The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 224 The Array of Ten Thousand Demonic Spirits

Chapter 224 The Array of Ten Thousand Demonic Spirits
"Isn't Ye Ziyun your woman? Ye Mo is Ye Ziyun's grandfather, and naturally also your grandfather." Xian Wu explained while holding his sword.

When Nie Li heard this, he suddenly realized that his grandfather had died a long time ago. Just now he almost thought that Xian Wu was trying to compete with him.

"Du Ze, you can continue practicing, we won't disturb you." Nie Li informed and led Xian Wu to the rest room under the tower.

Xian Wu poured tea for his sweaty little dad, added dry ice, and delivered it to him. He served him with such attentiveness.

After flipping through the ancient book in his hand, Nie Li placed the book on the table, picked up the tea cup, and took a deep breath to make herbal tea.

"What is recorded in this booklet is a formation called the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Spirits Array, which can control tens of thousands of demon spirits above the black gold level. As long as they fall into the formation, even the legendary demon spirit masters can He was killed easily." Nie Li said seriously.

"So awesome?" Listening to Nie Li's description, Xian Wu's eyes widened and he asked quickly, "Can you decorate one in our house?"

Nie Li rolled his eyes and said with black lines on his head: "Our family? You mean your family. Yes, yes, but do you have [-] demon spirits above the black gold level in your hands? Do you have the refining formation? The massive amount of materials required? You have nothing, so stop dreaming!"

He admitted that the Haozhen family had money, but money was not everything, and money could not necessarily buy tens of thousands of black gold-level demon spirits.

"It's just [-] black gold-level demon spirits. I'll definitely be able to gather them together after I slaughter the Holy Ancestor Mountain Range." Xian Wu vowed.

After dealing with the remaining two legendary monsters, he started a sweep, just in time to recharge the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

Since the advent of the Dark Ages, monsters have almost slaughtered all humans, and now it's time for them to pay with their blood.

"Okay, go ahead and get it together. Come to me when you're done, and I'll help you arrange it." Nie Li returned the ancient book to Xian Wu.

Xian Wu picked up the ancient book and asked: "How long does it take to set up a great array of demons and demons? Is one week enough?"

"A week? What are you thinking? At least two months! And that's when there are enough materials and manpower." Nie Li said angrily. Xian Wu was good at everything, but he just took it for granted. Formation, how can it be so fast!

"That's it." Xian Wu scratched his head, raised his hand to break down the booklet, and then combined it instantly, leaving behind a small phantom ball.

"You take this booklet. I will send you a carriage to take you to the City Lord's Mansion in a while. You can explain the booklet to your grandfather." Xian Wu took out a piece of Snow Dragon Token from the interspatial ring and put it on the booklet. "At the door , show this to the guard so that it can be used."

"Aren't you coming with me?" Nie Li picked up the snow-white jade plaque, which was cold in hand. It was engraved with complicated inscriptions.

"No!" Xian Wu stood up, "I promised Dean Gao Yuan to send him snow wolf cubs. If we don't go to Snow Wolf Canyon, those cubs will starve to death. After capturing the cubs, I will go The time is very tight to hunt down the remaining two legendary monsters."

"Okay, go ahead, have a nice trip." Nie Li waved his hand. Xian Wu had that big killing weapon at his side, so Nie Li was not worried.

After leaving the Pyramid of Thunder, Xian Wu was about to say goodbye to Yang Xin. As soon as he walked outside the door, he heard the sound of rushing water in the house.

Xian Wu narrowed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and instantly transformed into a big pervert. When he thought of Yang Xin's plump body...

Xian Wu coughed lightly, knocked on the door three times, and then asked: "Is the darling Yang Xin in the house? I, Xian Wu!"

"Xiaoyu, open the door for the master of the house!" Yang Xin's voice came from inside the house. It was as sweet as a peach, and it was so sweet that it was life-threatening.

After a while, the door creaked open, and the maid Xiaoyu, wearing very simple clothes, said "Happy Master".

Xian Wu helped Xiaoyu lift her baggy bra and walked into Yang Xin's boudoir with his hands behind his back. The room was filled with the fragrance of roses.

The maid Xiaoyu's pretty face flushed, she closed the door, bolted the door, followed Xian Wu slowly, and helped him take off his clothes. Jumping into the water with a "pop", Xian Wu picked up a towel and started to wipe Yang Xin's back, and then asked Xiaoyu to wipe his back.

"Baby, I'm going to the mountains for a trip. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll leave the house to you to take care of," Xian Wu said.

In the Haozhen family, he was the eldest, Yang Xin was the second, Huyan Lanruo was the third, and Ouyang Tiantian was the fourth.

When he is not at home, Yang Xin naturally takes the decision at home, and she is the director of the Alchemist Association and has great management experience.

He was very relieved to hand over the Haozhen family to Yang Xin.At present, Yang Xin has reached the realm of Black Gold and Three Stars, and is the strongest in the family.

He did not take the initiative to help Yang Xin improve her cultivation level. Cultivating to the Black Gold Three Stars was the result of Yang Xin's own efforts.

Yang Xin put her hair in a bun, turned her back to Xian Wu, and frowned slightly: "It's only been a few days since I came back. What are you doing in the mountains again? How dangerous it is."

If possible, she didn't want Xian Wu to be involved in danger.Xian Wu was injured by the Dark Guild last time, and she still feels distressed.

"The danger has to go. Who made me the Young City Lord? There are still two legendary monsters left. Only by killing them all can the Glory City fall into eternal peace. Don't worry, I will live to witness our children. Born." Xian Wu said softly.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, the maid Xiaoyu was both admired and moved. If anyone dares to say that the master of the family is a pervert in the future, she will slap him with a big mouth!

For the sake of the safety of the people of Glory City, the head of the family risked his life, fought bloody battles with legendary monsters, and married a few more wives. What happened?
Yang Xin suddenly turned around, blocked Xian Wu's mouth with her warm lips, and said angrily: "I don't allow you to say anything about life or death!"

"Ahem..." Xian Wu coughed violently, and he choked on Yang Xin's saliva.

"Wash...ahem...I'm almost done. It's time for me to set off."

The maid Xiaoyu immediately brought a soft bath towel and wiped Xian Wu's body from head to toe with a blushing face.

"This is for you." Xian Wu took out a bottle of soul-nourishing pill from the space ring and stuffed it into the gap between Xiaoyu's breasts.

After putting on brand new clothes, Xian Wu waved to Yang Xin, "Let's go, take a rest and take care of your house."

"Be careful along the way and come back safely!" Watching Xian Wu leave, Yang Xin bit her lip, reluctant to leave.

Leaving Yang Xin's house, Xian Wu summoned his wings of wind and thunder, soared into the sky, and then released the "Thunder God's Wrath" combat skill, disappearing in a flash.

When acting alone, Xian Wu will not summon the true form of the Wolf King, as that would be too slow.

If you want to go on your way, you still need the wrath of the God of Thunder.

However, although Thunder God's Fury is fast, it can only fly in a straight line. When Xian Wu needs to fly a certain distance, he stops and looks at the map to make sure he is not flying in the wrong direction.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xian Wu flew over the Snow Wolf Canyon.

Seeing some carrion-eating griffons hovering over the valley, Xian Wu secretly thought something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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