The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 199 King-Level Ferocious Bird

Chapter 199 King-Level Ferocious Bird
Snow-white wolves emerged from the canyon one after another. They had pointed ears and big blood-red mouths, and they were lined up on the left and right.

A giant wolf about ten meters high stood at the mouth of the valley, looking up at the big, round full moon, roaring to the sky, and invisible sound waves spread out in all directions.

The wolves moved upon hearing the sound, like a human army, running towards Xian Wu and the others in unison.

At the mouth of the valley stood several snow wolves that were frozen into ice sculptures. The giant wolf blew a gentle breath, and the frozen snow wolves immediately came back to life.

The resurrected snow wolves were listless and collapsed one by one. The giant wolf carried them into the valley one by one and left them in the wolf den to recuperate.

Inside the Snow Wolf Canyon, the Howling Moon Wolf King stared vigilantly towards the entrance of the valley, surrounded by hundreds of ten-meter-tall giant wolves.

"Run? Do you think I can escape with the two of them? The weakest monsters around here are all gold-level." Nie Li refused.

If you leave the frozen area, you will definitely encounter monsters. He can use the shadow monsters to escape, but those two women are finished.

He was too anxious just now, but now that he thought about it, it was not a wise move for Nie Li to take Huyan Lanruo and Xiao Ning'er away. Xian Wu came to his senses.

Xian Wu put the demon's left hand on the ice, and instantly disintegrated a ring-shaped pit tens of meters wide and tens of meters deep.

The four of them stood on the platform in the center of the circular pit, quietly waiting for the arrival of the snow wolf.

"This is the Soul Quenching Pill, take it quickly and restore your soul power quickly." Xian Wu took out the big wine gourd from the interspatial ring.

The soul power in Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo's bodies was wiped out by his Absolute Zero, and now they have no soul power at all.

The lack of soul power in his body meant that he couldn't use "Chaos Devouring Art" to restore them quickly.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Art" is how much soul power is absorbed, twice, three times and four times are returned to the soul power, if there is no soul power absorbed, it cannot be returned.

"It's done! I've refined a king-level, god-level growth-producing gray-feathered ferocious sparrow. You're welcome!" Nie Li suddenly exclaimed.

Xian Wu looked at the careless Nie Li with a speechless expression. When had he ever been in the mood to fuse with a demon spirit?

Nie Li patted the frost on his butt, returned the empty Nightmare Demon Pot to Xian Wu, and said happily: "See if I'm handsome!"

Nie Li, who merged with the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow, became a bird-man with his whole body covered in gray feathers, similar to Lei Zhenzi.

Nie Li flapped his wings and flew up lightly. As he flew, he said, "I am so handsome that I am speechless, haha."

"Yeah, so fucking handsome." Xian Wu said perfunctorily, put the Nightmare Demon Pot back into the soul sea, and channeled soul power into it.

Nie Li landed slowly and introduced: "This king-level gray-feathered ferocious bird may not look very good, but its abilities are incredible."

"Ability? What ability does it have? Isn't it immune to thunder and lightning?" Xian Wu summoned a ball of red flame from his palm.

Although the gray-feathered ferocious bird is not afraid of thunder and lightning, it is afraid of flames. Even a king-level gray-feathered ferocious bird can be burned to death by a ball of fire.

Nie Li dispelled the possession of the demon spirit, shook his head and said, "No, no, no, immunity to lightning is the racial talent of the Gray Feathered Ferocious Sparrow. The King-level Gray Feathered Ferocious Sparrow has another special ability - laying eggs."

"Whenever it reaches the level of black gold, it will lay eggs, and nine-tenths of its soul power will be transformed into nine eggs. At the same time, its own cultivation level will drop to gold. After hatching, such eggs will have gold stars. The cultivation base has a higher survival rate than ordinary eggs." "The demon spirit of the king-level gray-feathered ferocious sparrow also has this ability. After the demon spirit master cultivates it to one star of black gold, it will automatically lay eggs, and then the demon spirit will The spiritual master's cultivation has plummeted. Demon spirit eggs will not hatch automatically and can be introduced into the demon spirit stone by the demon spiritual master."

"This kind of demon spirit egg is very miraculous. Ordinary people can fuse it. After fifteen days, it will automatically break the egg, and the person who fuses will be promoted to gold immediately."

After hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu touched his chin: "In other words, this king-level demon spirit can mass-produce golden demon spiritual masters?"

This ability is a bit unbelievable. It allows an ordinary person to become a golden demon spiritual master in fifteen days, which is suitable for cultivating an army.

"Don't look at me with that look. I fused with the gray-feathered ferocious bird just to save my life. I don't lay eggs!" Nie Li shrugged and said, "My cultivation speed is already slow enough. It's impossible to separate extra souls." Try to feed the gray-feathered ferocious sparrows. Damn it, they’re coming!”

Looking in the direction of Nie Li's finger, Xian Wu saw a large group of snow-white wolves filing out of the forest and rushing towards them.

Xian Wu stood up, summoned the golden lion armor to possess him, and pulled out two swords from behind with his backhand, each with black gold level power.

"Brother Wu, I'll help you!" Xiao Ning'er stood up, took out the Qingyue dagger from the interspatial ring, and stood beside Xian Wu.

The higher the realm of the demon spiritist, the faster the recovery of soul power. After swallowing a few soul quenching pills, her soul power recovered to the silver level.

Huyan Lanruo summoned the red-toothed tiger to possess him, stood on the other side of Xian Wu without showing any signs of weakness, and squeezed the tiger's fist until it made a rattling sound.

Her soul power has recovered to gold level. Her "Wood Charm Spirit Technique" cultivation speed is not fast, but her recovery speed is ridiculously fast.

Nie Li summoned a tiger-toothed panda to possess him, hid behind the three people, and said with a shy face: "You guys come in, I'll help you with support."

His god-level growth tiger-toothed panda has a very special gravity combat skill, which just matches the big deep pit Xian Wu just dug.

The wolves did not attack rashly, but circled around the circular pit, waiting for an opportunity.

Nie Li secretly thought, "What a guy," the radius of the deep pit must be 50 meters and the circumference must be 300 meters. The wolves actually surrounded it.Seeing the way the wolves were rubbing shoulders, it was estimated that there were thousands of them, more than the number of gray-feathered ferocious sparrows.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. These wolves are only at the gold level and are not much better than the gray-feathered ferocious birds just now." Nie Li warned.

"Are they all gold level?" After hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu inserted his swords back into his golden lion armor, summoned his wind and thunder wings, and soared into the sky.

Two groups of red flames rose from his palm, Xian Wu looked down at the vast white area below, and found a giant wolf that stood out from the crowd.

Before Xian Wu could continue to observe, the giant wolf suddenly opened its scarlet mouth and spit out a cyan crescent-shaped wind blade.

At the same time, all the watching snow wolves jumped up and jumped towards the earth platform in the center of the pit.

The first wave of snow wolves only jumped a dozen meters away, and then their bodies began to fall into the deep pit. Just as Nie Li was gloating about his misfortune, the second wave of snow wolves jumped up, stepped on the back of the first wave, and rushed toward him. .

"Gravity field!!!" Nie Li quickly increased the gravity and suppressed the snow wolf who was about to jump onto the stage.

In mid-air, Xian Wu unleashed all his firepower, instantly defeating the giant wolf's cyan wind blade, and the demonic fire from hell surged toward the wolves like an overwhelming force.

(End of this chapter)

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