The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 213 Random Halberd 8 Kills

Chapter 213: Eight Kills with Random Halberds
The ultimate secret of "Eight Stabs with a Chivalry Halberd" is - eight kills with a halberd. Every time an enemy is killed, the power increases by one percent.

But this improvement is not permanent. After twelve hours (24 hours), the power bonus will disappear on its own.

If an enemy is killed during this period, the time will be reset, and the bonus will not disappear until twelve hours later.

During the activation of the Eight Kills of the Random Halberd, the Hao Zhen Painted Halberd ignores the enemy's physical defense and can directly cause real damage.

When the Eight Kills of Random Halberd is activated, the whole body will emit a dazzling golden light. The more people killed, the stronger the light will be, but it has no effect on Xian Wu.

The golden light lasts for twelve hours. After entering the soul sea, the golden light disappears. After taking it out, the golden light reappears, and its power is not affected.

"Why does his soul weapon Fang Tian Hua Ji shine? Do you know what's going on?" Patriarch Ye Yan asked the two girls.

The golden light not only stung his eyes, but also gave him a creepy feeling, as if he was the next one to be killed.

Huyan Lanruo covered her beautiful almond-shaped eyes and said with tears, "I don't know, it's the first time I've seen his euphorbia shine."

Xian Wu's soul soldier Fang Tian Hua Ji is really powerful. Before he starts fighting, he can use light to remotely disturb the enemy.

"Perhaps Brother Wu realized something when he eliminated the murderous spirit?" Xiao Ning'er put her hands on the awning, thoughtfully.

She saw a very happy expression on Xian Wu's face every time he killed a murderous spirit. She must have realized something.

"Understand?" Ye Yan stroked his beard, thoughtfully.

In the pit, Xian Wu became more courageous as he fought, and Fang Tian swung his halberd faster and faster. The eight kills of the halberd not only increased its power, but also increased his attack speed.

Soon Xian Wu killed tens of thousands of murderous spirits and increased the power and attack speed of the soul weapon painted halberd by 100 times.

"Roar!!!" The Lord of Killing Intent roared angrily, and slowly rose from the ground with his sword.

As soon as his head emerged from the ground, he was decapitated by Xian Wu with a halberd, and instantly turned into a ray of cyan light, which was absorbed by Xian Wu.

"Huh??? The Yang family's marksmanship, six-character five-shaped fist and flame palm have also reached the full level?" Xian Wu was shocked.

Although I don’t understand why this works, it feels really good.

Before Xian Wu was satisfied, the ground began to shake, and the murderous spirits in the pit gathered into a blue light and poured into the ground.

Xian Wu hurriedly jumped away, the nearby ground cracked, and an ancient altar rose from the ground, with a large sword stuck in the center of the altar.

"Don't touch!" Ye Yan wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Hundreds of lightning beams poured out from the sword and struck Xian Wu.

Xian Wu propped up his soul barrier in time to resist the lightning that carried the aura of destruction.

Unexpectedly, those thunderbolts easily penetrated the soul barrier, penetrated directly into Xian Wu's body, and blasted into his soul sea.

"Brother Wu (husband)!" When Xiao Ning'er and Hu Yan Lanruo saw this, they all ran over anxiously, their hearts almost breaking with fear.

Xian Wu was seen standing there blankly, gritting his teeth, frowning angrily, and the more he tried to get away from the hilt of the sword, the tighter his grip became.

The lightning was like electric snakes, constantly flowing from the sword body to Xian Wu's soul sea, destroying the soul power within it.

Once all the soul power is wiped out by the lightning, General Xian will definitely die.

Hu Yanlanruo tried to pull Xian Wu away, but was struck far away by the lightning with a "bang" and fell to the ground dying.

"Patriarch Ye Yan, please save my brother Wu, please." Xiao Ning'er knelt on the ground, clasping fists and bowing. "Oh..." Ye Yan sighed, "Get up, there is no hope, he will turn into a pile of coke in a short time."

Although he is attached to the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God, he cannot control it. If the Holy Priest is alive, he can control it, but unfortunately...

"Husband...husband..." Huyan Lanruo wanted to stand up and go to save Xian Wu, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stand up. She could only crawl on the ground like a caterpillar, bit by bit. .

"Brother Wu, don't abandon Ning'er!" Xiao Ning'er rushed forward without hesitation, knowing that touching Xian Wu would result in lightning attacks.

Xiao Ning'er hugged Xian Wu's waist from behind, letting the thunder light continuously bombard her thin body.

She was born as Xian Wu's person, and died as Xian Wu's ghost. If Xian Wu died, she didn't want to live anymore.

The reason why Xian Wu became what he is now is ultimately because of her.

Ye Yan sighed: "Ask what love is in this world, it only teaches life and death to make promises. That's all, just die, boy, hold on!"

Ye Yan rushed forward and fought with Lei Guang with his ghostly body. Lei Guang turned into monsters and attacked with claws and teeth.

"Secret skill...complete disintegration!" Thanks to Ye Yan's efforts, Xian Wu got a brief chance to breathe, and he immediately put his left hand on the hilt of the sword.In an instant, the Thunder God's Meteor Sword was broken down into countless tiny atoms, leaving only a groove on the altar.

Ye Yan suddenly felt relaxed, and those thunder monsters that besieged Ye Yan also turned into nothingness.

The Heavenly Illusionary Sanctuary collapsed, and the bright sun shone into the pit. Ye Yan looked up at the blue sky with complicated emotions.

"Brother Wu..." Xiao Ning'er called out weakly, let go of Xian Wu's waist, and fell powerlessly on his back.

"Husband!" Seeing that Xian Wu was no longer attacked by lightning, Huyan Lanruo cried with joy, sped up her crawling speed, and got closer to Xian Wu.

"Huh——" Xian Wu slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and poured his soul power into the phantom ball to re-synthesize the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God.

The Thunder Sword of the Meteorite God lost its light and became simple and unadorned.

"Ning'er? Lan Ruo?" After putting the Thunder God's Meteor Sword into the space ring, Xian Wu turned around and found that Xiao Ning'er and Huyan Lanruo were both lying on the ground.You don't need to think about it to know that he must have been injured by the lightning from the Thunder God's Thunder Sword when he was saving himself just now.

Xian Wu held Xiao Ning'er in his arms, opened her thin lips, and fed her a Nine Turns Pill.Then, he rushed to Huyan Lanruo, who was relatively lightly injured, and fed her one too.

"Senior Ye Yan..." Xian Wu held the Nine Turns Pill and looked up at Ye Yan. At this time, the old man was unkempt, ragged, and was bitten to pieces.Xian Wu was a little moved and didn't know what to say.

Ye Yan glared, walked around Xian Wu, and asked curiously: "You are so awesome, you even defeated the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God. Can you tell me how you did it, I I didn’t understand it just now.”

"Sorry, business secrets will not be disclosed."

"Damn it, you ungrateful brat, you would have been electrocuted to death without me saving you, do you understand?" Ye Yan was so angry that his beard stood on end.

Soon, his expression darkened: "Boy, to tell you the truth, without the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, I can only survive for seven days. Grandmaster, I am almost dead, can't you satisfy my thirst for knowledge? ?”

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you possess me." Xian Wu took out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

Ye Yan got into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword to feel it, then got out, shook his head and said, "No, the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword has no aura left, and it can no longer nourish my soul."

"Uh...can you get in here?" Xian Wu took out a demon stone.

(End of this chapter)

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