The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 201 Killing the Wolf King

Chapter 201 Killing the Wolf King
If Xian Wu guessed correctly, the 20-meter-tall silver giant wolf in front of him should be the legendary monster Howling Moon Wolf King.

The Howling Moon Wolf King actually bit off the giant wolf's head in one bite and chewed it with relish, which shows how cruel it is.

Before Xian Wu could take the lead in attacking, dozens of ten-meter-tall giant wolves came out of the valley and stood around Xiaoyue Wolf King.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly became unfavorable to Xian Wu and the others. If these dozens of black gold-level giant wolves launched an attack together...

"Ning'er! Lan Ruo! Hide behind me!" Xian Wu shouted to the two women who were in a daze, and immediately protected them in front of them.

The cyan crescent-shaped wind blade spit out by the black gold-level giant wolf is still very scary, and Xian Wu must use his soul barrier to defend it with all his strength.

Nie Li maintained his insubstantial state cautiously, not daring to move at all. His soul power was draining away bit by bit, and he was about to be exhausted.

Nie Li cursed angrily in his heart: "Damn Xian Wu, stinky Xian Wu, you married a wife and forgot about your father, and you left me alone!"

The head of the giant wolf under the seat was bitten off, and his body naturally fell to the ground, and he also fell to the ground after being transformed.

Although the shadow demon can become invisible, it is still a land demon in the final analysis and cannot remain motionless in mid-air for a long time.

"Human, how do you want to die?" What shocked everyone was that the legendary Moon Howling Wolf King actually spoke human words.

In full view of the public, the Howling Moon Wolf King was bathed in the bright moonlight, his whole body shone brightly, and turned into a silver werewolf.

In other words, she is a woman wearing wolf skin. Her complexion is fairer than Huyan Lanruo, and her face is more handsome than Xiao Ning'er.

Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yanlan Ruo looked at each other, thinking: "How did the monster become a human? And she is such a beautiful woman?"

Huyan Lanruo tugged at the corner of Xian Wu's clothes, fearing that he would become lustful and have an idea of ​​this enchantress at the critical moment, so she would show mercy.

Xian Wu patted Huyan Lanruo's little hand to reassure her that he would not like the wolf girl in front of him.

First of all, the purpose of their trip is to hunt the wolf girl, maybe the legendary demon spirit; secondly, the wolf pack is a matriarchal society, and the legendary wolf girl in front of them is estimated to be hundreds of years old, and she has been with many males. Wolves have mated and given birth to many wolf pups...

Although he is lustful, he also has a bottom line. He doesn't want women with dimples, virgins, or bad figures.

"That's so disgusting." Xian Wu glanced at the Howling Moon Wolf King and spat in disdain.

Following Xian Wu's line of sight and looking down, the Wolf King Xiaoyue was furious, showing two sharp canine teeth: "Humanity seeks death!"

She raised her sharp claws and grabbed Xian Wu's head. The claws looked like Zhou Zhiruo's Nine Yin White Bone Claws, very frightening.

"Compared with my claws? Come and taste my tiger claw hands!" Xian Wu used tiger claw combat skills to fight against the wolf girl's claws from the bottom up.

The tiger claw combat skill was the combat skill he acquired when he was promoted to the silver level, and there was also a multiplier combat skill at the same time as it.


The two claws met, and as expected, Xian Wu was defeated.His body only has black gold level strength, but the wolf girl's is legendary level.

The wolf girl put away her paws and licked her lips greedily: "Human, you are very good! I have decided, you will be my breakfast tomorrow."

To be able to catch her claw without dying, the human being in front of him is really extraordinary. To have such strength at such a young age must be a great addition.

"Gaba!" Xian Wu connected the wrong right arm, took out a Nine-turn Pill from the space ring, drank it, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You female wolf is really fucking strong, try my Haoyu painted halberd!" Xian Wu summoned weapons from the soul sea.Holding the handle of the halberd in his hand, Xian Wu pointed the gloomy halberd head at the Xiaoyue Wolf King, his heart burning with fierce fighting intent.

He possesses the strength of a black-gold peak demon spiritual master, and the power of the soul weapon is one level higher than that of his master, which is the peak legendary level.

However, the appearance of the soul weapon is plain and simple, without any soul power leaking out, and others cannot detect its true power.

The Xiaoyue Wolf King snorted disdainfully, stretched out his wolf hand and hooked Xian Wu: "You dare to show off even if you use scraps of metal, come here with your horse!"

She has executed countless human monks. Although their weapons look scary, they are all unable to withstand her claws.

"Eight stabs of the knight's halberd!"

Although the level of cultivation of Xiaji Bazao is only that of a beginner, it is more than enough to deal with a ferocious and brainless female monster.

"Poof!" A halberd from Xian Wu was thrust into the belly of the Howling Moon Wolf King with his navel exposed, and the demonic blood instantly dyed the halberd head red.

"Ouch~~~" The injured Xiaoyue Wolf King let out a mournful cry, raised his hand and slapped the soul soldier's painted halberd away.

Seeing that the queen was injured, the giant wolves standing around immediately launched an attack on Xian Wu and the others, with green wind blades overwhelming the sky.

"Soul barrier!!!" Without enough time to pick up the Hao Zhen painted halberd, Xian Wu hurriedly summoned the soul barrier to protect Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo.

"Bang bang bang!" The cyan wind blade bombarded the soul barrier. Although the barrier was twisted and deformed, it was not broken.

Xian Wu knew that those giant wolves were only at the black gold level, so the wind blades they spit out were naturally unable to break through the soul barrier of peak black gold level strength.

Seeing that the wind blade failed, the giant wolves gave up spitting out the wind blade and directly slapped Xian Wu with their claws.

"The six-character and five-shaped boxing that I have practiced hard for so long finally came into use today, Leopard Boxing!!!" Xian Wu came first.

The speed of the Leopard Fist and the demonic left hand that can decompose all things are simply an invincible combination. Anyone who touches it will die, and whoever touches it will die.

If he were to fight humans who were proficient in martial arts, their combination would not be that awesome, but now he was fighting against monsters that could only attack stupidly, and they relied on their huge size, rough skin and thick flesh, and they were no match for Xian Wu's small fists. The attack was unfazed.

The giant wolves thought they could beat Xian Wu and the three of them into pieces with one claw. In fact, they didn't even know how they died.

Dozens of giant wolves were wiped out in an instant. Not to mention beating Xian Wu into a pulp, his skin was not even scratched.

Xiaoyue Wolf King covered her belly with one hand and rubbed her eyes with the other. She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. Where were her wolf sons and grandsons?

After getting rid of all the people in the way, Xian Wu twisted his neck and attacked the Howling Moon Wolf King.

Although his lower abdomen was stabbed, the Howling Moon Wolf King would not sit still and wait for death, and would directly return to his true form as a giant wolf that was more than 20 meters tall.

Considering Xian Wu's weird attack method, Xiaoyue Wolf King didn't fight him in close quarters, and prepared to attack from a distance.

"It's not that easy to run away!" Xian Wu summoned his wind and thunder wings and launched the fastest martial skill "Thunder God's Wrath".

"Don't bully the wolf too much!" Xiaoyue Wolf King howled hysterically. The opponent's speed was too fast, and she couldn't close the gap at all.

"So what if you bully you, die to me!" Xian Wu raised his knife and cut off the head of Xiaoyue Wolf King in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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