Chapter 200 Random thoughts
The wolves launched an attack on Xian Wu and the others. Some jumped high and tried to jump to the central platform, while some breathed wind blades and attacked Huyan Lanruo and Xiao Ning'er from a distance.The huge wolf fought with Xian Wu, and the wind blades spit out from its mouth were ten times larger than ordinary ones.

"Burn into ashes, you wolf cubs!" Xian Wu looked like a madman, roaring crazily.His soul power output is fixed, on the one hand, it supplies the wings of the wind and thunder, on the other hand, it maintains the soul barrier, and the rest is transformed into hell fire, so the power of the flame is weakened.

Although the intensity of the Hell Demon Fire did not reach the peak of black gold, it was still within the black gold level and was more than enough to burn a gold-level wild wolf.

The most difficult thing to deal with is the giant wolf that is more than ten meters tall. It is a black gold peak level monster, and the demonic fire of hell cannot burn it.

The effect of Hell Fire is similar to Absolute Zero. It first burns the enemy's soul power, and then burns his body to ashes.

If the soul power output by Hellfire is lower than the soul power possessed by the enemy, it will not cause any damage to the enemy.

"Awwww~~~" Seeing that large numbers of wolf brothers were instantly burned to ashes, the leading giant wolf decided to retreat at the cost of money.

The human in the sky was so terrifying. Throwing a ball of flame over, more than a dozen wolf boys instantly evaporated, even more powerful than the wolf master.

The snow wolves retreated, but Xian Wu did not pursue them. He flew over the pit and burned the remnant soldiers alive inside to ashes.

After doing all this, Xian Wu landed in the center of the pit, folded his wind and thunder wings, and stretched his palms to the moonlight to replenish the consumed soul power.

Nie Li released the tiger-tooth panda demon spirit from possessing him, collapsed on the ground, and groaned: "Oh, let me go, daddy is exhausted!"

His level was already low, and after the intense consumption of his soul power, he was as tired as a "little cutie" and could not participate in the next battle.

Demon spiritual masters with low realms recover their soul power slowly because their soul sea is small and the surface area for absorbing spiritual energy is also small.

Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo were not much better. The two sisters were standing back to back, and they didn't even have the strength to take the soul-quenching pill.

"Hurry up and recover. I have a hunch that the next round of attacks is coming soon." Xian Wu fed the two women mouth to mouth.

While feeding Huyan Lanruo, he was bitten. Huyan Lanruo complained that he spent longer feeding Xiao Ning'er than feeding her.

Nie Li looked at Xian Wu and his women showing off their affection with envy, thinking how great it would be if Ye Ziyun was by his side.

But then I thought about it, the battlefield was so dangerous, and he was so wise and mighty that he almost died, so Ye Ziyun decided not to come.

"What the hell are you doing here? I don't need you to feed me!" Nie Li suddenly screamed, and Xian Wu came over with a medicine gourd.

Nie Li, who was sitting on the ice with his arms and legs spread out, quickly took out the soul-quenching pill from the space ring and filled his mouth with it.

Xian Wu rolled his eyes. Nie Li was overthinking it. He put away the gourd and said, "Since you have it, I won't tell you apart from mine."

Looking back at the pack of wolves receding like a tide, Xian Wu suddenly had a whim, how could he forget the charm technique.

Immediately, Xian Wu flew into the air and flew towards the leader of the giant wolf. His eyes were full of cherry blossoms and his whole body was filled with fragrance.

"Aww~~~" The giant wolf ordered the entire army to stop retreating, and ordered them to spray wind blades at the flying humans.

The cyan wind blades were like a barrage and headed toward Xian Wu, which would have cut an ordinary person into pieces.

"Soul barrier!!!" Xian Wu secretly shouted. The defense strength of his soul barrier reached the black gold level, and ordinary wind blades could not damage it.

The only thing that poses a threat to him is the giant cyan crescent blade sprayed by the giant wolf. If it is cut, it will either die or be injured.

If you don't summon the wind and thunder wings and only use the soul barrier to defend, then the giant wolf's cyan crescent blade will not be afraid.

The problem is that he now has to maintain the wind and thunder wings, maintain the soul barrier, and activate the power of charm at the same time. "Thunder God's Wrath!!!" Xian Wu accelerated instantly in mid-air, and like lightning, he instantly dodged the wide and large wind blade.

Without allowing the giant wolf to react, Xian Wu directly held its big head and stared into its big eyes to activate his charm.

If it weren't for the 1000 million soul power of the Nightmare Demon Pot to support him and charm the giant wolf, he would definitely fall into the pack of wolves and be quartered.

"Order all your younger brothers to jump into the pit, right now!" Xian Wu stepped on the wolf's head and issued an order.

Although there is a language barrier between him and the giant wolf, the power of charm can ignore racial differences and directly make the giant wolf understand what he means.

"Awwww~~~" The giant wolf gave the order with dull eyes and took the lead in running towards the pit.

Although the wolves had doubts, the wolf clan was very hierarchical, and they did not dare to go against the wishes of the little leader, so they all followed closely.

The three people who were resting stood up nervously when they saw the wolves leaving and returning. Their backbone was not there at the critical moment.

"Why is Xian Wu standing on the head of the giant wolf?" Nie Li's eyes were sharp and he saw Xian Wu with white hair on the white wolf's head at a glance.

Before anyone could understand what was happening, the snow wolves jumped into the pit one after another, their white fur blackened by ashes.

When all the snow wolves jumped into the pit, Xian Wu's soul power was restored to full. He raised his hand and waved, and the hell fire swept away.

The snow wolves in the pit didn't even make a scream, and turned into ashes instantly. They died without pain, and they should have no regrets.

"Come here and ride on the giant wolf, let's go to the lair of the legendary monster!" Xian Wu created an ice bridge on both sides of the pit.

He first used the Demonic Domain to create a large amount of liquid water, and then used absolute zero to freeze the liquid water, and the bridge was formed instantly.

"Let me go, Xian Wu, you are a guy who values ​​sex over dad, but you didn't pull me and let me fly up." Nie Li complained crazily.

He shook off the gray feathers on his body and slowly landed on the giant wolf's broad back.

Hearing that Nie Li always referred to himself as his father, Xiao Ning'er smiled lightly and asked, "Brother Wu, do you boys like to joke like this?"

"Ah, yes." Xian Wu scratched his head in embarrassment and explained, "Nie Li always hangs out with Lu Piaogui, and he is a bad learner."

Holding Huyan Lanruo in his left hand and Xiao Ning'er in his right hand, Xian Wu ordered the giant wolf to move quickly towards Snow Wolf Canyon.

The moonlight was bright in the upper world, and the trees in the lower world were covered with snow and silver. The giant wolf was running at full speed. Nie Li held on to the wolf's fur to prevent himself from falling.Xian Wu, on the other hand, sat calmly on the back of the giant wolf, hugging the two girls, kissing one and touching the other.

After two sticks of incense, the giant wolf stopped at the mouth of Snow Wolf Canyon.

"Nie Li, run!" Xian Wu suddenly stood up, holding Huyan Lanruo and Xiao Ning'er under his arms, leaping high, and summoned the wind and thunder wings at the same time.

"Fuck! The abyss has a huge mouth!" When Nie Li came to his senses, a huge wolf's mouth bit at him.

Nie Li instantly became invisible, and the giant wolf beneath him was bitten off his head.

Xian Wu slowly landed on the ground, looked up, and found a 20-meter-tall long-haired giant wolf staring angrily at him, with blood dripping from its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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