The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 203 The Real Body of the Wolf King

Chapter 203 The Real Body of the Wolf King
Xian Wu used the devil's left hand to decompose the air, then synthesized liquid water, and then heated it with the devil fire of hell to produce a ball of hot water.

"Let's just wash it off, conditions are limited." Xian Wu used his soul power to control the hot water ball and moved it above Nie Li's head.

Xiao Ning'er and Huyan Lanruo stared directly at Nie Li. Nie Li was a little shy and his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"Xian Wu, you...can you tell them to stop staring at me like this? I feel so uncomfortable." Nie Li pointed at the two girls in protest.

How can a daughter-in-law watch her father-in-law take a shower? If Ziyun comes to see him, she can barely accept it, but other women have no way!

Xian Wu turned around and glared at Xiao Ning'er and Huyan Lanruo. The two women turned their backs and put their arms around each other, pretending to be having a pleasant conversation.

"Sister Ning'er, that "Thunder God Help Me" move you just performed was really cool. I'll teach you if you have time."

"No problem, Sister Lan Ruo. Your boxing skills are not bad either. You can teach me some other time. We can learn from each other and improve each other."

Xian Wu shrugged speechlessly and dug a large pit two meters deep and two meters wide on the ground for Nie Li to jump in to cover his shame.

"Wash, I'll keep an eye on them for you." Xian Wu began to pour hot water to wash away the white dirt on Nie Li's body.

After jumping into the pit, Nie Li's mood eased a lot. He scrubbed vigorously and took out the soap locust to wash his hair.

The ball of hot water was controlled by Xian Wu, suspended above the bathing pit, continuously flowing down the thick hot water of the thumb.

"Xian Wu, increase the water flow. Our family has a great cause, so we need less water?" Nie Li disliked the small water flow, which made it inconvenient to wash his hair.

Following Xian Wu's thoughts, the thickness of the water doubled, it was as thick as a tap water pipe, and it kept flowing downwards.

The two girls, who were extremely bored, ran to sort out the legendary monster heads that Xian Wu had decomposed. The most precious demon spirits and demon crystals had already been taken away.

The remaining valuable items are the eyes and teeth of the Howling Moon Wolf King. There is nothing else to take away.

After the two women had finished packing up the trophies, Nie Li had also finished taking a bath over there, and was being dried by Xian Wu using hell's demonic fire.

The surrounding environment was frozen like a harsh winter by Xian Wu. Walking around in wet clothes in the middle of winter was no different than seeking death.

After solving Nie Li's hygiene problem, Xian Wu took out the demon spirit stone that sealed the Howling Moon Wolf King and used the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" to devour it.

In less than half a stick of incense, Xian Wu fused and swallowed the legendary monster, and the fifth level of the inverted pyramid of the soul sea lit up.

There are a total of five corner points on the five levels of the pyramid, which means that Xian Wu needs to fuse and devour five legendary monsters in order to be promoted.

After promotion, it will not only increase Xian Wu's soul attack strength, but also increase the maximum limit of his soul sea.

At the same time, the Soul Weapon Painted Halberd and the Nightmare Demon Pot will also be improved, all reaching the strength of the Spiritual God. Killing a God is not difficult.

After devouring the Howling Moon Wolf King, he was still short of four legendary monsters. Excluding the two in the Saint Ancestor Mountains, he was still short of two.

"The true form of the Wolf King!!!" Xian Wu shouted, and instantly transformed into a giant wolf of more than 20 meters, exactly like the Howling Moon Wolf King.

There was one difference. The Xiaoyue Wolf King was female, and the wolf king he transformed into was genderless and didn't even have a excretion hole.

In other words, there is no flaw in his back, even if the enemy wants to dig out his anus, he can't.

The true form of the Wolf King is a legendary combat skill obtained by Xian Wu after swallowing the demon spirit of the Howling Moon Wolf King. His huge body possesses legendary strength.

In addition, he can also spit out a huge blue crescent blade about a hundred meters wide, which has legendary destructive power and consumes millions of soul power.

In other words, Xian Wu can spit out up to ten giant blue crescent blades, and this is when the Nightmare Demon Pot is fully charged with soul power.

"Come up, everyone, let's go into Snow Wolf Canyon and see if there are any other good things in there." Xian Wu spat out words.Nie Li summoned a gray-feathered ferocious sparrow to possess him, fluttering his small gray wings, and landed on the wolf's head, really stomping on his nose and face.

Xiao Ning'er summoned the Wind and Thunder Bird and wanted to pick up Huyan Lanruo, but Huyan Lanruo was too heavy and she failed to hold her several times.

"Ning'er, fly up by yourself first, I have a plan for Lan Ruo." Xian Wu picked up Huyan Lan Ruo's clothes in his mouth, and gently flung them back.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiao Ning'er caught Huyan Lanruo and helped her sit down firmly on the wolf's back. The relationship between the two sisters deepened a lot.

Huyan Lanruo blushed and said, "Sister Ning'er, thank you." She had such a bad attitude towards Xiao Ning'er before, and she felt very guilty.

"Thank you for everything, it's all what I should do." Xiao Ning'er smiled, knowing that she was not evil-minded, but she just loved Xian Wu too much.

"Sit tight, I'm going to drive!" Xian Wu warned, taking long steps along the turn, causing the passengers to complain.

Nie Li was not happy at first. He tugged on Xian Wu's eyebrows and shouted, "Stop, stop, stop, your walking method is wrong, look at me!"

After saying that, Nie Li flew down from the wolf's head and lay on the ground, using his hands and feet to demonstrate. The way animals walk is different from humans.

Although Xian Wu lacked knowledge, he was not stupid. After seeing Nie Li demonstrate it twice, he learned it and started to move smoothly.

"Fuck. Wait, wait, I haven't gotten in the car yet! Stop, you bastard!" Nie Li chased after him and yelled.

After Nie Li flew over Xian Wu's head again, everyone also entered the Snow Wolf Canyon.

The inside of the canyon is a basin structure, surrounded by mountains on three sides. There is not much space. There are many caves on the rock walls, and snow wolves come in and out.

Smelling the scent of strangers, the snow wolves gathered together to confront Xian Wu and others. They were all old, weak, sick and disabled, and were vulnerable to a blow.

Xian Wu was too lazy to pay attention to them, and directly sprayed "absolute zero" from his mouth, and they froze into ice sculptures.

"Come on, go to the biggest cave first and see what's inside." Xian Wu lifted the wolf king's real body and hugged the two girls in the air.

The carrying capacity of the Wind and Thunder Wings is higher than that of Nie Li's Gray Feathered Bird and Xiao Ning'er's Wind and Thunder Bird, and can carry up to two people.

After landing, Xian Wu let go of the soft waists of the two women and took out the soul weapon painting halberd from the soul sea in case of emergency.

When I get home, I must find Shen Xiu to vent the anger that has been accumulated for more than two weeks, hoping that no one will die.

"Oh my god, how come there are so many skeletons here." Entering the cave, everyone found many broken bones.

Most of them are monsters, and a small part are human beings. None of them are complete. The only thing that can distinguish their identities is the skulls.

"Look, what did I find?" Nie Li picked up an ancient space ring from the ground. Many things in the ring were decayed. He didn't know what era they were from.

After a brief search, everyone continued to move forward. At the end of the cave was a large nursery nest with many wolf cubs lying inside.

After easily getting rid of several guarding female wolves, Xiao Ning'er asked: "Brother Wu, what do you plan to do with these cubs?"

"Of course, kill them all, eradicate them all!" Nie Li said firmly.

Huyan Lanruo had a different opinion: "Why kill them? Take them back and sell them, or raise them yourself."

Xian Wu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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