Chapter 214 Soulless Body
"You stinky brat, how dare you treat me, the Patriarch, as a demon spirit? I'll beat you to death!" Ye Yanpiao hammered Xian Wu on the head with his old fist.

He is the ancestor of the Glory City, the great legendary demon spiritual master, demon spirit?Damn you, uncle!

"Don't be angry, I just want to do an experiment. If it succeeds, you won't have to die!" Xian Wu's expression was serious.

Demonic beasts evolved from animals, and humans also evolved from animals. Demonic spirits can be put into the Demonic Spirit Stone, and human spirits should be able to do the same.

If Ye Yan's soul can be put into the Demon Spirit Stone, it will prove that human spirits and demon spirits have the same attributes.

In other words, human spirits can also be integrated into the bodies of other humans or monsters just like demon spirits.

His demon left hand can decompose the souls of monsters, and naturally it can also decompose the souls of humans.

In the sky prison of the City Lord's Mansion, there is a heinous fellow imprisoned, and his body happens to be used by Master Ye Yan.

I heard it was still some kind of dragon blood treasure body, Grandmaster Ye Yan had made a profit now.

After hearing Xian Wu's words, Ye Yan no longer blasted Xian Wu. If he could live, who would want to die? "You brat, don't fool me!"

"How dare I? You are my savior." Xian Wu used the art of guidance to guide Ye Yan's soul into the Demon Spirit Stone.

Huyan Lanruo held the unconscious Xiao Ning'er in her arms while curiously watching Xian Wu's sexy moves.

Can Xian Wu really channel the soul of Ye Yan's ancestor into the Demon Spirit Stone?The human soul is not a demon spirit.

After trying several times, Xian Wu decided to give up. Every time he took the last step, he would fall short.

He found that the resistance consciousness of human spirits was stronger than that of demon spirits. Although old man Ye Yan cooperated with his mouth, his body did not.

However, this does not mean that the human spirit cannot be introduced into the Demon Spirit Stone, nor does it mean that the human spirit cannot be integrated into other bodies.

"How is Ning'er?" Xian Wu turned around and asked Huyan Lanruo. Her injury was not serious and she recovered quickly after taking the Nine Turns Pill.

Xiao Ning'er's injuries were relatively serious, with large areas of her body burned and her whole body looking like black coal, but she was still breathing.

Hu Yanlanruo checked Xiao Ning'er's breathing and replied, "The breathing is gradually becoming smoother. It should be nothing serious."

Although Xiao Ning'er's behavior was stupid and not worthy of promotion, she admired Xiao Ning'er's determination to live and die with Xian Wu.

"It seems that sister Ning'er really loves Xian Wu..." Huyan Lanruo sighed, "Xian Wu also loves sister Ning'er very much."

Ye Yan clasped her hands behind her back, floated over, looked down at Xiao Ning'er and said, "Thunder and lightning can bring destruction, but it can also bring new life. If she can get through this safely and be reborn in Nirvana, she will definitely be able to fly up a branch and become a phoenix. This Women… their future prospects are limitless.”

Hearing Ye Yan's words, Xian Wu nodded. He could feel Xiao Ning'er's life breath getting stronger and stronger, like a butterfly in a cocoon.

"Lan Ruo, you stay and take care of Ning'er. I'll take Patriarch Ye Yan to the City Lord's Mansion to do some things and I'll be back soon," Xian Wu warned.

Xiao Ning'er's life is no longer in danger. All she needs to do is wait for her to wake up slowly.

Although the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Land no longer exists, it is still within the sphere of influence of Shenglan College and is protected by the college's instructors.

Huyan Lanruo nodded obediently: "Husband, don't worry, I will protect sister Ning'er."

After the explanation was completed, Xian Wu used the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" to absorb solar energy and replenish the lost soul power.

Summoning the wings of wind and thunder, Xian Wu flapped his wings and took off, taking Patriarch Ye Yan straight to the direction of the city lord.

Soon, a man and a ghost fell in front of the city lord's mansion. Since flying was prohibited over the city lord's mansion, Xian Wu could only walk on foot.

He is Ye Zong's adopted son, Ye Mo's grandson, and the future city lord of Glory City. The guards at the gate did not stop him. "Grandmaster Ye Yan? How come you came out of the Holy Land of Heavenly Fantasy and are still with Xiao Wu'er?" Ye Mo stood up in surprise.

He is a legendary demon spiritual master with a very keen sense of souls, so he can naturally see Ye Yan's soul.

In fact, black gold level demon spiritual masters already have the ability to see spirits.

Before Ye Yan could complain, Xian Wu said first, "Grandpa Huigan, I came here this time to help Master Ye Yan reshape his body."

He didn't know much about Ye Yan's personality. It would be bad if this old ghost told Ye Mo about his conflict with him in Tianhuan Holy Land.

"Reshape the body? Xiao Wu'er, this joke is not funny." Ye Mo stroked his long white beard, obviously not believing it.

Even a legendary level demon spiritualist like him couldn't reshape his physical body. How could a black gold level Xian Wu do it?

Xian Wu scratched his head and replied: "Strictly speaking, it is the fusion of Patriarch Ye Yan's soul and soulless body."

How could he have the ability to reshape his body? He was not a god. It was already remarkable that he could combine his soul with his body.

"Soulless body? What is that?" Ye Mo had never heard of this term before.

Xian Wu explained: "A soulless body is a body without a soul, that is, a vegetative state. Please lend me the Dragon Demon. I have a way to make the evil thief from the dark guild into a soulless body." ."

If Ye Yan fuses the dragon blood treasure body of Long Sha, he can be sent to penetrate into the dark guild and draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

"Take it and use it. Anyway, you won't be able to pry out any useful information from his mouth." Ye Mo waved his hand.

The thieves of the Dark Guild committed extortion, robbery, rape, kidnapping and murder, and their leader did not hesitate to die.

Ye Mo called his son Ye Zong and some elders of the Fengxue Family, and followed Xian Wu to the Tianlao of the City Lord's Mansion to observe and learn.

"Ziyun, I thought you went to the Holy Land of Heavenly Fantasy with Ning'er. Why are you back home?" Xian Wu asked as he walked.

He didn't see Ye Ziyun until the Tianhuan Holy Realm disappeared. It turned out that she had returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

"I just wanted to go." Ye Ziyun bit her lip, "I was followed by people from the Sacred Family on the way, so I returned home."

I don’t know how Ning’er is doing now. She must have passed the test of the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm, right?
Heavenly Illusory Holy Land.

Huyan Lanruo laid Xiao Ning'er flat on the soft fur of Xiaoyue Wolf King, and watched over her quietly.

"Sister Ning'er, come on, you will be fine, you will definitely wake up. For Xian Wu, you have to wake up too!" Hu Yan Lanruo cheered Xiao Ning'er from time to time.

The sun was rising, and Hu Yan Lanruo used her plump and delicate body to shield Xiao Ning'er from the harsh sunlight.

"By the way, I haven't finished the big popsicle that my husband made for me yet." Huyan Lanruo took out the basketball-sized popsicle from the space ring and started licking it one bite at a time.

Kaka... Kaka... Kaka...

Xiao Ning'er's black charcoal-like skin appeared cracks, one, two, and three, gradually spreading all over her body.

Seeing Xiao Ning'er's change, Huyan Lanruo's almond-shaped eyes immediately widened.

All the black coal collapsed, and the flawless white jade Xiao Ning'er sat up, surrounded by looming lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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