The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 222 Golden Eggs and Silver Eggs

Chapter 222 Golden Eggs and Silver Eggs
Ye Zong had already told Ye Mo about Shen Hong's collusion with the Dark Guild to destroy the Glory City. The crimes were numerous and too numerous to describe.

Although everyone knows that the Sacred Family is in collusion with the Dark Guild, but there is no conclusive evidence, and the City Lord's Mansion is not easy to catch them in the open.

However, behind the scenes, the City Lord's Mansion has already begun to suppress the Holy Family, and is preparing to take it to the ground step by step.

"Eradicating the Holy Family requires a very careful plan. After all, it is a pinnacle family that has a decisive influence in the Glory City. There are many families working towards them. If the Holy Family is pushed into a hurry, it is very likely that they will jump over the wall." Ye Mo had some scruples. .

The Holy Family is good at refining weapons, and 80.00% of the soldiers and armor in the city are produced in the shops of the Holy Family.

If they rashly start a war with the Holy Family and withdraw all their craftsmen, the Glory City will be in a very unfavorable situation.

Ye Yan slammed the table and said angrily: "These unworthy descendants have united with outsiders to harm our compatriots. It's really abominable."

Ye Yan felt heartbroken when he thought that the glorious city that he and his four old brothers risked their lives to defend would be ruined by future generations.

"Okay, you guys make a plan, let me know before you act." Xian Wu was still a little worried about Shen Xiu.

As the saying goes, "One night for a couple and a hundred nights of kindness, and a hundred nights for a couple are as deep as the sea." Although Shen Xiu is very unpleasant, she is his woman after all.

Ye Mo nodded and said: "It will take about a month to prepare. During this period, Grandmaster Ye Yan, please practice your acting skills."

Not everyone can do undercover tasks. In addition to strong physical skills, it also requires the ability to adapt to changes in circumstances.

If Patriarch Ye Yan is recognized while undercover, he may be killed by the demon lord of the dark guild.

He knew the Dark Guild quite well. The Demon Lord tried to occupy the City of Glory several times, but he was repelled by him.

However, every time he made a comeback, the demon lord's strength would reach a higher level, and it is estimated that it has surpassed him now.

Although Patriarch Ye Yan has integrated a new body, his own strength is still at the black gold level and has not returned to the peak of his life.

The Black Gold-level Patriarch Ye Yan will definitely not be able to defeat the Legend-level Demon Lord, and the Demon Lord has probably reached the peak of Legend now.

"Acting skills?" After hearing Ye Mo's words, Ye Yan scratched his head. The tone he spoke now was indeed a bit old-fashioned.

"Okay, it's getting late, and it's time for me to rest. Uncle Ye Xiu, please lead the way." Xian Wu yawned.

Ye Xiu didn't act immediately, but looked at Ye Mo and asked his old man's opinion. Seeing Ye Mo nodding, Ye Xiu stood up.

Following Ye Xiu, Xian Wu returned to his room smoothly. The room was dotted with pearls, and the beauty must be waiting impatiently.

Xian Wu coughed dryly and said with a blush, "Uncle Ye Xiu, you should go back and rest early. I won't invite you in."

"Okay nephew, you should have a good rest." Ye Xiu didn't stay too long and turned around to leave.

Xian Wu hurriedly returned to the room and bolted the door. Xian Wu took off his clothes and walked towards the bed.

Huyan Lanruo lifted the quilt, jumped out of the bed impatiently, and helped Xian Wu get off. She had a plump body and was wearing very simple clothes.

"Help me take it off, so I don't have to do it myself." Xian Wu gently sniffed Huyan Lanruo's cherry red short hair, it was very fragrant.

Silent all night.

After having breakfast at the City Lord's Mansion, Xian Wu brought his three wives back to the Haoyu family, Xiao Ning'er did not follow.

Ye Ziyun wanted to leave Xiao Ning'er to stay at the City Lord's Mansion for a few days. Of course, they would not go back to the Haozhen Family to practice in these days.

"Golden Egg! Golden Egg!" Seeing Xian Wu and Huyan Lanruo returning home, Golden Egg jumped up and down and greeted them excitedly.

After devouring the flesh and blood of the legendary demon beast Howling Moon Wolf King, Golden Egg's size increased again, reaching half a man's height.Moreover, the golden egg was no longer round, but turned into the shape of a big silver goose, flapping its wings and creating a strong wind.

Xian Wu stroked Jin Dan's little head, turned to Huyan Lanruo and said, "Let's change our name to Yin Dan from now on. The golden hair will be gone."

Without the golden fluff, the golden egg is no longer the same golden egg, which also means that it has grown.

"Silver egg?" Yang Xin retorted with a strange expression, "I still think golden egg sounds better, but silver egg sounds too awkward."

Xian Wu is just a lustful person, but it's a bit too much to change his pet's name to such a lustful name.

"Whether it's a golden egg or a silver egg, I will listen to your husband." Huyan Lanruo's face was red, and the little bird hugged Xian Wu lovingly.

Xian Wu patted Huyan Lanruo's palace and said with a wicked smile: "You little flattery, you only pick out what I like to hear, right?"

The Golden Egg is just the Golden Egg. It has always been called the Golden Egg. When the name was changed, not only did the Golden Egg itself not adapt to it, but so did they.

"Hey, my grandson-in-law is back. How was your participation in the banquet at the City Lord's Mansion?" Hu Yanba asked while sitting on the steps of the martial arts arena.

He was holding a wine gourd in his hand, the bandage on his face had been taken off, and he was lying on his back, enjoying the bright morning sunshine.

Seeing that the burns on Huyanba's face disappeared, Xian Wu asked suspiciously: "Old man, where are the scars on your face?"

"Thanks to Nie Li, he used a unique method to restore me." Huyanba said with gratitude.

Nie Li?Xian Wu slapped his head and suddenly said: "If you didn't mention him, I almost forgot. I have something to show him."

He was so involved yesterday that he almost forgot about the task Ye Mo gave him.Oh, yes, and those snow wolf pups.

"Nie Li should be practicing on the water tower now. What a coincidence. As soon as he left, you came back with your back." Hu Yan said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Xian Wu turned around and said to his woman: "Go and do whatever you have to do. My husband, I have something to do and I can't accompany you anymore."

Opening Huyan Lanruo's vise-like little hands, Xian Wu summoned his wind and thunder wings and soared into the sky.

"Husband~ Come back soon." Hu Yanlanruo waved at Xian Wu's back.

Looking at these women like Xian Wu, Hu Yanba smiled wryly and shook his head, why did his granddaughter marry such a big carrot.

Hovering on the water pyramid, Xian Wu did not notice Nie Li.

Landing on the ground, he asked the guards, and learned that Nie Li had gone to the Pyramid of Thunder, where Du Ze was.

During the days when Xiao Ning'er was away, Du Ze took her place.

Flying to the Pyramid of Thunder, Xian Wu found two men doing double cultivation.

To be precise, it was Nie Li who was guiding Du Ze in his cultivation.

"Not bad, already two gold stars." Xian Wu landed on the top of the tower, and at the same time took out the Heavenly Meteor God Thunder Sword.

He still hasn't figured out the function of the Meteor God's Thunder Sword. He only knows that it can convert soul power into thunder and lightning.

Maybe on the Leita, you can find its extra functions.

"I'll go, Meteor God's Thunder Sword? When did you get it?" Nie Li rushed over like a slut.

(End of this chapter)

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