Chapter 204 On the way home

After searching the Snow Wolf Canyon, the four of them set out on their way home.Xian Wu did not kill the wolf cubs, but left them to fend for themselves.

Although humans and monsters are hostile to each other, Xian Wu cannot attack an unarmed enemy.

"Mr., even if we don't kill those snow wolf cubs, they will be eaten by other natural enemies." Huyan Lanruo pouted.

Even if you don't kill them or eradicate them, you can catch them and raise them, why don't you leave them to fend for themselves?

"Just eat it, as long as it doesn't dirty my hands." Xian Wu replied while running wildly on all fours.

He just killed the parents and brothers of those cubs, and then turned around and raised them again?He couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

Xiao Ning'er held her chin in her hands, sat on Xian Wu's back and said, "No matter what decision Brother Wu makes, I will support him."

Although she prefers to eradicate the problem, these cubs do not seem to have much impact on the City of Glory.

"Silly girl, you are still counting money for someone after being sold." Nie Li muttered and continued to copy the exercises.

What he wrote was a method suitable for all human beings to practice, called "Shenhun Tao Jue", which was a method he created himself.

When people who practice the Divine Soul Dao Jue gain soul power, they will allocate [-]% of their soul power to those who practice the "Divine Soul Binding Heart Jue".

His current cultivation speed is too slow, and he must use some tricky methods to quickly improve his cultivation and realm.

After copying the "Shenhun Dao Jue", Nie Li patted Xian Wu on the back and said, "Xian Wu, how about I give you the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow?"

"Not so good? I can't fuse demon spirits, let alone lay eggs." Xian Wu rolled his eyes, this bad old man is very bad.

But he can also give him the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow. He can give it to Shen Xiu to fuse with the woman and ask her to help lay the eggs desperately.

"Okay, it's a happy decision." Nie Li began to guide the gray-feathered bird out of the Soul Sea and into the Demon Spirit Stone.

Xian Wu's "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" is so abnormal, there must be a way to mass-produce gray-feathered ferocious sparrow eggs, so it would be right to leave it to him.

"Ning'er, keep it for your man." Nie Li handed the gray Demon Spirit Stone to Xiao Ning'er, automatically ignoring Huyan Lanruo.

He is a person who holds grudges. If Huyanlan scolds him, he will remember it in his heart, so he will not give her a good look.

Huyan Lanruo snorted, but there was nothing she could do. She was not familiar with Nie Li, and Xiao Ning'er was Nie Li's classmate.

Due to both emotion and reason, Nie Li should have given the Demon Spirit Stone to Xiao Ning'er for safekeeping, but this behavior made her feel very unhappy.

Xiao Ning'er put the Gray Feather Fierce Bird's Demon Spirit Stone into the space ring, thanked Nie Li, and immediately returned to her ice beauty posture.

Her smile only blooms for Xian Wu, and other men are not qualified to appreciate it, even if he has a close relationship with Xian Wu.

"Everyone, please pay attention. We are about to leave the frozen realm. There may be monsters on the road." Xian Wu reminded.

Although the Howling Moon Wolf King he transformed into has legendary hardness, it does not have legendary pressure and cannot deter monsters.

If the protection is not complete, there will be some blind guy who rushes straight into him looking for death. He is not afraid of ten thousand, just afraid of the worst.

Transforming into the Howling Moon Wolf King doesn't cost much soul power. What requires intense soul power consumption is the Blue Moon Wind Blade.

The Wolf King's true form is the same as the Golden Lion Armor. When not launching long-range attack capabilities, it consumes almost no soul power.

In other words, the consumption of maintaining the true form of the Wolf King is just the tip of a feather in a bucket in terms of his total soul power. "Husband, with Sister Ning'er's situation, how should we enter the city?" Huyan Lanruo suddenly thought of a question.

Xiao Ning'er was being wanted by the Holy Family throughout the city, and a bounty was placed on her. If she ventured into the city during the day, she would definitely be discovered by the Holy Family's spies.

Xian Wu's wolf's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "Let's go in swaggeringly, and I'll see who dares to stop me, I'll kill you!"

He now has the legendary Wolf King's true form, and it is a piece of cake to deal with the Holy Family. If he really wants to break up, who is afraid of whom?
"Xian Wu, you are too impulsive. You have already made the people complain when you were in the Chengxi Wu Arena. If you kill people recklessly in the Glory City, the impact will be even worse. It will be very difficult for you to run for the city leader. .” Nie Li thought very long term.

Xian Wu is his godson, making him the city lord of Glory City is the same as being the city lord himself.

Although Xian Wu can be rebellious sometimes, he is still very obedient most of the time. I feel relieved to have him be the city lord.

"Then what do you think we should do? Sneak into the city at night?" Xian Wu was very unhappy and directly destroyed the Holy Family.

"I have a way!" Nie Li wiped it on his face randomly, and his face turned into Lu Piao's appearance after a while.

Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo opened their mouths in surprise, wondering how Nie Li did it.

Xian Wu tilted his head and glanced back. He was also shocked when he saw Nie Li's appearance. Nie Li had quite a lot of chores.

"Nie Li, you have good skills. Can you help disguise Ning'er to look like Ye Ziyun?" Xian Wu suggested.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Nie Li was unhappy and scolded: "Why should I use Ziyun's face? No, if I want to use it, use Shen Xiu's."

Nie Li did not touch Xiao Ning'er's face directly, but taught her bit by bit the basic disguise skills.

By the time she returned to Glory City, Xiao Ning'er could easily change her appearance.

After releasing the true form of the Wolf King, Xian Wu summoned the wings of wind and thunder, hugged Nie Li and Huyan Lanruo to the ground, and Xiao Ning'er flew down by herself.

"Xian Wu, you are a guy who values ​​sex over father, I misjudged you!" Nie Li protested wildly, rubbing his butt that had broken into eight pieces.

If she treats Hu Yanlan lightly, she treats him like he throws away rubbish. It's too much, and he wants to sever the father-son relationship with him.

It was around midnight when we returned to the Glory City, and the city guards had just finished lunch.

Since it was broad daylight, all four entered the city easily without encountering any obstacles.

It took more than two weeks when I went there, and about two days when I came back. The legendary monsters are very fast.

More importantly, along the way, Xian Wu carried three people alone, and when he didn't want to go, the four had to take care of each other.

"My dears, I'm back, do you miss me?" Xian Wu walked into the house cheering.

When they saw Xian Wu coming home, the maids quickly reported, and not long after, Ouyang Tiantian and Wo Xueshen came out to welcome him.

Not surprised not to see Yang Xin Xianwu, but surprised not to see Shen Xiu Xianwu. It has been more than two weeks, she should be awake, right?
"Husband, you're back~" Ouyang Tiantian held Xian Wu's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Master, welcome back." Wo Xueshen smiled slightly and did not approach Xian Wu, fearing that he would make Xian Wu weak again.

Xian Wu asked doubtfully: "Where is Shen Xiu? Still hiding in the room?"

"She left, quarreled with the eldest sister, and returned to the sacred family!" Ouyang replied every day.

(End of this chapter)

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