Chapter 221 Scarlet Fountain
After devouring the legendary scarlet demon spirit, Xian Wu gained a new combat skill - Scarlet Fountain.

After activating the Scarlet Fountain, Xian Wu can suck out all the life matter from the target's body as long as there is a breach in the target's body.

The Scarlet Fountain can only absorb targets that are higher than its own soul level. The target's soul power determines the time it takes to complete the absorption.

Every time the target's soul power is 1 point more than that of the absorber, the absorbing time will be 1 second longer, and multiple targets can be absorbed at the same time.

Once the absorption begins, it cannot be stopped. No matter how far away the target is from the absorber, its life matter will continue to be absorbed.

The absorber can sense the target's location unless the target hides in some secret place that can isolate the outside world from perception.

The absorbed Scarlet Spring will be automatically stored in a funnel-shaped interdimensional space with unlimited capacity.

If the scarlet spring is sufficient, the extradimensional space will produce one drop of the spring of life every day.

If a living person drinks a drop of the fountain of life, he can stay young for 100 years.

If a dying person drinks a drop of the fountain of life, his life span can be extended by 100 years.

If the soul is soaked in the fountain of life, it can slowly reshape the body and restore the appearance of life, but it will consume a huge amount of spring water.

Although Xian Wu possesses the soul power of the legendary pinnacle, but that belongs to the enhancement effect of the Nightmare Demon Pot, not Xian Wu's real strength.

His current soul realm is at the peak of black gold, and his soul attack strength is also at the peak of black gold. He can only absorb targets that exceed black gold.

For example, a legendary demon spiritual master like Ye Mo, but Xian Wu would not be so crazy as to suck the life substance of his godfather.

What he wants to absorb most are those legendary monsters. If humans and monsters are against each other, either the monsters will die or the humans will live.

Xian Wu killed the adult monster without any guilt in his heart. If he didn't kill the monster, the monster would kill him. He had no choice.

"Our conversation is over. Master Chen, you can leave. Thank you for your cooperation." Xian Wu smiled and shook hands with Chen Zhenglong.

At this point, all the aristocratic families in the Glory City have been interrogated. Tax evasion is very common. Some aristocratic families steal a little, and some aristocratic families steal a lot.However, the only ones who colluded with the Dark Guild were the Holy Family.

"Thank you. Cooperating with the investigation is what every law-abiding citizen of Glory City should do." Chen Zhenglong smiled and didn't care.

Ye Zong put the horn pen on the pen holder, stood up and shouted: "Okay, don't be such a bastard Xiaolong, just go ahead and do what you have to do."

"Okay, big brother, I'll treat you to a drink another day. You haven't been to Qifeng Tower for a long time. The girls all miss you." Chen Zhenglong said.

Ye Zong slapped the table and said angrily: "Fart! When have I ever been to Qifeng Tower? Would my majestic city master go to a place like that?"

"Uh... what kind of place is Qifeng Tower?" Xian Wu interrupted the conversation between the two. Is it that kind of business place?

Ye Zong glared at Xian Wu angrily: "Children, stop asking around. Knowing too much will do you no good." After saying that, Ye Zong walked away.

Xian Wu blinked his eyes and hurriedly called to the head of the Shengming Family and asked, "Hey, Uncle Chen, don't leave. Where is the Qifeng Tower?"


Soon, the banquet at the City Lord's Mansion came to an end.It was getting late, and everyone from the Haozhen family stayed overnight at the city lord's mansion.

Everyone else had moved into luxurious guest rooms, while Xiao Ning'er was pulled into her independent courtyard by Ye Ziyun, and planned to sleep together at night.

Just when Xian Wu finished taking a bath and was about to compete with Hu Yanboruo to learn skills, Ye Xiu ran over and called him away.Ye Xiu is the third in command of the Fengxue Family. He travels with Ye Mo in the Saint Ancestor Mountains all year round. His strength in the family is second only to Ye Zong.

Ye Shuo was the fourth in command of the Fengxue Family, in charge of the Snow Dragon Guard, and had been controlling the dark side of the Glory City. He had died in the battle.

Currently, Xian Wu has taken over the Snow Dragon Guard, and his status is equivalent to the fourth in command of the Fengxue Family, and he is on the same level as Ye Xiu.

However, Xian Wu still called Ye Xiu uncle out of politeness.

"Uncle Ye Xiu, what's the matter? You're calling me in such a hurry. I was just getting ready to go to bed." Xian Wu looked displeased.

Ye Xiu smiled awkwardly and replied, "My dear nephew, it's not me who wants to call you, but Master Ye Mo and Patriarch Ye Yan."

"Why are they looking for me in the middle of the night? Is there anything more important than me sleeping?" Xian Wu hunched over, feeling unsatisfied.

Ye Xiu didn't answer, just smiled, patted Xian Wu on the back, and urged him to go faster.

The architectural structure of the City Lord's Mansion is very complex, like a maze. Especially at night, if there is no one to guide you, you will definitely lose your way.

"Lord Ye Mo, Patriarch Ye Yan, and Xian Wu, I brought them to you two." Ye Xiu reported with his hands in hand.

Xian Wu was not polite at all. He raised his buttocks and sat on the chair. He picked up the tea cup and asked while drinking: "Grandpa, why did you call me?"

"There is a book here, can you see if you can read it?" Ye Mo was not angry at Xian Wu's rudeness and threw him an ancient book.

Xian Wu didn't even look at it. He raised his hand to hold the flying ancient book, put it on the tea cup, opened it and saw that there were exquisite patterns painted on it.

The pattern is composed of all kinds of strange charms, and there are also various demon spirits painted on it, which exude mysterious power from time to time.

"Where did you get this ancient book?" Xian Wu was slightly shocked. He couldn't understand even half of the words in the book.

Ye Mo stroked his beard and replied: "This booklet was discovered on the bones of a legendary peak powerhouse when I explored a monster cave. I heard that you worshiped a mysterious and powerful master. If you read If you don’t understand, you can take it to your master for a look.”

"Master?" Ye Yan touched his beard out of habit, but his chin was very smooth and he couldn't touch anything.

No wonder Xian Wu refused to show him the skills he practiced in the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm. It turned out to be because he was worried about the master behind him.

Xian Wu waved his hand and said: "My senior brother Nie Li can interpret it without my master or him. I will take the book first and bring it to my senior brother to read tomorrow. I will inform you as soon as there is news. There are other things. Is it okay? If nothing happens, I'll leave."

"Wait a minute, kid, I want to meet your master, please help me introduce him." Ye Yan stopped Xian Wu who was about to lift his butt.

"No! My master doesn't see outsiders. Even the founder of Glory City is not qualified to see him." Xian Wu refused directly.

How could he have a master? Wouldn't he betray him as soon as he met him?

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Ye Yan frowned: "Little Xian Wu, I once saved your life, why can't I see your master?"

"Don't forget, I got this physical body now. We balance each other and don't owe each other anything." Xian Wu disagreed.

"Hey, if you don't see it, you won't see it. What's the big deal." Ye Yan picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

Xian Wu suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, how are you doing with your research on setting a trap for the Holy Family?"

(End of this chapter)

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