The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 219 Ning'er becomes a disciple

Chapter 219 Ning'er becomes a disciple
Hearing the news that Xiao Ning'er was going to become Ye Mo's teacher, Shen Hong's face immediately darkened: "The married daughter, the water thrown out, Xiao Ning'er is already the daughter-in-law of my Shen family, without me as the head of the family. With her permission, no one can accept her as a disciple."

Even though his right hand was burnt by Xuantian's fierce flames and smelled like barbecue, Shen Hong still had a tough mouth.

" have to agree whether you agree today or not." Xian Wu narrowed his eyes, "Unless you don't want it anymore!"

He once had a palm fight with Shen Hong in the martial arts arena in the west of the city, and fell into a disadvantage. Now he injured Shen Hong with one palm, which was avenging his past humiliation.

Shen Xiuzhuang bravely stepped forward and said, "Xian Wu, I'm pregnant," under the majestic gazes of Yang Xin and Hu Yan Lanruo.

After finishing speaking, Shen Xiu took out a pill and threatened: "If you don't want the child to disappear, remove the black fire from my brother's hand!"

What she held in her hand was a pill specially used by the noble women of the Glory City for abortion. One pill was effective, and two pills would surely give birth to the child.

"Are you pregnant? What a coincidence?" Xian Wu stroked his chin and looked at Shen Xiu's flat belly, "Stop lying to me!"

He knew Shen Xiu quite well. He was always talking about cheating and not telling the truth. He was simply the reincarnation of a liar.

He used the charm technique to interrogate Shen Xiu before. Good guy, even his age was false. He was clearly twenty, so he said he was eighteen.

"Husband, what Shen Xiu is holding is Luo Feng Dan, which is specially used for abortion." Yang Xin whispered in Xian Wu's ear.

90.00% of the elixirs in Glory City come from the Alchemist Association. As a director of the association, Yang Xin naturally recognizes Luofeng Dan.

She is not only responsible for the association's public relations, but is also responsible for sorting out the alchemy masters' elixir-making experiences, and sometimes makes elixirs herself.

Moreover, the "Nine-turn Pill Emperor Technique" she cultivated has a very strange effect. Every time she refines a new pill, her cultivation level can be greatly increased.

Now she has refined all the elixirs in the association. Not to mention the Falling Phoenix Pill, she can even recognize the more advanced Falling Dragon Pill.

After hearing Yang Xin's words, Xian Wu hesitated and thought to himself: "Shen Xiu dares to threaten with abortion pills. Is she really pregnant?"

Just when Xian Wu didn't know what to do, father and son Ye Mo and Ye Zong came to the banquet.

"Nephew Shen Hong, congratulations, your Raging Flame Palm cultivation has improved again?" Ye Mo stared at the black fire in Shen Hong's hand and said with a smile.

Since Patriarch Ye Yan woke up, he has been helping him recover his soul power in Tianlao, the city lord's palace. The banquet was organized by Ye Zong.

He didn't know that Shen Hong was attacked by Xian Wu, and thought that Shen Hong had cultivated Flame Palm to a more advanced level.

He and Shen Hong's father, Shen Hu, were old acquaintances, so he naturally knew that the darker the flame of the Flame Palm, the more powerful it would be.

Shen Hong looked bitter and explained: "Master Ye Mo is joking. This flame is not mine, but my brother-in-law Xian Wu's."

He didn't say clearly that he was injured by Xian Wu, so many people at the banquet were all looking this way, it would be embarrassing to say so.

"Xian Wu, what's going on? Why did your flame run into Shen Hong's hand?" Ye Mo frowned, his voice stern.

According to Shen Hong, Xian Wu should have beaten him just now. As for the reason for the fight, it should be related to Xiao Ning'er.

Xian Wu said with a playful smile: "It's okay, it's just a joke between my uncle and I." After saying that, Xian Wu withdrew Xuantian Lieyan.

Today is Xiao Ning'er's apprenticeship banquet, not Shen Hong's beheading banquet. If he insists on going his own way, it might as well become his beheading banquet.

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law, don't tease me all the time. I can't help but tease." Xian Wu patted Shen Hong on the shoulder and gave him the Nine Turns Pill.

This Nine-turn Pill was for the sake of the child in Shen Xiu's belly. Although it is not yet certain whether it is true or false, I would rather believe it.After Shen Hong took the Nine Turns Pill, his burnt right hand recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. His upper back was itchy and numb, like an ant crawling on his right hand.

As people grow older, Shen Hong naturally heard the warning in Xian Wu's words and said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother-in-law, I won't tease you anymore."

A good man should not suffer immediate losses. The City Lord's Mansion is the territory of the Fengxue Family, and the Fengxue Family is Xian Wu's godfather, so it is not appropriate to quarrel with each other.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Ye Mo sat at the front seat and announced that Xiao Ning'er was accepted as a closed disciple.

"Since Xiao Ning'er has become my close disciple, she will have nothing to do with the Winged Dragon Family and the Sacred Family in the future!"

"Xiao Yunfeng, Shen Hong, do you two have any objections?" Ye Mo stroked his beard and looked at the two of them with squinted eyes.

"Back to Lord Ye Mo, I have no objection." Xiao Yunfeng clasped his fists together, he was too happy, how could he have any objections?

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Shen Hong, wondering how the head of the Holy Family would react.

Shen Hong gritted his teeth, cupped his hands and said, "Back to Master Ye Mo, I have no objection. It is a blessing for niece Ning'er to be your disciple. When she completes her studies, she will marry my son Shen Fei." Chi. Don’t worry, niece Ning’er, Shen’s door will always be open for you.”

Hearing Shen Hong's words, if Yang Xin and Hu Yanlanruo didn't stop him, Xian Wu would have to rush up and beat this old bastard up.

Suddenly, Xian Wu had an idea and a plan came to his mind. He ran to Ye Mo's side and whispered something.

Ye Mo looked at Xian Wu in surprise, he didn't expect him to have such abilities, it would be a shame not to join Xuelongwei.

"Besides accepting Xiao Ning'er as my disciple, I have one more thing to announce, that is, my god-grandson Xian Wu will take over as the captain of the Snow Dragon Guard. Ye Hong, the former captain of the Snow Dragon Guard, has other arrangements." Without consulting Xian Wu, Ye Mo directly announced his inauguration.

This is also for the sake of Xian Wu's future. He must first become the captain of the Snow Dragon Guard to take root at the grassroots level, and then become the city leader to convince the public.

Hearing Ye Mo's words, Ye Hong in the corner was so angry that he fainted.He was really unlucky today, losing both his wife and his army.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Xian Wu summoned the Snow Dragon Guards to block the banquet hall and invited all the family heads to the small black room one by one to talk.

Ye Zong stood behind Xian Wu, pointed at the dull-eyed head of the Lu family, and questioned: "Your charm can make people speak the truth? I don't believe it, unless you can prove that what the head of the Lu Ning family said is true, and Were you manipulating him into telling lies?"

"No problem." Xian Wu was full of confidence and began to harm Lu Piao's father: "Master Lu Ning, what color are your underwear?"

"Yellow..." Lu Ning replied expressionlessly.

"Let me take a look." Ye Zong walked over and took off Lu Ning's pants to see that they were indeed yellow.

Ye Zong believed more than half of it, but not completely. He looked at Xian Wu and asked him to continue to prove it.

"Master Lu Ning, what was your family's total income last year?" Xian Wu continued to ask, he couldn't forge this number, right?

"170 demon spirit coins." Lu Ning answered calmly.

Ye Zong suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: "No, this is wrong! The account reported by the Du family to the City Lord's Mansion was 150 million demon spirit coins, and they paid taxes based on this number!"

"Uh... is there a possibility that the Du family is evading taxes?"

(End of this chapter)

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