Chapter 218
That night, the major families in the Glory City were invited to attend a dinner party at the City Lord's Mansion, and the heads of the major families were required to be present.

Xian Wu led four beauties, Yang Xin, Hu Yan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian and Xiao Ning'er, to attend the event in their best attire, instantly becoming the focus of the audience.

Yang Xin is mature and sexy, Hu Yan Lanruo is charming, Ouyang Tiantian is lively and playful, and Xiao Ning'er is smooth and beautiful.

Four delicate flowers surrounded Xian Wu like stars holding the moon, chatting and laughing, with every muscle and face, all of them were extremely beautiful, envious of others.

"Hello, Director Yang, I wonder if I have the honor to ask you to dance?" Ye Hong invited in a very gentlemanly manner.

Although Yang Xin was married and transformed into Xian Wu, he still couldn't forget Yang Xin in his heart and thought of her often.

"Sorry, who are you? Do we know each other?" The smile on Yang Xin's face disappeared and she asked very coldly.

She recognized Ye Hong as the son of Ye Shuo, the former captain of the Snow Dragon Guard. The current captain of the Snow Dragon Guard had a certain amount of power.

However, her power is much greater than that of Ye Hong. The entire Glory City relies on the Alchemist Association, so there is no need for her to please others.

Hearing Yang Xin's words, Ye Hong showed bitterness, and said to himself: "I wanted to turn my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

"I'm sorry, Director Yang, it's me, Meng Lang." Ye Hong apologized repeatedly, "I forgot to introduce you. My name is Ye Hong, and I am Xian Wu's adopted brother."

"Husband, your sworn brother invited me to dance, what do you think?" Yang Xin pulled over Xian Wu who was talking to the head of the Wing Dragon Family.

Holding the wine glass, Xian Wu stared at Ye Hong with an unfriendly expression, and said coldly: "My wife is pregnant, so I can't dance with Brother Ye Hong. If Brother Ye Hong's feet are really itchy, I can accompany you. Let's go, don't You're welcome, my dance is getting better."

Xian Wu pulled Ye Hong away by force, then turned back and winked at Yang Xin.

"Sister, this Ye Hong must be sick. He actually has evil thoughts about you." Huyan Lanruo came over with a wine glass in hand, "Don't worry, sis, when the banquet for sister Ning'er's apprenticeship is over, I will definitely give him some advice. Look, I’ll take revenge on you.”

Although he and Yang Xin are not real sisters, they are better than real sisters, and he will definitely punch out the shit of that male dog.

"Forget it, Lan Ruo, my husband has already avenged me." Yang Xin pointed towards the dance floor.

Huyan Lanruo looked in the direction of Yang Xin's finger and saw Ye Hong being stepped on by Xian Wu and howling like a dog.

"My husband is great, step on him, step on him hard." Huyan Lanruo clapped her little hands to encourage Xian Wu.

After a stick of incense, Xian Wu left the dance floor with his arm around Ye Hong's neck and came to a remote corner.

"If it weren't for your dead father Ye Shuo, I would have killed you long ago, you know?" General Xian Ye Hongbi banged his head against the wall, his voice cold: "Next time you dare to seduce my wife, I promise to let you see her. The sun won’t shine the next day, am I clear?”

"Clear...clear." Ye Hong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. He swore to God that he would never dare to think anything wrong about Yang Xin again.

"This is the Snow Dragon Armor and Snow Dragon Token that your father once gave me. Now I will give them back to you." He killed that bastard Gui Sha and avenged Ye Shuo."

After saying that, Xian Wu turned and left, leaving Ye Hong sitting on the ground dejectedly.

If Ye Shuo didn't have the affection to give him the black gold level demon spirit, he would have cut Ye Hong into eight pieces, chopped them up and fed them to the dogs.

Next time, just start killing!No matter who your son is, if he dares to molest his Xian Wu woman, he must pay the price with his life.On the way back to Yang Xin and the others, Xian Wu saw Shen Xiu and people from the Sheng family walking towards them.

"Little bitch, it turns out you are here, giving our Holy Family a good meal!" Shen Xiu grabbed Xiao Ning'er's wrist.

There is still some time before the banquet starts. Several aristocratic families have not arrived yet, and the Holy Family has just arrived.

Seeing Shen Xiu, Shen Fei and Shen Hong, Xiao Ning'er frowned with a displeased look on her face and channeled her soul power to her wrist.

"Ah!" Shen Xiu suddenly screamed, let go of Xiao Ning'er's wrist, and stepped back crazily.

Just when Shen Xiu was about to fall to the ground, Shen Yuan and Shen Xu, black gold level warriors from the Sacred Family, caught her steadily.

"Presumptuous!" Shen Hong waved his sleeves and blasted Xiao Ning'er with surging soul power, forcefully knocking Xiao Ning'er back half a step.

"First you teamed up with Xiao Yi to escape from marriage, and now you attack people from my holy family for no reason. Do you know your guilt?" Shen Hong asked sternly.

If Xiao Ning'er has been hiding in the Haokuo family, he still can't do anything to her.

It's true that if you don't go to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you can vote for yourself if you don't have a way to hell. Today, I must capture Xiao Ning'er back.

"Shen Hong, what are you doing! This is the City Lord's Mansion, not a place for you to run wild!" Xiao Yunfeng used his body to protect Xiao Ning'er.

"It's none of your business that I discipline my daughter-in-law, get out of here!" Shen Hong snorted coldly, secretly using Lieyan Zhang Qi.

Although he did not dare to kill anyone in the City Lord's Mansion, he did dare to seriously injure Xiao Yunfeng. The Winged Dragon Family was playing tricks on the Sacred Family, and they were at fault.

At the critical moment, Xian Wu took action in time and hit Shen Hong hard with his Flame Palm, knocking Shen Hong backwards.

"Master!" Shen Xu and Shen Yuan quickly helped Shen Hong, and they found that Shen Hong's palm was burning with a black flame.

" actually cultivated the ultimate secret of Flame Palm - Xuan Flame Palm." Shen Hong looked at Xian Wu in disbelief.

The ultimate secret of the Burning Sun Palm only exists in theory, and no one has ever practiced it. Unexpectedly, Xian Wu actually practiced it!
"Don't touch!" Seeing Shen Xu trying to brush off the black flames on his hand, Shen Hong hurriedly stopped him: "The Xuantian flames are like maggots attached to bones. Whoever touches and burns will be burned. Only the one who uses the power can remove it."

After hearing Shen Hong's words, Shen Xiu immediately stepped forward and ordered arrogantly: "Xian Wu, hurry up and relieve my brother."

"Pah!" Shen Xiu's answer was a loud slap in the face.

Xian Wu did not take action, but the slap was given to Huyan Lanruo. Huyan Lanruo pinched her waist, stared at her almond-shaped eyes, and scolded: "You dare to talk to our master like this, are you looking for a slap in the face? Kneel down!"

" dare to hit me? Brother, this little bitch hit me." Shen Xiu covered her face and looked back at Shen Hong, only to find that Shen Hong himself was already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river—it was hard for him to protect himself.

Shen Hong endured the severe pain in his palm and stood next to Shen Xiu, with a smile on his face: "Xian Wu, I have some good news for you. You are going to be a father..."

"I already knew, why should you tell me?" Xian Wu snorted coldly, "Shen Hong, I have some bad news for you. Xiao Ning'er has been accepted as a closed disciple by Master Ye Mo. This banquet is her apprenticeship. feast."

(End of this chapter)

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