Chapter 207 Dean Gao Yuan
Although the season has come to autumn, the weather is still extremely hot, especially for Xian Wu and Huyan Lanruo who are flying in the air.

When they landed in the open space in front of the office building of Shenglan College, Xian Wu's chest and Hu Yan Lanruo's back were soaked with sweat.

"It's so hot, it's so hot, what the hell is the weather like, my aunt is getting so hot." Huyan Lanruo used her little hand as a fan to keep fanning.

It's a pity that the little breeze doesn't even have any cooling effect, not to mention relieving the heat. The more you fan, the hotter you get, and the more you fan, the more irritable you become.

Xian Wu plucked the sweat from the wet clothes on his chest, and a good idea came to his mind: "Lan Ruo, let me treat you to a popsicle."

He awakened the sleeping demon's left hand, decomposed the air within a seven-meter radius, and then synthesized it into liquid water.

Transferring the synthesized liquid water to his right hand for control, Xian Wu then took out some raisins and hawthorns from the space ring and put them in.

Finally, it is made of a huge spherical popsicle, or ice ball, using the "absolute zero" frozen solid-liquid mixture.

"So it's this popsicle, I thought it was that one, thank you husband~" Huyan Lanruo looked a little disappointed.

Think about it, there are so many people in the academy, Xian Wu can't let go, and it will be bad if he teaches those junior students badly.

You must know that Xian Wu is a great hero of Shenglan College. He has donated hundreds of millions of demon spirit coins to support poor and promising students.

Xian Wu pinched Huyan Lanruo's little face with black lines on his head: "You girl, what are you thinking about all day long?"

As an experienced driver, as soon as Huyan Lanruo opened her mouth, he understood what she meant.Unfortunately, she is not in class tonight.

"Husband, your big popsicle is so delicious~" Huyan Lanruo stretched out her pink tongue and took a lick of ice as big as a basketball.

To be honest, this popsicle is tasteless. It would be better if I added some brown sugar. It is sweet, icy, and especially refreshing.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Pay attention to the impact!" Mr. Xian Wu blushed, scolded, flicked his sleeves, and walked into the teaching building.

Huyan Lanruo put the big ice ball into the space ring and followed him. He had to do business and now was not the time to eat.

The door to the deputy dean's room was open, and Xian Wu found that not only deputy dean Ye Sheng was in the room, but also a tall old man.

"Xian Wu? Why are you here?" When Ye Sheng saw Xian Wu outside the door, he immediately stood up and greeted him warmly.

"Lan Ruo is here too! What kind of wind brought you two here today?" Ye Sheng laughed so hard that his eyebrows and beard trembled.

Huyan Lanruo wrinkled her tall nose and smelled something strange in the room. It was a very faint smell of monster urine.

The tall old man coughed lightly. Ye Sheng understood, pointed at the old man and introduced, "Xian Wu, this is Dean Gao Yuan of our college."

"Dean Gao Yuan? Are you the one who established the trial place with Lord Ye Mo? It's a pleasure to meet you." Xian Wu stretched out his right hand.

Gao Yuan stretched out his rough big hand and shook Xian Wu's hand, then said with a smile: "I have heard of your name for a long time. As expected, heroes come from young!"

Although he has been studying monsters and beasts in the trial ground all year round and never sees anyone else, he is still very well-informed about the news in the academy.

"President Gao Yuan praised me a lot. The small things I do are nothing compared to the big things you do." Xian Wu was very humble.

Gao Yuan's hair was as messy as a bird's nest, and his slovenly appearance was very different from the dean in his impression.Before Xian Wu could express his request, Ye Sheng spoke first: "Xian Wu, the dean is currently short of a batch of monster cubs for research purposes. Do you have a way to get some? There aren't many. If you want, one or two hundred will be enough."

Ye Sheng was not polite to Xian Wu at all. If he hadn't used the treasured spirit pill to help him resolve his soul power, he would have died long ago.

However, even if Xian Wu refused, he would not say anything more. The hundreds of millions of demon spirit coins donated were already far beyond the value of the elixir.

"Monster cubs?"

He was very curious about the results of Dean Gao Yuan's research in the trial place for so many years.

Gao Yuan glanced at Ye Sheng, and when he saw Ye Sheng nodding firmly, he felt relieved: "I have recently developed a batch of monster feed. After feeding the monsters, they can be quickly tamed. The younger the monsters, the better." , the effect will be better after taking it, so I thought..."

If a large number of monsters can be tamed, it can enhance the military strength of the Glory City and reduce the casualties in fighting the tide of monsters.

"Can you tame monsters in a short time? Is it so magical?" Xian Wu's eyes widened, "Okay, I can get it for you."

As long as the cubs were not used for cruel anatomy experiments or breeding voodoos, he would feel better.

"There are two hundred monster cages here, take them and use them." Dean Gao Yuan took off a space ring from his black finger.

Seeing that Xian Wu was in a daze after exploring the space ring, Dean Gao Yuan explained: "The monster cage is a space prop. Even though it is only the size of a walnut, it shrinks the monster and forces it to enter a dormant state. It can also be placed in a dormant state. Enter the space ring."

"I understand." After listening to Dean Gao Yuan's explanation, Xian Wu suddenly realized that this thing is similar to the elf ball in Pokémon.

By the way, it has been three days. Will the snow wolf cubs in the cave starve to death?Hope not.

"By the way, two deans, we are here this time because we want to enter the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm." After agreeing to the two old men's request, Xian Wu started to get down to business, "My fiancée Xiao Ning'er should be tested inside. Do you want to practice? I'm worried about her and want to go in and have a look."

fiancée?Ye Sheng and Gao Yuan looked at each other and smiled. Xian Wu was a good boy. He ate the food in the bowl and looked at the food in the pot, like a father.

"Xiao Ning'er is already a black-gold level demon spiritual master. Entering the Heavenly Illusionary Holy Realm is just a matter of plating a layer of gold skin so that she can become a disciple of Lord Ye Mo and get rid of the entanglement of the holy family. There should be no problem. You guys go in and take a look. That's okay, just in case." Ye Sheng warned.

Although most people who enter the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm will achieve great things in the future, there are also many geniuses who have problems with their souls.

"Follow me, I'll take you in." Dean Gao Yuan volunteered.

Although he has been studying monsters in the testing ground all year round, he is also very familiar with the big and small businesses in the college. After all, he also worked his way up from the position of vice president.

Under Gao Yuan's leadership, Xian Wu and Hu Yan Lanruo came to the entrance of the Illusory Holy Land. The entrance is guarded by two gold-level warriors, and ordinary people cannot enter.

"Dean!" The two guards greeted Gao Yuan, and then each took out a part, and Gao Yuan also took out a part.

After inserting the three parts into the grooves, the door to the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm slowly opened.

"You guys go in, the exit is at another location." Gao Yuan patted Xian Wu on the shoulder, very strong and responsible.

"Let's go!" Xian Wu took Huyan Lanruo's little hand and entered the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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