The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 202 Decomposing the Wolf King

Chapter 202 Decomposing the Wolf King
Seeing the Howling Moon Wolf King being killed by Xian Wu, Nie Li breathed a sigh of relief, released his virtual state, and jumped down from the corpse of the giant wolf.

"Husband, you are amazing, aren't you?" Huyan Lanruo excitedly rushed to Xian Wu, hugged his neck and kissed him fiercely.

The Xiaoyue Wolf King is one of the three legendary monsters that endanger the Glory City. Xian Wu killed it and is the hero of the Glory City.

Since ancient times, beauties love heroes, and Huyan Lanruo is no exception. She feels extremely proud when she sees her husband eliminating harm for the people.

Xiao Ning'er didn't rush up to celebrate, but summoned Fenglei Tianque to possess her, spread her wings, and flew to retrieve the weapon that Xian Wu had thrown away.

Xian Wu was moved when he regained the soul weapon painted halberd. He rubbed Xiao Ning'er's little head and praised: "Ning'er is the most sensible~"

He didn't complain that Huyan Lanruo was ignorant, Huyan Lanruo's attention was focused on him, which was also very commendable.

"Xian Wu, come here quickly, the head of the Howling Moon Wolf King is too hard, I can't break it!" Nie Li shouted, holding up the dagger that was broken into two pieces.

His dagger is a silver-level fighter, and it is engraved with a silver-level battle front inscription, but it still can't break through the wolf king's head.

The fur of legendary monsters is really hard, and the skull of the Howling Moon Wolf King is probably even harder, so it requires the use of legendary soldiers.

Nie Li summoned the Soul Soldier Fist and tried it again, but the result was still the same. Even the gold-level power couldn't break through the Wolf King's fur.

"Here we come!" Hearing Nie Li's call, Xian Wu responded and quickly rushed to the Wolf King's head with the two women.

Xian Wu also jumped on the huge wolf king's head, activated the atomic decomposition power of the demon's left hand, and cut a big hole in the wolf's head.

Since the demon's left hand can decompose all materials it encounters into atoms, Xian Wu did not dare to go deeper for fear of destroying the legendary demon spirit.

"Nie Li, the hole on the wolf's head has been opened, go in and look for the demon crystal and demon spirit of the Xiaoyue Wolf King." Xian Wu jumped off the wolf's head.

The head of the Howling Moon Wolf King was the size of a truck, most of it was brains, and Nie Li's small body could get inside.

Nie Li rolled his eyes and asked, "Why don't you get in there yourself? I'm not your servant girl. I won't go!"

Looking at the steaming white brains, Nie Li's stomach churned and he almost vomited. He didn't want to get in here.

"I'm going to dispose of the body of the Howling Moon Wolf King, and I'll give you all the legendary demon blood I got!" Xian Wu pointed at the headless wolf corpse and said.

Legendary level monsters are the most top-notch existence on the continent except for spirit-level monsters. Their skin, flesh, bones, and blood are treasures.

Fur can be made into armor, meat can be used to nourish soul power, bones can be made into soldiers, and blood can be used to draw inscribed scrolls.

Legendary-level inscription scrolls need to be drawn with legendary-level monster blood. Nie Li's own strength is low and he lacks scrolls to defend himself.

The scrolls sold on the market in the City of Glory were all relatively low-level, with the highest being only silver-level. Nie Li couldn't even buy high-end scrolls if he wanted to.

High-end inscription scrolls were hidden in the treasure houses of various aristocratic families. If Nie Li wanted to use them, he could only draw them himself.

Therefore, the essence and blood of the legendary demon beast Howling Moon Wolf King has a fatal attraction for him, and Xian Wu believes that he will cooperate obediently.

Nie Li rolled his eyes a few times and swallowed: "In addition to the demon blood of the Howling Moon Wolf King, I also want the demon crystal in its head."

He has seen Xian Wu's methods. Xian Wu's magical left hand can instantly break down any monster into skin, flesh, bone and blood essence.However, Xian Wu's decomposition ability is also limited, and he cannot decompose the demon spirits of monster beasts. Anyway, he has never seen them before.

It may be because of this reason that Xian Wu handed over the head of Xiaoyue Wolf King to him to handle, and he went to handle the body of the Wolf King himself.

But he couldn't deal with it in vain. Diving into the tumbling brain, he could probably have a nightmare, and another demon crystal wouldn't be too much.

The demon crystals of legendary monsters are necessary materials to build legendary armor. The demon crystals contain huge elemental power.

If the guess was correct, the Demonic Crystal of the Howling Moon Wolf King contained the power of the wind element, and he just needed the boots to escape.

"Deal! Get down quickly. We have to go into the canyon to have a look later." After saying that, Xian Wu approached the body and stretched out his left hand.

While consuming [-] soul power, the corpse disintegrated instantly, and the various parts of the Xiaoyue Wolf King were suspended in mid-air for everyone to choose.

A ball of bright red blood, a piece of fresh meat, a piece of pale bone, a piece of fresh internal organs...

"Husband, these things are all treasures." Huyan Lanruo was not at all uncomfortable with the scene in front of her, but she was very excited.

She took out a porcelain vase from the purse embroidered with cherry blossoms, ran to the bottom of the blood mass, and asked Xian Wu to put the blood of the monster into the porcelain vase.

Seeing that the porcelain bottle in Huyan Lanruo's hand was only as big as a palm, Xian Wu asked doubtfully, "Isn't this bottle of yours for perfume?"

Perfume is sold in the City of Glory. It is not the modern kind of perfume, but a perfume mixed with flowers and herbs.

"This is a space treasure that grandpa discovered when he was exploring ancient ruins. I personally saw him use this bottle to fill dozens of large wine jars in the winery." Huyan Lanruo said proudly, "Later, grandpa got tired of drinking that wine. , and gave it and the wine inside to me."

She doesn't like drinking very much, but the wine was not wasted. She asked her to add fragrance liquid to mix it into a new type of perfume, and sold it all.

For some reason, perfume mixed with wine was particularly popular, and she made back the money her grandfather spent on the wine in minutes.

Hearing Huyan Lanruo's explanation, Xian Wu felt relieved, controlled the blood with his soul force, and rushed towards her small porcelain bottle.

Xiao Ning'er on the other side was not idle either, she took off a whole wolf skin, folded it into squares, and tied it up.

"Ugh—that's so disgusting, Xian Wu, I hate you!" Nie Li struggled out of the wolf's head, his body covered in white brain matter.

He has found the demon crystal and demon spirit of Xiaoyue Wolf King, and they are currently placed in his space ring.

The first priority was to clean his filthy body. The fishy smell made his brain churn and he almost fainted.

Seeing Nie Li crawling out of the wolf's head, Xian Wu guessed that he had completed his mission and couldn't help but feel happy.

This time when he went out, he brought more than a dozen space rings of ten cubic meters. After Huyan Lanruo finished containing the demon blood, he used the rings to carry away all the rest of the meat, bones and internal organs, except for the undigested things in the stomach pouch and the nine rotations. Reply in the large intestine.

"How's it going? Did you find the thing?" Xian Wu ran over and asked, taking the Demon Spirit Stone thrown by Nie Li. Xian Wu pinched his nose and disintegrated the wolf head. The smell on Nie Li's body was really unpleasant, and The scene was like emerging from an elephant.

Nie Li pinched his waist angrily, sighed, and gritted his teeth: "You kid, don't gloat about others' misfortune. Hurry up and boil some water for me to take a bath. It's so dirty!"

(End of this chapter)

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