Chapter 211 Ghost Skeleton
Under the leadership of Xiao Ning'er, Xian Wu and Huyan Lanruo headed all the way to the depths of the Holy Land of Fantasy, followed closely by Patriarch Ye Yan.

"Sister Ning'er, what good thing did you find? Is it the Thunder God's Meteor Sword?" Huyan Lanruo asked curiously.

They just heard from Ye Yan that the Heavenly Meteor God Thunder Sword is a magic weapon capable of severely injuring legendary level monsters.

Xian Wu likes to collect some strange things on weekdays. If it is really the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God, he will definitely be very happy.

"The Meteor God's Thunder Sword? What is that?" Xiao Ning'er tilted her head, not understanding what Huyan Lanruo was talking about.

However, the good thing she found was indeed related to the sword, but it was not a real sword. They would understand it when they got there.

Ye Yan followed the three of them, becoming more and more frightened as they walked: "Why did they go in the direction of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword? Do they want to seize the sword?"

Not everyone can take the Thunder God's Meteor Sword. From the establishment of the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm to this day, no one can pull it out, and they all die under the sword.Even Ye Mo, who has become a legendary demon spiritual master, doesn't dare to try. Several young boys want to draw their swords. What a joke!
Ye Yan dared to bet that the three children would be repelled by the terrifying killing intent emanating from the sword god before they even walked in front of the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God.

As they go deeper and deeper into the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm, the illusions around the three people become more and more real, as if they actually exist.

Xiao Ning'er was not affected at all, but Huyan Lanruo's face turned pale and she hugged Xian Wu's arm tightly, looking very strenuous.

Xian Wu opened the soul barrier to protect the two girls. Those real illusions hit the barrier and made a "bang bang" sound.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Art!!!" Xian Wu shattered the illusion with one punch, the soul sea slowly swirled, and a large amount of soul power was absorbed.

The surrounding soul power was absorbed, and those real illusions also disappeared. Huyan Lanruo's condition improved a lot.

After walking for about a mile or two, the three of them came to a large pit, which was about one or two meters deep and several hundred meters wide.

There were white bones lying in the pit, including those of monsters and humans. The bones were already decaying and they had been dead for who knows how many years.

Staring at the suspected burial site, Xian Wu asked with a strange expression: "Ning'er, is this the good thing you told me?"

In addition to bones, there are also rags, rags, and many rusty weapons in the pit. If you don’t make bone soup, what do you need to do with these?

"Brother Wu, wait by the pit and watch me!" Xiao Ning'er warned, took out the Qingyue dagger and jumped into the pit.

After Xiao Ning'er jumped into the pit, a ghost skeleton man holding a two-handed sword appeared out of thin air and slashed at her with the sword.

The translucent sword struck Xiao Ning'er's Qingyue dagger, making a crisp collision sound, as if it were a real object.

Xian Wu looked at the ghost skeleton man curiously, not knowing whether it was real or formed by the power of the soul.

Ye Yan was suspended in mid-air, stroking his beard, watching Xiao Ning'er's battle, and thought to himself: "These terrifying killing intent radiated from the blade of the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword, the spirit of killing intent condensed, at least has This little girl will be defeated by the fighting power of a black gold one-star warrior."

A few rounds later, Xiao Ning'er's silver-level sword, the Qingyue Dagger, was cut off by the ghost skeleton man's sword.

Xiao Ning'er didn't like to fight either, she summoned the Wind and Thunder Sky Sparrow to possess her, fled away at high speed, escaped from the pit, and landed beside Xian Wu.

The ghost skeleton chased for a distance, and as it moved toward the edge of the pit, its body became lighter and lighter. When it reached the edge of the pit, it was completely gone.

"How about it, Brother Wu, isn't this interesting?" Xiao Ning'er looked up at Xian Wu with longing eyes, hoping to be praised.

Xian Wu has been practicing martial arts recently and has never found a suitable sparring partner. She thinks this ghost is just right.

"Yes, it's quite interesting. It suits me very well. Ning'er is so kind to me!" Xian Wu praised, then jumped up.He took out the soul weapon and painted halberd from the soul sea, and prepared his weapons in preparation. He had only practiced fists and feet before, but now it was time to practice weapons.

The ghost skeleton appeared, brandishing a two-handed sword, and struck Xian Wu's head with a "force splitting Huashan".

The skulls cut in half scattered in the pit should be its masterpieces, and the sharpness of its blades is evident.

"Eight stabs from the knight's halberd!!!" Xian Wu recited silently in his mind, then held the halberd in both hands and stabbed him in all directions instantly.

Before the ghost skeleton landed on the ground, his head was pierced by Hao Xun's painted halberd, which then turned into a wisp of smoke and penetrated into Xian Wu's body.

Xian Wu felt his mind clear for a while. He had become much better at practicing "Eight Stabs of the Chivalrous Halberd", and he was vaguely trying to comprehend something.

After the ghost skeleton disappeared, another skeleton regenerated and slashed at Xian Wu with his sword without fear of life or death.

Xian Wu easily killed the second ghost skeleton, and his level of practice in "Eight Stabs with a Chivalrous Halberd" improved again.

There is no difference between the two ghost skeletons. They are both instantly killed by a halberd, and there is no challenge.

"Soul weapon? That kid actually owns a soul weapon? No wonder he can kill legendary monsters." Ye Yan was very envious.

If it was an ordinary soul soldier, Ye Yan wouldn't be too surprised. He didn't expect it to be Fang Tian Huaji, the top long-pole soul soldier.

You know, the larger the soul weapon is, the more materials it uses, the more substantial it is, and the more powerful it is.There is no doubt that the hammer type soul soldier is the most powerful, but its attack speed is slow and its attack range is short.In terms of overall performance, Fang Tian Hua Ji ranks first among all soul soldiers.

First is the technique of the mysterious trajectory, and then the strongest soul soldier. Who is this kid?
Ye Yan had a hunch that maybe the kid in the pit could pull out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword that had been dusted for many years.

"It's so weak, it's meaningless at all." He casually cut off the head of the ghost skeleton and walked deeper.

After advancing about a dozen steps, two ghost skeletons appeared in the pit. Their bodies became more solid and looked like real people.

Looking at the three ghost skeletons flanking him from behind, Xian Wu stabbed them to death instantly with "eight stabs".

"Huh? The strength of the two newly appeared ghost skeletons seems to be much stronger." Xian Wu frowned. After absorbing the cyan smoke, the level of "Eight Stabs of Heroes" was greatly improved. The improved The amount is at least five times the original.

After walking more than ten steps, four ghost skeletons appeared in the pit. They were covered in dirty bandages, like living mummies.

"This kid is not only powerful with his weapons, but his martial arts skills are also amazing." Ye Yan stroked his beard and silently stared at the battlefield below.

One black gold one star, two black gold two stars, four black gold three stars, I don’t know if this kid can handle it.

Although this kid is disrespectful and I hate him, I have to admit that his talent is really good.

If you encounter danger, you still have to save it. As the ancestor of Glory City, what can you do if you don't have a little heart?

"It's almost time. I feel like I'm about to understand something." Killing seven ghost skeletons in an instant, Xian Wu took a big step and rushed directly into the center of the pit.

Boom! ! !
The ground suddenly shook, and a giant skeleton about ten meters tall wearing a crown, heavy armor, and a cloak appeared, holding a five-meter sword with faint lightning in both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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