The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 197 Wilderness Mountain Forest

Chapter 197 Wilderness Mountain Forest
The shadowy mountains are like a sleepy fairy, covered with tulle like cicada wings, with tender eyes and silent eyes.

A group of four people trekked through the vast forest, going deeper and deeper. The green forest covered the sky and the sun, and one or two monsters appeared from time to time.

As dusk fell, hundreds of birds returned to their nests, the noisy ancient forest suddenly became quiet, and everyone camped in an open area to rest.

"Hell's fire!!!" Xian Wu secretly shouted in his heart, and a red flame the size of a basketball flew out from his palm and lit the bonfire.

"Oh, it's been two weeks, why haven't we arrived at the pervert canyon—" Huyan Lanruo complained.

She rubbed her poor little feet, which were covered with large and small blisters. It was no exaggeration to say that they looked like rotten peaches.

Xiao Ning'er corrected, "It's not the Satyr Canyon, it's the Snow Wolf Canyon." Her situation was not much better than that of Huyan Lanruo.

However, she was more tolerant than Huyan Lanruo, and Xian Wu would feed them the Nine Turns Pill mouth-to-mouth every day before going to bed, and the foot injury would be cured the next day.

"I don't care if I'm a snow wolf or a pervert, I just want to know how many days it will be before I arrive." Huyan Lanruo pouted her delicious cherry mouth.

She originally thought that after she came out, she would be able to play the piano with Xian Wu every night, but unexpectedly, Xian Wu was always in charge of the night watch.

Although I don't know where I went, the monsters nearby are obviously much stronger, with the lowest being gold level.

If Xian Wu didn't keep vigil, they would probably be eaten alive by monsters at night, leaving no bones or dregs left.

Nie Li was combing the herbs he picked during the day. When he heard Huyan Lanruo's complaint, he smiled and replied, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

Snow Wolf Canyon is hidden in the forest. Most of the recent attacks on them are wolf-type monsters, and their numbers are increasing. This shows that their current location is not far from their destination.If you hurry, you can see the mouth of Snow Wolf Canyon tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

In his previous life, he came to Snow Wolf Canyon and personally killed the Howling Moon Wolf King to avenge his fellow citizens of Glory City who died in the tide of monsters.

If the Holy Family had not abandoned Ximen and fled, the monsters would not have attacked and entered the city, and the hundreds of thousands of people in the Glory City would not have died.

He had a premonition that after Wu Xian killed all the three legendary beasts in the Shengzu Mountain Range, he would attack the Sacred Family.

"Almost there? You said it was almost there a week ago. I believed you!" After lecturing Nie Li, Huyan Lanruo looked at Xian Wu.

When he first entered the mountain, Xian Wu was still talking and laughing, but later he became more and more taciturn. However, with his stubble on his face, he really looked manly. It would be nice if he could kiss her and hug her.Huyan Lanruo thought infatuatedly, her saliva flowing down unconsciously.

Xian Wu originally wanted to scold Huyan Lanruo for spreading negative energy and lowering morale, but he was amused by her subsequent behavior.

"Are you hungry?" Xian Wu pursed his lips and took out fresh tenderloin from the space ring. These were all obtained by hunting monsters.

Every day, there were blind monsters willing to die, and he couldn't help but kill them. The space in the ring was limited, so he only left the tenderest tenderloins.It is worth mentioning that he is not proficient in anatomy, and he was able to obtain the tenderloin only because the parts of the devil's left hand were disassembled.

After being promoted to the black gold level, the devil's left hand has two new abilities, parts disintegration and soul disintegration.

Soul disintegration can separate the soul of a monster from its body, and parts disintegration can break down a monster into skin, flesh, bones, internal organs, etc.

After the parts are disassembled, all the parts of the monster will be suspended in the demon realm. Xian Wu only needs the tenderloin, blood essence and monster crystal.

Tenderloin can be used to eat, monster blood can be used to draw inscription scrolls, and monster crystals can be used to forge warrior armor.

During the night vigil, Xian Wu used the essence and blood of monsters to practice drawing scrolls with inscriptions to pass the boring time.He was already a half-legendary demon spiritual master. Although it was a little uncomfortable not to sleep at night at first, he gradually got used to it.

Seeing Xian Wu take out a lot of fresh tenderloin from the space ring, Huyan Lanruo stood up and said, "I'll help grill it."

"Sister Lanruo, please continue to rest. I'll do the baking." Xiao Ning'er looked at Huyan Lanruo's feet and stood up.

This woman seems to have forgotten that she just rubbed her feet. Can the tenderloin baked with those hands be delicious?vomit--

Huyan Lanruo opened her big bright eyes and said angrily: "What are you looking at? My sister's feet smell better than your hands. If you don't believe me, just smell it."

After saying that, she raised her slender white legs and stretched her bloody feet towards Xiao Ning'er's little nose.

"Don't be ridiculous, everything is gone!" Xian Wu scolded, and Nie Li's eyes almost fell to the ground.

Knowing that she was going to travel to the mountains, Huyan Lanruo still wore a miniskirt that concealed her flesh. Who was she showing it to?A monster in the woods?
Huyan Lanruo retracted her thigh and glared at Nie Li fiercely: "What are you looking at? I've never seen a woman before. Go home and see your mother!"

She pinched the slim waist of the water snake and vented all the resentment she had accumulated along the way, scolding Nie Li until he was furious.

"Xian Wu, take good care of your woman." Nie Li frowned, very displeased, secretly thinking that Huyan Lanruo was really a shrew.

He was an unparalleled man who could challenge the Holy Emperor in a single fight. How could he allow a yellow-haired girl to be so insulting? If he hadn't given Xian Wu face...

He is not the kind of gentleman who never hits a woman. He will hit her if she offends her, no matter whose daughter or daughter-in-law she is!

"Okay, you all should calm down for a moment. It's making my head hurt." Xian Wu ignored Huyan Lanruo and didn't pursue Nie Li.

Who told Hu Yanlan to wear so little clothes, he couldn't poke the eyes of all the men except him, right?

And Nie Li, if Hu Yanlan is your goddaughter-in-law, you are actually looking at her like that, you are really a bit old and shameless.

Handing the tenderloin wrapped in lotus leaves to Xiao Ning'er, Xian Wu used the devil's left hand to decompose the air, synthesize water, and wash Huyan Lanruo's hands.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xian Wu lovingly picked up Huyan Lanruo's small and exquisite feet and placed them on his lap.

"I said I wouldn't let you come, but you came anyway. What do you think? You'll suffer the consequences." Xian Wu took out the soju from the space ring.

The shochu was given to me by Hu Yanba when we were about to leave, saying that we would need it on the way, but we actually did use it.

"Ah!!!" Soju spilled on her feet, causing Huyan Lanruo to scream in pain, "Don't, don't pour the wine, it hurts, it hurts so much."

The silent evening was broken by Huyan Lanruo's screams, and countless birds in the forest flew up.

Xian Wu originally thought that the cries disturbed the rest of the birds, but what he never expected was that the cries attracted a large number of flying monsters.

"No, it's a gray-feathered ferocious sparrow, a gold-level gregarious flying monster!" Nie Li suddenly stood up alertly when he heard the noisy bird calls getting closer and closer.

(End of this chapter)

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