The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 220 Interrogation of Shen Hong

Chapter 220 Interrogation of Shen Hong
During the interrogation, Xian Wu not only asked about the total income of the major families last year, but also asked about their relationship with the dark guild.

Although Hu Yanxiong and Yang Weiye were Xian Wu's father-in-law, he did not engage in malpractice for personal gain and asked what he should ask.

Without exception, all the aristocratic families I have inquired have engaged in tax evasion, but none of them have colluded with the Dark Guild.

There is no doubt that the total income of the Huyan family and the Yang family last year was also recorded in Ye Zong's notebook.

"Father, Hu Yanxiong and Yang Weiye are my father-in-law, can you show mercy and not punish them?" Xian Wu asked for mercy.

"Punishment? Who said I want to punish them." Ye Zong looked at Xian Wu with a funny face, "Can I punish so many aristocratic families?"

He just wanted to know the difference between the accounts reported by major aristocratic families and the actual accounts. Only those that were too outrageous would be punished.

The Huyan family and the Yang family are both honest and responsible families. The accounts reported are almost the same as the actual accounts, so he will not punish them.

"That's good, that's good." Xian Wu felt relieved. If his father-in-law knew that he had tricked them, he would definitely be furious.

When I go to visit them during New Years and holidays in the future, they might kick me out and not let them in.

However, their sacrifices were worth it, all in order to eradicate this big cancer of the Holy Family.

The interrogation was carried out in an orderly manner, and soon it was Shen Hong's turn. Although he was at the peak of black gold, he was much worse than Xian Wu.

Shen Hong entered the small dark room, and before he could understand what was happening, he was charmed by Xian Wu, whose eyes were turning.

"Father, I can only charm a master like Ye Hong for 3 minutes. Let's ask about the Dark Guild first." Xian Wu reminded.

Hearing Xian Wu's reminder, Ye Zong nodded. Ye Hong's strength was second only to him, and he was the third strongest expert in Glory City.

"Shen Hong, is there any collusion between the Holy Family and the Dark Guild?"

Ye Zong looked at Xian Wu with a resentful look on his face. He didn't know why he was so crazy. He didn't even film the previous interrogation, so why did he film it all of a sudden?

Besides, Shen Hong can be regarded as Xian Wu's eldest uncle, meeting him is like interrogating a prisoner, what about Xian Wu?

Although Ye Zong has always had a competitive relationship with Shen Hong, he did not think that Shen Hong would collude with the Dark Guild.

The Holy Family was one of the three top families in the original Glory City. How could they betray the Glory City and dig their own graves?

"There is collusion. I am the vice-president of the Dark Guild, and I work as an internal agent for the Dark Guild in the city," Shen Hong replied with dull eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Zong was shocked and slapped the table, stood up and said angrily: "Shen Hong, you actually colluded with the Dark Guild?"

"Father, please be patient. Time is limited. Wait until I finish asking." Xian Wu patted Ye Zong on the shoulder and motioned for him to sit down.

Ye Zong picked up a goat's horn pen and wrote quickly on a small notebook, recording Shen Hong's words word for word.

"When did you collude with the Dark Guild?" Xian Wu continued to ask.

Shen Hongyi said: "Three years ago, when it snowed for the first time, the elders and I were hunting the Red Flame Black Tiger in the Holy Ancestor Mountains and were attacked by the Dark Guild. After seeing the legendary power of the Ghost Demon, After his strength and life were threatened, he surrendered to the Dark Guild."

"Coward! Shen Hong, you are such a coward." Ye Zong jumped up again and wanted to tear Shen Hong apart.

The Dark Guild not only endangered the Glory City, but also poisoned Ye Ziyun's mother. He and the Dark Guild were at odds with each other. "Time is running out, adoptive father, don't be impulsive. It's not too late to scold him after I finish asking." Xian Wu pushed Ye Zong back to his seat again.

"Shen Hong, after you surrendered to the Dark Guild, what did you do to harm the Glory City?" Xian Wu continued to ask.

As Shen Hong answered, Ye Zong gritted his teeth and recorded Shen Hong's numerous crimes, so many of his horn pens were broken by him.

"Where is the stronghold set up by the Dark Guild in the Shengzu Mountain Range?" The time was almost over, and Xian Wu asked the last question.

Shen Hong said expressionlessly: "I don't know, Gui Sha has always been in single-line contact with me. He has never..."

Halfway through his words, Shen Hong suddenly stopped. He frowned and asked, "Don't you have something to tell me? Tell me."

Xian Wu and Ye Zong looked at each other. The duration of the charm technique ended, and Ye Hong regained his consciousness.

Ye Zong suppressed the anger on his face and said coldly: "Shen Hong, someone reported tax evasion of the Holy Family. How do you explain it?"

Although the crimes in the small book are enough to kill Shen Hong dozens of times, there is insufficient evidence and he cannot be touched for the time being.

"Tax evasion? It's simply nonsense! Our Holy Family is one of the three top families, how could we do this?" Shen Hong denied it on the surface, but he was very panicked in his heart. Could it be that the family's account books were obtained by Ye Zong?That's terrible.

In the Glory City, if a noble family is found to have evaded taxes, they will be fined ten times the amount of tax evasion.

The amount of tax evasion and tax evasion committed by their Holy Family is not small. It amounts to tens of millions of demon spirit coins, and the fine alone is hundreds of millions.

If they were punished, their holy family would be severely damaged. It would be a small matter for their shop to be sealed up, but a big thing for them to be in ruins from now on.

Ye Zong said coldly: "It's empty talk. Tomorrow I will send staff from the City Lord's Palace to your family's property to audit the accounts. If you are found to have evaded taxes, you will be severely fined. If you are found to have made false accounts, the fine will be increased to A hundred times."

"City Lord, don't worry! I, Shen Hong, swear to God that there is absolutely no tax evasion in the Holy Family." Shen Hong vowed.

Ye Zong waved his hand and hummed: "Okay, let's go down and help call Chen Zhenglong from the Shengming Family."

"Yes!" Shen Hong quickly exited the small dark room, his back soaked with cold sweat.

After Shen Hong left, the anger on Ye Zong's face returned and he smashed the table into pieces with one palm: "Shen Hong, this traitor, I must cut him into pieces with a thousand knives! Xian Wu, my father wants to eradicate the Holy Family, you won't Stop it?" Ye Zong looked at Xian Wu.

"No, I hope you do this." Xian Wu suggested: "We can use the Dragon-Slaying Evil as bait, which will not only expose the fox tail of the Holy Family, but also allow Patriarch Ye Yan to break into the Dark Guild."

"Good idea." Ye Zong gave a thumbs up. Unexpectedly, Xian Wu had so many clever ideas.

"By the way, have you fused with the scarlet demon spirit? Why is the aura on your body still black gold level?" Ye Zong suddenly remembered something.

Xian Wu nodded and said nonsense: "The fusion is integrated, but it is not completely integrated yet. It needs a period of time to adjust."

Chaos Soul Devouring Technique, which can be advanced by swallowing demon spirits, is highly confidential, and he does not intend to tell anyone.

After he took Xiao Ning'er back to the Haozhen family, he devoured the scarlet demon spirit and acquired a super abnormal combat skill.

(End of this chapter)

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