Chapter 196 Departure
Time soon came to dawn the next day, and Nie Li knocked on Xian Wu's bedroom door wordlessly. It was already past midnight.

It was obviously him who organized everyone to go to the Saint Ancestor Mountains to hunt legendary monsters, but the leader actually got up later than the team members, which made him speechless.

"What's the matter?" Xian Wu rubbed his sleepy eyes, squeezed his head out from the crack in the door, and kept breathing.

Nie Li's head was covered with black lines. He gritted his teeth and stared, reminding him, "Did you forget to hunt monsters today?"

Judging from his disheveled appearance, he must have put in a lot of trouble last night, going to fight the monsters desperately, and he still has such a good mood!

"Hunting monster beasts?"

By the way, they are going to the Sacred Ancestor Mountain Range today to hunt and kill the legendary monster—the Xiaoyue Wolf King, how could they forget this!

Xian Wu slapped his forehead, closed the door with a "bang", and hurried back to the house to get dressed. Fortunately, all the luggage was packed yesterday.

"Husband?" Hearing the sound of ping ping pong, Ouyang Tiantian pushed aside the waterfall of black hair covering his face and opened his eyes.

Seeing Xian Wu hurriedly putting on clothes, Ouyang Tiantian suddenly remembered that Xian Wu had to go out to do something today.

But, are you so anxious?At this hour, the city gate has not been opened yet, and it will not open until the hour.

"Go to sleep, don't worry about me!" Xian Wu comforted him softly while getting dressed. He had been through a lot of trouble last night.

After only sleeping for less than two hours, Nie Li knocked on the door again. When he first woke up, his head was groggy and he couldn't remember anything.

Ouyang watched Xian Wu playing monkey tricks in the house every day. She was very discerning and got out of bed to help Xian Wu button up and put on his shoes.

When Xian Wu walked out of the room, Huyan Lanruo and Xiao Ning'er were also at the door, each of them fully armed and heroic.

"Have you brought all your things? I don't know when I will come back." Xian Wu stood on the steps and scanned the crowd.

A total of four people participated in this hunt for the legendary monster, Huyan Lanruo, Xiao Ning'er, Nie Li, and himself.

Nie Li crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and said impatiently: "I prepared it last night, stop inking, and hurry up!"

Last night because of Ye Ziyun's incident, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep well. This kid was good, he slept like a dead pig.

Although nothing happened between Xian Wu and Ye Ziyun, it was really a bit uncomfortable for his woman to take the initiative to ask for a kiss from another man.

"Okay, let's go now!" Xian Wu raised his arms and led everyone out of the Haozhen family mansion.

Xian Wu has wind and thunder wings that can both fly and carry people, up to two of them.However, you can only fly at low altitudes with people. The more people you bring, the lower you fly. You can't fly past the black marble city wall of the Haozhen Family, nor can you fly past the huge wall of the Glory City.

Xiao Ning'er fused with the new god-level growth demon spirit——Fenglei Tianque. She can also fly, but she can't carry people.

The remaining Huyan Lanruo and Nie Li had not merged with the flying demon spirits and could only walk on foot.

The gates of the Haokuo family and the gates of the Southern Bridge had already been opened, and yesterday Xian Wu had warned the guards at the house in advance.

Leaving the territory of the Haozhen family, everyone headed towards the south gate of the Glory City.

Xian Wu specially put his own collector's black cloak on Xiao Ning'er. Although it was full of holes, it could hide his face. "Stop, what are you doing!" The city guards at the south gate of the Glory City spotted Xian Wu and the four of them and hurriedly yelled at them.

The city gate will only open during the twilight period. Even the children in Glory City know this common sense, and there must be a monster when something goes wrong.

Xian Wu waved to the guards on the city wall and shouted: "Brother City Guards, I am Xian Wu. I have something urgent to do when I leave the city."

"Xian Wu? Which Xian Wu?" The city guard's brain CPU was running wildly. There were too many celebrities in the Glory City to remember at the moment.

His companion reminded: "You are confused. We were talking about him yesterday. Xian Wu is the young city lord appointed by Lord Ye Mo."

The city guard slapped his forehead and suddenly understood, but he still did not open the city gate, but prepared to check Xian Wu's identity.

"How do you prove that you are Young City Lord Xian Wu?" the city guard asked. Xian Wu stayed at home all day long and he had not seen him a few times.

The city guard's words stunned Xian Wuwen. This question seemed to be asking, how can you prove that you are yourself.

"I'm going to talk nonsense to you gatekeepers and just enchant you." Xian Wu's eyes turned like cherry blossoms and he activated the charm technique.

The city wall of the Glory City is about a hundred feet high, more than three times as high as the city wall of the Haozhen family.However, although the city wall is high, Xian Wu is a black-gold peak demon spiritual master who can project his soul power to a thousand feet away. He can easily reach a city wall that is only a hundred feet away.

Witnessing Xian Wu controlling two city guards to open the city gate, Nie Li and Huyan Lanruo looked at each other, this scene seemed familiar.

The city gate rumbled open and closed again. Xian Wu snapped his fingers and released the charmed state of the two guards.

"Huh? Where are they?" The city guard grabbed the wall and looked down. The man who just claimed to be Xian Wu was gone.

His companion shook his head: "I don't know, it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Maybe we wanted to see the Young City Lord so much that we were hallucinating?"

Leaving the Glory City and walking out of the wide Glory Grand Canyon, everyone stopped at a high ground.

Xian Wu took out a simple map of the Saint Ancestor Mountains from his space ring, pointed to the marks on it and said: "The closest ones to the Glory City are the Howling Moon Wolf King in the Snow Wolf Canyon and the One-eyed Ape Demon in the Black Demon Jungle. Let's hunt them first. Which one to kill?"

When Nie Li heard Xian Wu talking about the Black Demonic Jungle, he turned to look at Xiao Ning'er.

In her previous life, Xiao Ning'er cut off ties with the family in order not to marry Shen Fei of the Holy Family, and entered the Dark Devil's Jungle alone, with her life and death uncertain.In this life, Xiao Ning'er met Xian Wu, and the course of her destiny changed 360 degrees.

Nie Li only glanced at her and then looked away. Xiao Ning'er's cold face and aura that repelled people thousands of miles away made him dare not continue to look at her.It is really strange that a top expert who is hundreds of years old would be afraid of a little girl.

Xiao Ning'er pointed at the map and suggested, "Let's go to Snow Wolf Canyon."

"Why should we go to Snow Wolf Canyon? I think we should go to Black Devil Jungle." Huyan Lanruo objected.

"Nie Li, what do you think?" Xian Wu looked at Nie Li. Among the four of them, Nie Li had the most say.

Nie Li pointed at the Snow Wolf Canyon and said, "I agree with Ning'er. The Black Devil Jungle is full of poisonous monsters. We don't have antidote pills, so we shouldn't go there rashly."

"Okay, then let's go to Snow Wolf Canyon!" Xian Wu put away the map.

(End of this chapter)

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