Chapter 209 Patriarch Ye Yan
"After the advent of the dark age, five legendary demon spiritual masters migrated to the Glory City with hundreds of thousands of survivors, and withstood the attack of the demon beast tide! The ancestor Ye Yan is one of these five legendary demon spiritual masters. He is the founder of the Snow Wind Family."

After hearing Huyan Lanruo's explanation, Xian Wu had some impression of the ghost in front of him. He was someone from the older generation of Glory City.

"Senior, I want to know if you have seen the three legendary monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains." Xian Wu clasped his fists.

When he decomposed the Howling Moon Wolf King, he found that the Wolf King's internal organs had been severely injured and were so black as if they had been roasted by fire.

He guessed that the remaining two legendary monsters should also have hidden injuries on their bodies, so they had been sleeping and recovering from their injuries.

If these three legendary demon beasts are all healthy, there is no reason why they should not attack the Glory City and allow the legendary demon spiritual master to be born.

Perhaps it was the five ancestors of Glory City who seriously injured the three legendary beasts, causing them to fall into a long sleep.

Ye Yan clasped his hands behind his back, tilted his chin up proudly, and said with his nostrils pointing to the sky: "What have you seen before, so what if you haven't seen it before?"

He felt that the kid in front of him was questioning his identity as an ancestor and testing himself with legendary monsters.

"Uh...Senior, please don't get me wrong. We have doubts about you. If you know anything about those three monsters, please tell me. I have already killed the Howling Moon Wolf King, and I will kill the remaining ones in two days. Get down to the two ends." Xian Wu said [-] to [-].

He is worthy of being the ancestor of the Fengxue Family. His arrogant character is exactly the same as that of Ye Mo, Ye Zong, and Ye Ziyun.

"Kill the Howling Moon Wolf King? Just you?" Ye Yan snorted disdainfully. He knew without even thinking that the boy in front of him was bragging.

I think back then, when the five legendary demon spiritual masters joined forces, they failed to kill the cunning old she-wolf and could only seriously injure it.

This kid is not even a legendary level demon spiritualist, but he dares to boast that he can kill the Howling Moon Wolf King. It's really ridiculous.

"Don't believe it? I'll show you something and you'll believe it." Xian Wu took out the Wolf King fur that Xiao Ning'er had bundled from the space ring.

"Come on, Lan Ruo, take that end and let's unfold it for Mr. Ye Yan to take a look at." After that, the two of them spread out the wolf skin.

Ye Yan didn't believe it at first, thinking that Xian Wu was playing a trick on him and just got a piece of giant beast's fur to fool him.

But after the couple completely unfolded the fur of the Howling Moon Wolf King, Ye Yan believed it and opened his mouth wide enough to fit a big apple.

"This... is indeed the fur of that old female wolf." Ye Yan stroked a hairless spot on the fur, feeling extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually killed Xiaoyue Wolf King. What method did he use? That old female wolf was very tricky.

After showing it to Ye Yan, the couple began to fold the Wolf King's skin again, and finally put it into Xian Wu's space ring.

"How is it, senior? Can you answer the question I just asked now?" Xian Wu asked with a smile.

Ye Yan calmed down, raised his chin, and said, "So what if you killed that she-wolf? Did I say I wanted to answer your question?"

Before Xian Wu could get angry, Ye Yan changed the subject: "However, I am in a good mood today, so I will answer you reluctantly."

Xian Wu and Hu Yan Lanruo looked at each other. This old man was alone, oh no, a ghost in the Holy Land of Heavenly Fantasy. He was insane, right?
"Back then, when the five of us led the team just about to enter the mountain, we encountered the obstruction of the three legendary monsters. We fought five against three, and we were almost wiped out by the group. Later, the Holy Priest sacrificed 'Heavenly Fallen' Divine Thunder Sword', repelling the three legendary monsters."

"Those three scourges retreated into the Holy Ancestor Mountains and never came out again. However, the Glory City was often attacked by tens of thousands of demonic beasts. Although we finally repelled the demonic beast attacks, the Holy Priest also suffered from forced urging. He moved the meteor god's thunder sword and was killed by the backlash."

Ye Yan looked a little gloomy when he mentioned Sheng Mu. After Sheng Mu died, none of the four of them could control the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.However, most of the monsters were killed by the Thunder God's Meteor Sword. The four of them could barely cope with the subsequent wave of monsters.

"No wonder when I fought the Xiaoyue Wolf King, I didn't realize how strong it is. It turned out to be seriously injured." Xian Wu rubbed his chin.

To be able to seriously injure three legendary level monsters, that Meteor God Thunder Sword is ridiculously strong, if you can get it...

Just as Xian Wu was about to speak, Patriarch Ye Yan raised his hand to stop him: "Stop! I know what you want to say, you can't take that sword away."

The reason why Sheng Mu can activate the Thunder God's Meteor Sword is because he has practiced the thunder method and transformed himself into a thunder body.

If the little girl who practiced the wind and thunder system from before asked for the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, he might agree.

The others wanted to grab the sword, but before they could touch the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, they were killed by the thunder surrounding the sword.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Xian Wu curled his lips, but did not force him: "If Senior Ye Yan is not willing, I will not force him."

Even without the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, he could still kill the remaining two legendary monsters, but he had legendary items.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't want you to die!" Patriarch Ye Yan put his hands behind his back and said seriously: "You three, especially your kid, are the most talented young people I have ever seen in my life. You will definitely become a legend in the future. Super demon spiritual master."

If such a good young man fell into the Holy Land of Heavenly Fantasy, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Don't think about the Thunder God's Meteor Sword. There are five legendary skill secret books here. You can choose one and practice it."

Looking at the five secret books suspended in front of Ye Yan, Xian Wu shook his head and refused: "I'm sorry, senior, I am not suitable for cultivating soul power."

His soul sea is quite special and can only be cultivated by devouring the soul power of demon spirits or absorbing the soul power of other demon spiritual masters.

"Not suitable for cultivating soul power? Then how did you become a black gold level demon spiritual master?" Ye Yan asked with his eyes widened.

"This is how you cultivated it!" Xian Wu hugged Huyan Lanruo to his side and started to inhale the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art".

Huyan Lanruo was only in the one-star black-gold realm and had only 100 million soul power. It only took six seconds for her to be sucked dry.

"What an evil cultivation method." Seeing Huyan Lanruo's soul power being sucked out, Ye Yan narrowed his eyes.

It's really embarrassing for a demon spirit master to rely on the crooked way of absorbing other people's soul power to cultivate!
Holding Huyan Lanruo, who was as soft as noodles, in his arms, Xian Wu lowered his head and returned her twice the original soul power.

12 seconds later, Huyan Lanruo was promoted to the black-gold two-star realm and resurrected with full health.

"Here, what kind of technique are you practicing? It can absorb soul power and return soul power at the same time. Isn't it amazing?" Ye Yan's eyes flashed with gold. He loved studying techniques most in his life.

He rubbed his hands coyly and said: "Little friend, can...can you, let me see your kung fu?"

"What do you think, senior Ye Yan?" Xian Wu smiled half-heartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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