Chapter 212
"Brother Wu (husband)!" Xiao Ning'er and Huyan Lanruo screamed when they saw Xian Wu being surrounded by a dense sea of ​​ghost skeletons.

The strength of the ghost skeletons is obvious to all. They have always been able to defeat Xiao Ning'er, who is a black and gold star. Thousands of them combined, the legendary demon spiritual master will be destroyed.Although Xian Wu is strong, he is not invincible. He will bleed when injured and die from headshots.

"There is a way to heaven, but you don't take it. If there is no door to hell, you just go to it. If you end up like this, I can't save you." Ye Yan sighed.

If that kid was besieged by dozens or hundreds of murderous spirits, he could still save him, but even gods couldn't save thousands of them.

The deeper you go, the stronger the ghost skeletons are and the more they are in number. Two, four, eight, sixteen, and 32 increase exponentially.

The stronger the ghost skeletons, the greater their number, and there are tens of thousands of them at the legendary level.What's worse is that the ghost skeleton king in the deepest place has the strength of the legendary peak. Even if that kid has top-notch soul soldiers, he is no match for him.

Faced with the sea of ​​skeletons surrounding him, Xian Wu showed no fear and brandished the Hao Zhen halberd, stabbing directly at the Ghost Skeleton King.

"Ding!" The Soul Soldier's Painted Halberd pierced the Ghost Skeleton King's armor, making a crisp sound and then being bounced away.

"Didn't break the defense? The power of Hao Zhen's painted halberd has reached the legendary peak. Could it be..." Xian Wu felt his right hand go numb.

Could it be said that the strength of this ghost skeleton wearing a crown is above the peak of legend?There is such a monster in the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Land!

"Roar!!!" Xian Wu's attack angered the Ghost Skeleton King. It roared angrily, pulled out its giant sword, and swept towards Xian Wu.

The Ghost Skeleton King's sword was wide and big. Xian Wu thought it would accidentally injure his teammates, but he didn't expect that the Ghost Brother would not be affected at all.

The bodies of the ghost skeleton generals and soldiers were cut open by the giant sword at an extremely fast speed, and then automatically healed at an extremely fast speed.

"Bang!" Xian Wu's horizontal halberd blocked, but the giant sword knocked him and his weapon away, and Xian Wu's jaw was torn open by the shock.

"Eight Stabs!!!" Xian Wu fell to the ground hard. Before the enemy could surround him, he stood up straight and launched his ultimate move.

Xian Wu easily killed the eight nearest ghost skeletons, but more ghost skeletons were gathering.

As the saying goes, "Two fists are hard to beat with four hands." Xian Wu is strong, but he can only kill eight ghost skeletons at a time.

Just when Xian Wu was about to be chopped into dumpling fillings, Patriarch Ye Yan flew over in a hurry.

"Boy, run quickly, I will temporarily suppress the murderous spirit for you!" Patriarch Ye Yan pinched the seal with his hand, "Go quickly, I can't hold it anymore!"

He could only temporarily suppress the murderous spirits below the legendary level for a few breaths, but he could not suppress those above the legendary level.

The kid was simply knocked out of the circle of the legendary murderous spirit, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to help.

Xian Wu didn't talk nonsense, he summoned the wings of wind and thunder, and using the "Thunder God's Fury" combat skill, he flew towards the edge of the big pit like lightning.

However, the Ghost Skeleton King did not intend to let Xian Wu go just like that. It waved its giant sword and raised a sharp sword energy.

"As long as I'm still breathing, you can't even think of hurting that little bastard." Ye Yan roared and blocked the sword energy with his body.

"Master Ye Yan!!!" Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo cried out sadly when they saw the old man being split in half by the sword energy.Xian Wu looked back and saw that Ye Yan had sacrificed his life to save himself. He felt quite guilty and felt that he should not have contradicted him just now.

While everyone was immersed in grief, Ye Yan, who had been transformed into two halves, healed himself and escaped quickly like a rabbit.

Xian Wu and Ye Yan landed on the edge of the pit one after the other, and the whole family of three stared at Ye Yan with strange expressions.

"Why are you all looking at me like this? Is there a painting on my face?" Ye Yan shook off the ghost robe on his body.

Hu Yanlan looked Ye Yan up and down and found that he was intact, so she asked, "Patriarch, didn't you die just now?"

"What just now? I've been dead for hundreds of years!" Ye Yan proudly raised his chin, put his hands behind his back, and said with a lonely expression of a master: "I'm a ghost, okay, the kind that's immortal. I'm just being hacked." It's just broken in half and can be restored easily."

"Senior Ye Yan, although you saved me, I still can't show you the skills. I really swore." Before Ye Yan could speak, Xian Wu blocked his mouth in advance.In fact, he himself could use the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" to eliminate these ghosts.

However, what is the spirit of killing intent that Ye Yan just mentioned? Could it be that these ghost skeletons are all condensed by killing intent?
Hearing Xian Wu's words, Ye Yan snorted twice and said duplicitously: "Whoever wants to see your useless skills will give me a chance to see them!"

The ungrateful brat doesn't know how to be grateful at all. He is the man who gave him a second life.

"Senior Ye Yan, this junior has offended me a lot, please forgive me." Xian Wu sincerely apologized to Ye Yan.

In any case, Ye Yan rushed over to save himself just now, even though it was just a simple effort by Ye Yan, even though he didn't need to save himself.

Hearing Xian Wu's apology, Ye Yan's face softened a lot, and he waved his hands generously: "Let the past be the past."

I didn't expect this brat to know a little bit of gratitude, but it was just a little bit, and most of it was still very ungrateful.

Only when that kid showed him the exercises he practiced, would he be considered ungrateful, what kind of fart swears, fooling ghosts!

"Master Ye Yan, what is that thing in the pit?" Xiao Ning'er asked curiously, pointing to the slowly dissipating ghost skeleton.

"Those are the creatures born from the murderous intent emanating from the sword body of the Meteor God's Thunder Sword. The deeper the murderous intent spirit is, the more powerful it is. The master of murderous intent at the deepest level has the strength of the legendary peak. "Ye Yan stared at the big pit and explained with his hands behind his back.

"Thunder Sword of the Meteor God? Where is it?" Xian Wu only saw white bones in the pit, but nothing else.

Ye Yan pointed to his feet and replied: "I didn't want to tell you at first, but since you have found the Thunder Crater, it doesn't hurt to tell you. The Thunder God Sword of Meteor is buried in the pit. Only by destroying the Lord of Killing Intent will it Appear."

"With your strength, it is impossible to eliminate the Lord of Killing Intent, just give up." Ye Yanyu patted Xian Wu's shoulder earnestly.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Xian Wu jumped into the pit and said without looking back: "I was careless just now, and now the game has officially begun!"

Xian Wu waved the Hao Zhen painted halberd, chopping melons and vegetables, and rushed straight into the circle of the legendary murderous spirit.

Suddenly, the golden light flashed on the soul weapon's painted halberd, and then the entire weapon was covered in dazzling golden light.

The cultivation progress reached the full level, and Xian Wu understood the ultimate secret of "Eight Stabs of the Chivalrous Halberd"——? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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