Chapter 223 Invincible
Seeing Nie Li running toward him, Xian Wu immediately raised the Thunder God's Meteor Sword high and put his hand against Nie Li's forehead.

"What are you doing? What are you going to do? This sword already belongs to me, and you want to violate it in front of my husband." Xian Wu said with an unhappy face.

Nie Li hopped his feet to reach for the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword in Xian Wu's hand, but every time he was pushed back to the ground by Xian Wu, he was very depressed.

"I just took a look at it, and I don't want it from you. Why are you so stingy? The Thunder God's Meteor Sword is not your woman." Nie Li complained.

After hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu was stunned for a moment and murmured: "That's right. However, the way you looked just now was too scary."

Xian Wu let go of Nie Li's forehead, allowing him to snatch the Thunder God's Meteor Sword from his hand, and used his left hand to clean the hair oil on his right hand.

Nie Li's forehead was oily, and it was as slippery as a loach. Fortunately, his six-character five-shaped boxing reached the full level.

After reaching the full level of Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist, the secret meaning is called Hunyuan Lightning Five-Continuous Whip, which is a martial skill that utilizes force to the extreme.

The Hunyuan Lightning Five-Continuous Whip is not just five whips, but a cycle of dragon whip, leopard whip, snake whip, tiger whip and crane whip.

After finishing the five whips in this order, if the enemy is not dead, the whipping will continue, and all actions will be completed in an instant.

"Good sword! Good sword!" Nie Li groped for the blade of the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword, as if he was stroking Ye Ziyun's snow-white long legs.

That expression is really...perverted!The edge of the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword is very blunt, almost as if it had no edge.

However, after pouring the soul power into the sword body, the outside of the blade of the Thunder God Sword will automatically form an arc blade that cuts through iron like mud.

"This two-handed weapon is called the Thunder God's Meteor Sword?" Du Ze stood next to Nie Li, looking at the simple sword and asked doubtfully.

He didn't understand what was so special about this heavy, blunt sword that made Nie Li so fond of it.

"That's right." Nie Li nodded and injected his soul power into the sword. A bolt of lightning immediately rushed out from the tip of the sword and shot directly into the sky.

Not long after, the wind picked up, and a thick, dark cloud formed in the sky, with thunder and lightning flashing in the cloud.

Seeing the dark clouds floating above his head, Xian Wu suddenly panicked: "Damn it, Nie Li, what on earth are you going to do? Borrow a sword to kill someone?"

As a black gold demon spiritual master, his perception is very sharp and he can clearly sense the violent power contained in the dark clouds.

If all the power in the dark cloud bombarded his body, even if he didn't die, he would still have to peel off his skin. What the hell did Nie Li want to do?
"Even a little dark cloud dares to make a mistake, eat my halberd!" Xian Wu summoned the glittering golden Hao Zhen painted halberd from the sea of ​​souls.

Every day he would use the Hao Zhen painted halberd to kill a monster or a monster to prevent the hundredfold increase in power of the eight kills from disappearing.

The power of Hao Zhen's Painted Halberd was originally at the peak of the legendary level. After it was increased a hundred times, it surpassed the god level. Combined with the Yang family's marksmanship, it was invincible.

The Eight Stabs of Xia Ji has only one move and is not considered a real martial skill. The Yang family's marksmanship has many moves and is the first choice for killing enemies on the battlefield.

The secret style of the Yang family's marksmanship is called Ten Directions Invincibility. It is similar to the Eight Stabs of the Xia Ji, and can defend against attacks from enemies in ten directions at the same time.

The ten directions are east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest, above and below.

If the upper and lower defenses are ignored and only the eight horizontal directions are focused on, a new Wulang Bagua secret will be derived.

Unlike Shifang Invincible, who only defends but does not attack, Wulang Bagua is both offensive and defensive, and the attack also comes with damage from the power of eight elements.Xian Wu rose into the sky and struck the dark clouds with a halberd, using the Yang family's spear technique - Flying Dragon in the Sky.

Before Xian Wu could prick the dark clouds, Nie Li took the initiative to disperse them, and then said with black lines on his head: "Xian Wu, what are you doing!"

He just wanted to try the moves of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and he didn't want to attack Xian Wu. What stimulation had he received recently?
He is his adoptive father, how could he attack him casually? Is Xian Wu too neurotic?Is that too much?

"The handle of Xian Wu's halberd is so powerful, it actually lights up!" Du Ze screamed loudly, covering his eyes that were about to go blind.

Those lights were not ordinary lights, but the light of soul power. Even if Du Ze covered his eyes, those lights would shine into his field of vision.

Nie Li used his soul power to protect his eyes and was barely able to look directly at Xian Wu. The aura of destruction coming from the painted halberd made him very surprised.

The power of this weapon had already reached the first level of Tianzhuan. Looking at the entire Little Linglong world, no one could resist its blow.

Legend is not the end of practice. There are many higher levels of destiny, heavenly stars, heavenly rotation, dragon way, martial arts and so on.

It's just that in the small world of Linglong, that is, Tianyuan Continent, most people can only cultivate to the peak of legend.

If you want to cultivate to the later realms, you must leave the Little Linglong World and enter a higher level world, such as the Dragon Ruins Realm.

In his previous life, he had trained in the Dragon Ruins Realm to the point where he could fight against the Holy Emperor. Unfortunately, he was eventually beaten by the Holy Emperor for his lack of martial ethics.

"Xian Wu's growth rate is so terrifying. There is no rival for him in the world of Little Linglong." Nie Li was secretly surprised.

At the same time, Nie Li felt a sense of unwillingness in his heart. Xian Wu had already been able to fight against enemies in the Heavenly Transformation Realm, but he was still standing still.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's my Fang Tian Painted Halberd that's shining!" General Xian Wu took the Soul Soldier Painted Halberd back into the Soul Sea and scolded Du Ze.

Xian Wu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took back the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and said with lingering fear: "I thought you were going to attack me!"

"How could it be? I just want to try the moves of the Meteor God's Thunder Sword." Nie Li waved his hand, "However, the power of the Meteor God's Thunder Sword shouldn't be so weak. What about the original thunder and lightning in the sword? Are you there? What did you do to the sword when you took it out?"

"I have destroyed all the lightning in the sword. If I don't destroy it, I won't be able to pull it out at all." Xian Wu explained while holding the sword.

At that time, he thought that the Meteor God Thunder Sword could be pulled out with brute force like an ordinary sword, but he did not expect that the sword body was actually charged with electricity.

In a fit of anger, he used his demonic left hand to disintegrate the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, releasing all the energy in the sword.

The resynthesized Thunder Sword of the Meteor God does not have any lightning at all. If you want thunder and lightning, you can only inject soul power into it.

Nie Li shook his head and sighed: "Actually, there are other ways to draw the sword. Oh, forget it. However, it doesn't matter if the thunder and lightning disappears. The Thunder Sword of the Meteor God only needs to kill the monsters, and then it can swallow the monster spirits and recharge." Lightning."

"Hey, Xian Wu, you already have such a powerful Fang Tian Painted Halberd. How about giving this sword to me?" Nie Li rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Give it to you? Yes, but you have to wait until you reach the gold level." Xian Wu did not refuse. After all, Nie Li had given him many good things. "There is a book here for you to read. Your grandfather asked me to send it to you." ."

"My grandfather?" Nie Li raised his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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