The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 198 Gray Feathered Fierce Bird

Chapter 198 Gray Feathered Fierce Bird
Upon hearing Nie Li's reminder, Xiao Ning'er quickly put down the barbecue in her hand, took out the Green Moon Dagger from the space ring, and alerted her surroundings.

"Nie Li, can you tell when that gray-feathered ferocious sparrow will arrive?" Xian Wu rubbed the fire ball with his left hand and the ice ball with his right hand.

Fireball is his hellfire combat skill, and Ice Mist Ball is his absolute zero combat skill. Both are skills of mass destruction.

Nie Li summoned the shadow demon spirit to possess him and turned into the same white hair as Xian Wu. Then he pointed to the sky and replied: "We have arrived!"

Following the direction of his finger, everyone saw a large group of dark things flying over in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun.

"A mere gold-level monster dares to act recklessly in front of the big black gold, seeking death!" Xian Wu raised his hand to the sky, firing ice and fire at the same time.

Pillars of ice mist and flames flew diagonally into the sky, crashing into the black clouds, and the gray-feathered ferocious sparrows fell like hailstones.

The gray-feathered ferocious sparrows contaminated by hell's demonic fire were directly burned to ashes, and those contaminated by the absolute zero ice mist were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

However, the number of gray-feathered ferocious sparrows was too large, and Xian Wu could not kill them all. Some of them bypassed the ice and fire and attacked from both wings.

Nie Li said "fuck" and quickly used the virtual battle technique to avoid the swarm of gray-feathered ferocious birds that came like a tide.

He is only at the silver level, so he can deal with a gold-level monster, but dealing with a group of gold-level monsters is no different than seeking death.

"Thunder Lord, help me!!!" Xiao Ning'er shouted sweetly, summoning the Thunder Bird to possess her, stretching her delicate wings and fluttering high into the air.

Following Xiao Ning'er's call, a black lightning cloud suddenly appeared in the clear night sky, and then tens of thousands of thunder rained down.

Xian Wu hurriedly gave up killing the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow and used the soul barrier combat skill to protect himself and Huyan Lanruo firmly.

Judging from Xiao Ning'er's posture, her move should be a large-scale indiscriminate attack, injuring one thousand enemies and one thousand allies.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Xian Wu guessed correctly. Purple thunder came down one after another, completely covering the monster cloud.

The forest with a radius of [-] meters was instantly razed to the ground, and the place where Xian Wu and others were located instantly turned into scorched earth, with a burning smell everywhere.

Looking at the desolate surroundings, Xian Wu swallowed and murmured: "Are the power of thunder combat skills so terrifying?"

He also has a thunder-type combat skill called Thunder God's Fury, but his combat skill can only make him fly faster and has no power at all.

"Xiao Ning'er is doing a disservice. The gray-feathered bird lives on the lightning tree and is immune to lightning attacks!" Nie Li suddenly appeared.

Gray-feathered birds are also called thunder-feathered birds. Their feathers were originally white, but turned gray after being baptized by thunder and lightning.

As early as the young birds, the gray-feathered birds begin to receive the baptism of lightning. Young birds that cannot withstand lightning strikes will be eliminated directly.

After completing the baptism of thunder and lightning, the baby birds will be promoted to the gold level. Thunder and lightning can not kill them, but can make them stronger.

"Whoosh!" A sharp arrow grazed Xian Wu's face. If he hadn't turned his head in time, there might have been a hole in his forehead.

Xian Wu licked the salty hot blood flowing from his cheek. The power of the blow just now had reached the black gold level.

"Zi——Zi——Zi——" Xian Wu heard the sound and looked up. In the sky above his head, gray-feathered ferocious birds were covered in electric sparks.

The gray-feathered ferocious sparrows swarmed into groups and turned into an electric demonic wind, chasing Xiao Ning'er in the air, trying to eat her alive.

Xiao Ning'er's fused Wind and Thunder Bird flew very fast, and the gray-feathered bird couldn't catch up for a while.

However, her soul power was almost exhausted after releasing the skill just now, and the remaining soul power could not last long.

Once she is released from the possession of the demon spirit, she will be dead and will be chewed into a red and pink skeleton in mid-air. "Ning'er!" Xian Wu called out worriedly, wanting to summon the wind and thunder wings and fly into the air to help.

At this moment, Huyan Lanruo suddenly screamed. Xian Wu looked back and saw her covering her wrist in pain.

"What's wrong with Lan Ruo?" Xian Wu hurried over to check and found a blood hole the size of a coin in the palm of Hu Yan Lan Ruo's hand.

Xian Wu's eyes were cracked, and his anger seemed to burn off his silver-white hair. He dared to hurt his woman like this.

"Die them all!" Xian Wu roared angrily, and the majestic cold air, like nuclear radiation, quickly spread around.

The culprit who penetrated Huyan Lanruo was happily eating flesh and blood when he was suddenly frozen into an ice sculpture and fell from the sky.

All birds and animals, insects and microorganisms within a radius of thousands of miles were frozen into ice sculptures.

The virtualized Nie Li opened his mouth wide in surprise, as if he could swallow a watermelon, and it was instantly frozen for thousands of miles. Xian Wu's strength was so terrifying.

After unleashing his ultimate move, Xian Wu's legs weakened and he knelt on the ground. He had used up more than 1000 million souls and not a drop was left.

Stretching his hand towards the moonlight, Xian Wu used the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" to absorb energy and quickly restore the lost soul power.

Xiao Ning'er was also frozen into an ice sculpture and fell from the sky together with those gray-feathered ferocious sparrows.

The soft ground had been frozen into hard ice by Xian Wu. Once the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow ice sculpture hit the ground, it was immediately smashed to pieces.

Once an ice sculpture is shattered and its internal structure is destroyed, it can never be resurrected.

As soon as he recovered a little soul power, Xian Wu immediately summoned his wind and thunder wings, soared into the sky and caught Xiao Ning'er who was about to land.

"Brother Wu?" Xiao Ning'er opened her eyes weakly, and when she found herself lying in Xian Wu's arms, she closed them slowly.

After unfreezing Xiao Ning'er, Xian Wu input his soul power into Huyan Lanruo's ice sculpture to unfreeze it.

Holding Xiao Ning'er with one hand and supporting Huyan Lanruo with the other, Xian Wu breathed out the devil fire of hell and rekindled the frozen bonfire.

"Xian Wu, lend me the Nightmare Demon Pot. Hurry up." Nie Li had already released his virtual form. He was holding a pile of Demon Spirit Stones and sucking at the remains of the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow's body.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Nie Li was selling in the gourd, Xian Wu still summoned the nightmare demon pot in the soul sea and threw it to Nie Li.

"Don't even think about running away!" Nie Li held the Nightmare Demon Pot and absorbed all the demon spirits floating on the corpses into the pot.

The Nightmare Demon Pot can not only fuse demon spirits of different species into new demon spirits with higher growth, but also fuse demon spirits of the same species into higher level demon spirits.

Ten young demon spirits can merge into one young demon spirit, ten young demon spirits can merge into one adult demon spirit, ten adult demon spirits can merge into one elder demon spirit, and ten elder demon spirits can merge into one King level demon spirit.

There were not even a thousand but eight hundred gray-feathered ferocious sparrows attacking them, and they were mostly adults, so they would definitely be able to fuse into a king-level bird.

"Nie Li, don't fuse now, take them two away quickly." Xian Wu suddenly stood up and looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

"Awwww..." A creepy wolf howl came from the distance.

Xian Wu's heart tightened. His "Ice Age" awakened the sleeping Moon Wolf King.

(End of this chapter)

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