The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 205 Discussing Countermeasures

Chapter 205 Discussing Countermeasures
"Shen Xiu has returned to the Holy Family?" Upon hearing the news, Xian Wu was shocked and had a bad premonition.

That day, Ning'er's underwear was found from Shen Xiu, which proved that she had discovered that Xiao Ning'er was hiding in the Haozhen family.

Now that Shen Xiu was escaping from the Haozhen family while she was away, she would definitely tell the old immortal Shen Hong about Xiao Ning'er.

The Holy Family has many eyes and ears, so someone must have reported the news of his return, and Shen Hong will come back soon to ask for someone.

Haoyu's family is not a vegetable market, if you want to come to your house to ask for someone, first ask Fang Tian's painted halberd in your hand, whether you agree or not.

Nie Li touched his chin, thought for a moment, and suggested, "If you don't take Ning'er to hide for a while, the Holy Family will definitely come to ask for you."

In the entire Glory City, only the City Lord's Mansion is the safest. The Holy Family does not dare to go head-to-head with the Fengxue Family.

"Hide? Is there any need to hide? Let me see whoever dares to ask for someone from me will beat his mother until she doesn't even recognize him." Xian Wu snorted angrily.

"Husband, if you have anything to do, let's go to the meeting hall to talk. It's very tiring to stand." Ouyang Tiantian pulled Xian Wu into the room.

Everyone sat down in the family's meeting hall to study and discuss issues related to the Holy Family and Xiao Ning'er.

Xian Wu and Hu Yan Lanruo took the lead in fighting, and whoever wanted to fight was the one who wanted to fight; Nie Li and Ouyang Tiantian made peace and wanted to transfer Xiao Ning'er.

While the two sides were arguing, Ye Ziyun, who learned that everyone had returned, left the Water Pyramid and hurried over.

"Ning'er!" Ye Ziyun took Xiao Ning'er's little hand, jumping up and down like a bunny with excitement, and narrowed her eyes with laughter.

Seeing Ye Ziyun coming, Nie Li expressed his thoughts: "Ziyun, how about letting Ning'er hide in your house for a few days?"

Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er were very good friends when they were young, and they have a good relationship now, so they probably won't refuse.

"Going to my house? Is it because of the Holy Family's affairs? No problem, I'll take care of it!" Ye Ziyun assured, patting her chest.

Her grandfather, the legendary demon spiritist Ye Mo happened to be at home recently, and the sacred family did not dare to make trouble in front of his old man.

Her grandfather originally hunted monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains to curb the speed and scale of the monster tide.

For unknown reasons, the number of gold-level monsters to the west of the mountain range suddenly dropped sharply, and the tide of monsters will not be formed in a short time.

Xiao Ning'er lowered her head, a little embarrassed to say: "Thank you... thank you Ziyun, my attitude towards you was so bad before, you..."

When she was studying at Shenglan College, she was extremely cold towards Ye Ziyun. Every time Ye Ziyun took the initiative to talk to her, she ignored him.

Now that she was in trouble, Ye Ziyun agreed to help so readily. His noble character was really shameful.

There was a reason why she ignored Ye Ziyun. Ye Ziyun was the only daughter of the city lord, and no one could force her to do anything.

But she was different, she was just a girl from a wealthy family, and she was engaged to a playboy from a holy family.

She and Ye Ziyun are not from the same world. If she doesn't want to marry Shen Fei, she can only rely on her own efforts to practice and resist fate.

It was precisely because she was busy practicing, busy studying, and busy improving herself that she parted ways with Ye Ziyun.

Her time is very precious, and she must improve herself to become a strong person who can control her own destiny before marrying Shen Fei.

She also hopes to be as happy and carefree as Ye Ziyun all day long, but the reality does not allow her to do that.

"It's okay, Ning'er, I understand. We will be good sisters for life, and good sisters should help each other, right?"

Ye Ziyun patted Xiao Ning'er's shoulder and asked her to relax, "Just wait for my good news, I'm going to find my grandpa now!" Seeing Ye Ziyun running away like a gust of wind, a drop of moved emotion fell from the corner of Xiao Ning'er's eyes. Tears, she was so good.

"Tiantian, you lead the people to drive away those bastards from the Holy Family. Shen Xiu has run away, and there is no need for them to occupy the Pyramid of Fire anymore." Xian Wu ordered, "Also, notify all major bridge entrances to strengthen their guard , don’t let anyone from the Holy Family come in.”

"Understood! I'll go right away." Ouyang Tiantian agreed, "By the way, husband, this is the sweater I knitted. Can you try it on?"

Ouyang Tiantian took out a golden sweater from the space ring. It seemed to be made of pure gold and was very delicate.

"Okay, I'll show it to you later tonight." Xian Wu took the sweater and kissed Ouyang Tiantian's little apple face lovingly.

Not long after Ouyang Tiantian left the conference hall, Chief Wo Diao walked in and reported: "Patriarch, the meal is ready."

Relying on Wo Xueshen's relationship, he became the steward of the Haozhen family, specifically assisting Ouyang Tiantian with housework.

His position was arranged by the eldest lady Yang Xin. Ouyang Tiantian has a distinguished status, and there are some things that she does not need to do personally.

"Let's go next door to eat first, take a hot bath after the meal, and then have a good sleep." Xian Wu greeted everyone.

Wo Diaochang can be regarded as half of his uncle. He helps Ouyang Tiantian, and he has no objection.

However, if he engages in malpractice for personal gain, takes bribes and perverts the law, I will never spare him, let alone my uncle or my own brother.

During the meal, Xian Wu called Mr. Hu Yanba over. He had not seen him for a long time and was still thinking strangely.

Hu Yanba had just gotten drunk, but Xian Wu was already extremely drunk, and was finally carried back to the bedroom by Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo.

"Don't look at me, old man! I'm a minor and can't drink!" Nie Li was stared at by Hu Yanba until his head went numb.


It was dusk in a blink of an eye, Ye Ziyun came back, but Xian Wu was still lying in the room, fast asleep.

"How is the situation... hiccup... Ziyun?" Nie Li asked unsteadily while belching wine.

He even said he wouldn't drink anymore, but that old drunkard Hu Yanba still grabbed him by the neck and drank.

Ye Ziyun pinched her little nose, pushed Nie Li away in disgust, and shouted: "Stay away from me, the smell of alcohol on your body is really unpleasant."

After passing Nie Li, Ye Ziyun went directly to Xiao Ning'er's room to look for her.

"Who are you?" Ye Ziyun found a woman who looked exactly like herself in Xiao Ning'er's room.

The man wiped his face and revealed his true face. She smiled and said, "It's me, Ziyun!"

"Ning'er! How did you become like me? Isn't this amazing?" Ye Ziyun opened her beautiful big eyes and pinched Xiao Ning'er's pink little face.

Xiao Ning'er smiled without saying a word and asked, "How is it? Has Mr. Ye Mo agreed?"

Ye Ziyun nodded, shook her head again, and replied: "My grandfather agreed, but he wants you to pass the test of the Heavenly Illusory Holy Land first. If you pass the test, not only will he let you live in the City Lord's Mansion, I can even accept you as my apprentice.”

"The Holy Realm of Heavenly Fantasy? That secret realm in Shenglan College that only the geniuses among geniuses can enter?" Xiao Ning'er widened her beautiful eyes, "Without further ado, I'll go now!"

Xiao Ning'er pinched her face and disguised herself as a maid.

(End of this chapter)

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