked slyly.

"You're all a thousand-year-old fox, why are you playing in a fairy tale!" Xian Wu rolled his eyes, "Didn't you ask me to come to you in the middle of the night?"

Nie Li pretended to be puzzled, and asked instead: "When did I ask you to come find me in the middle of the night, why don't I remember saying that?"

"Stop pretending, you just slapped me three times on the back. That's what you meant. Could it be that you like men?" Xian Wu said.

"Okay, he is indeed my godson. He is as smart as me." Nie Litian smiled shamelessly and opened the door.

Xian Wu was stunned for a moment. He usually called Nie Li, but Nie Li never took the initiative to call him. What happened to Nie Li today?
Lu Piao, Du Ze and others were no longer in the room, and they all went back to the guest room to rest, which was right next to Nie Li.

However, when he arrived, Xian Wu saw that their rooms were all dark and there were no lights on, so they should all be sleeping soundly.

Cultivation is not as simple as drinking boiled water. It is something that consumes a lot of mental and physical energy. It is similar to studying and going to class.

After practicing exhaustingly all day, it is normal to fall asleep. Everyone is probably like a dead pig now.

Xian Wu sat on a chair, pouring tea and complaining: "Bingxue is smart, isn't it used to describe girls? Could it be that you..."

"You dare to doubt the gender of your adoptive father. I won't give you the prescription!" Nie Li closed the door and grabbed the teacup.

Hearing Nie Li mention "godson" and "adopted father", Xian Wu frowned slightly. The old ghost was a little unusual today, wouldn't he back down?
"I didn't doubt your gender. You're not asking yourself who to blame." Xian Wu continued pouring tea, "There's no rush for the prescription, what about the exercises?"

"Kung Fu? What Kung Fu? I don't understand what you mean." Nie Li took out the Nightmare Demon Pot and started playing with it.

Xian Wu reminded: "Didn't I tell you the attributes and form of Wo Xueshen's soul power that day? You won't forget it, right?"

"Wo Xueshen? I remember, she is the girl with the purple soul sea." Nie Li suddenly understood.

Nie Li put his index finger on the bottom of the pot and said while spinning it: "She is not suitable for cultivating soul power. Martial arts training is more suitable for her."

"My soul sea is in the form of a black hole, and her soul sea is in the form of a white hole, but the color is different. Why can I practice but she can't?" Xian Wu raised his own question. Could it be that the soul sea in the form of a white hole can only absorb Soul power in the form of a black hole.

Nie Li put his finger into the tea cup and used the tea to draw pictures on the table while explaining: "Your soul sea can infinitely transform the aura of heaven and earth into soul power, and her soul sea can infinitely transform soul power into aura of heaven and earth. Do you understand?" "No wonder, as soon as I got close to her, my soul power disappeared like a dam that opened a hole." Xian Wu understood.

Nie Li nodded, handed the Nightmare Demon Pot to Xian Wu, and said, "Template it and merge it into your soul sea, like a soul soldier."

"What's the point of tempering this thing? I don't refine god-level demon spirits." Xian Wu didn't answer. His soul sea was not a trash can.

"You can quench it as soon as you want, so much nonsense." Nie Li forced the Nightmare Demon Pot into Xian Wu's arms, and then explained: "Your black hole attribute soul sea is overcome by her white hole attribute soul Haitian, and merged with the Nightmare Demon Pot. She won’t be able to suck all your soul power away.”

"Understood." Hearing Nie Li's explanation, Xian Wu immediately used his soul power to refine the Nightmare Demon Pot.

After fusing it into the soul sea, Xian Wu found that his soul power was continuously pouring into the nightmare pot until not a drop was left.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Art!" Extending his hand to the moonlight, Xian Wu muttered silently in his heart, and then his soul power was quickly replenished.

After going back and forth and replenishing it a total of nine times, the Nightmare Demon Pot finally stopped absorbing the soul power in his soul sea.

"Good boy." Xian Wu smacked his lips, "The Nightmare Demon Pot can actually hold 999 million souls. Have I surpassed the legendary peak?"

Nie Li poured cold water on him and said, "What a beautiful thought! Your soul strength is still at the Black Gold Peak, but your soul power has surpassed the Legendary Peak."

Xian Wu was stunned for a moment after hearing Nie Li's words. In other words, his demon spirit combat skills still only have the peak power of black gold?

"That girl can absorb the soul power outside the Nightmare Demon Pot, but she cannot absorb the soul power inside the Nightmare Demon Pot. Moreover, you can use the soul power in the Nightmare Demon Pot at will. It is equivalent to your second soul sea." Nie Li continued.

"Thank you, foster father." Xian Wu smiled broadly, and Nie Li did him another big favor.

Nie Li waved his hand and his expression suddenly turned serious: "Without thanking you, let me ask you, why did Ye Ziyun call you into the room?"

Although his realm was not high, his perception was super strong. He knew everything about Ye Ziyun calling Xian Wu into the room.

"I didn't do anything. She asked me to kiss her, but I refused." Xian Wu spread his hands flat and told the truth.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Nie Li's face turned green, and he gritted his teeth and said, "A peerless beauty like Ziyun wants you to kiss, will you refuse? You're just fooling a ghost!" The big pervert in the house.

"Of course I will refuse. I am a famous and responsible man. How can I go around messing around with women?" Xian Wu felt very aggrieved.

Everyone has their own preferences for carrots and vegetables, and he really has no interest in beauties with dimples.

"Do you think I believe it?" Nie Li crossed his arms.

"You have to believe it even if you don't believe it, I dare to swear to the way of heaven." Xian Wu vowed firmly.

After swearing, Nie Li's expression softened a lot.

"I'm sorry, Xian Wu, I misunderstood you." Nie Li smiled awkwardly and took out the anti-fetal prescription from the space ring.

(End of this chapter)

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