The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 208 Heaven Illusory Holy Land

Chapter 208 Heaven Illusory Holy Land
The meeting hall of the Holy Family.

Shen Hong sat proudly on the throne of the head of the family, tapping his index finger on the armrest of the throne, frowning and waiting quietly.

In the hall, Shen Ming, Shen Fei, and Shen Yue sat on the left side, and the two elders Shen Yuan and Shen Xu sat on the right side. They were all black gold level warriors.

In addition to the two black gold level warriors, the Holy Family also has three black gold level demon spiritual masters, one of which is Shen Hong, the head of the family.

In addition to him, there are two black gold-level demon spiritual master elders, one named Shen Yao and the other named Shen Rong, both of whom are Shen Hong's brothers.

Shen Yao was accidentally injured by Long Sha during the Dark Guild's attack and became disabled. Shen Rong was beaten by Xian Wu this morning and lost all his soul power.

Shen Yao was completely disabled, and it would take Shen Rong at least half a year to recover. Shen Hong was the only black gold demon spiritual master left.

Shen Hong originally wanted to send Shen Fei to test Xian Wu's attitude, but he didn't expect that he would take action directly and seriously injure Elder Shen Rong.

One wrong step, one wrong step after another, the Holy Family is now facing an unprecedented crisis, and Shen Hong is so worried that his hair turns white.

The black gold demon spiritual master is the backbone of the family. Now that two of them have been broken, the influence of the Holy Family will be greatly weakened.

"It's all my fault, that little bastard Xian Wu!" Shen Hong gritted his teeth and became even more angry when he saw Shen Fei's pig-headed face.

Everyone in the hall looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to speak, for fear that Shen Hong would be angry with them.

"The Haozhen family already has three black gold demon spiritual masters, and they have reached the ranks of the top families. What do you think?"

The reason why Shen Hong knew this information was because Shen Xiu told him that in addition to Xian Wu, Yang Xin and Hu Yan Lanruo also became black gold.

There must be a big secret in Xian Wu, otherwise how could Yang Xin and Huyan Lanruo practice so fast?
Before marrying Xian Wu, Yang Xin was only a gold-level star, and Hu Yanlanruo was even worse, a silver-level two-star star.

After marrying Xian Wu, everyone was promoted to the black gold level almost in the blink of an eye, as if they had taken a panacea.

And that Xiao Ning'er, who was bronze a few months ago, is now gold, most likely has something to do with Xian Wu.

What secrets does Xian Wu have?Shen Hong scratched his heart with a hundred claws.Shen Xiu, this bitch, why did you come back before the mission was completed?
Upon hearing Shen Hong's question, everyone in the hall looked at each other and did not dare to speak out.

Shen Ming plucked up the courage to say: "Reporting to the head of the family, the Haoxun family is now in the limelight. We should not confront them head-on. We should regard peace as the most important thing. Let's not pursue Xiao Ning'er's matter for the time being. It will make Xian Wu anxious. We are afraid I won’t be able to eat anymore and I’ll be walking around.”

The Haozhen family not only has three black gold-level demon spiritual masters in charge, but also has the support of Ye Mo, Ye Zong and his son, and the Fengxue family. Who dares to touch it?
Moreover, according to rumors, Xian Wu also saved Chen Linjian's life and has a close relationship with the Holy Family.

Two of the three top aristocratic families in the City of Glory have good relations with the Haokang family, and it is very unwise for the sacred family to fight against three with one.

Shen Hong sighed. The current situation of the Holy Family was indeed as Shen Ming said. Head-on confrontation would only lead to self-destruction.

"Deacon Shen Ming, by saying this, you are trying to make other people's ambitions destroy your own prestige!" Shen Fei stood up and expressed a different opinion.

Hearing Shen Fei's words, Shen Hong raised his eyebrows. Could it be that his useless and stupid son had any great ideas?
Shen Fei stood up, walked to the center of the hall, and said eloquently: "Don't forget, our Holy Family also has the dark guild's trump card. Although the ghost evil spirit was seriously injured and the dragon evil spirit was captured, the mysterious demon master is still there. He didn't show up. If he does, Xian Wu will die!"

Shen Hong looked at Shen Fei like he was an idiot, Demon Lord?He had only heard of it from Gui Sha, but never seen it.

We don’t know whether the demon lord is dead or alive. What if he is a ghost made up to deceive the holy family?
Does the Holy Family want to guard a made-up person and feel good about themselves all day long?That holy family will be finished sooner or later.

At this time, the doctor from the Holy Family walked into the meeting hall and reported with fists in his arms: "Congratulations to the head of the family, Miss Shen Xiu is happy." "Really?" Upon hearing the news, a glimmer of hope ignited in Shen Hong's eyes, Xian Wu's child , is his biggest bargaining chip.

With this bargaining chip, Xian Wu will do whatever he asks him to do.Don't worry now, wait until the baby is born.

"Shen Yuan, Shen Xu, you two take turns guarding Shen Xiu 24 hours a day, and you are not allowed to be harmed in the slightest. Do you understand?"

"Follow your orders!" Shen Yuan and Shen Xu said in unison.

Shen Yue expressed confusion about his father's decision. Xian Wu's aunt should be aborted if she is pregnant. Why should she be protected?

He was raised by Shen Xiu and was very close to Shen Xiu. He did not want to see his aunt become a victim of family interests, nor did he want his aunt to give birth to that bastard Xian Wu.Xian Wu turned him into a woman several times, and Shen Yue hated him deeply.

Shen Yue secretly vowed in his heart that he would kill the bastard in Shen Xiu's belly, not only to help her escape, but also to take revenge on Xian Wu.

After the meeting ended, everyone left the meeting hall, and a battlefield about the child in Shen Xiu's belly quietly began.

At this time, Shen Xiu was holding a hawthorn cake and eating it non-stop, unaware of the coming crisis.

Shenglan Academy, the Holy Land of Fantasy.

Looking at the bizarre illusions around him, Xian Wu curled his lips in disdain, opened the soul barrier, and wrapped himself and Huyan Lanruo.

He was fine, but Huyan Lanruo was so frightened by those illusions that her face turned pale.

In fact, Huyan Lanruo's pale face was not frightened by the illusion, but sustained by the soul power that crazily poured into the soul sea.

The soul sea of ​​a demon spiritual master has a certain volume, and this volume can usually only be expanded bit by bit by soul power.

If the soul power suddenly surges, the soul sea will probably burst like a balloon due to insufficient volume, and become an idiot.

However, as long as the soul power in the soul sea does not exceed twice its volume, there will be no problem, and it will actually help cultivation.

"Huh? Two more talented young juniors have come in. It's really a bumper harvest this year, hahahaha..."

An old voice sounded.

"Who?" General Xian Huyan Lanruo was guarding him behind him, and he scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and then he discovered a translucent ghost.

The ghost looks a bit like Ye Mo, but it's obviously not the same person.

"I am Ye Yan, one of the five ancestors of Glory City. Have you ever heard of me?" The ghost flew over proudly.

"Never heard of it." Xian Wu shook his head blankly, but he knew that this ghost was probably the person who presided over the trial of the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm.

"What? You've even heard of my name? I'm so angry! I'm so angry!" You Ming jumped up and down like a monkey.

Huyan Lanruo tugged on Xian Wu's clothes and reminded: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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