The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 225 Capturing Monsters

Chapter 225 Capturing Monsters
A griffin is a monster with the head of a griffin, the body and claws of a lion, and the head and eyes of an eagle.

Griffins are scavenging monsters. Wherever there are corpses of monsters, they exist, just like scavenging vultures.

Due to the harsh climate of the Holy Ancestor Mountains, griffons often hibernate in warm caves and only appear in late summer.

At this time of year, the snow has melted, the temperature is relatively high, and there is sufficient food, which is very suitable for griffons to mate and reproduce.

Staring at the griffins circling over the Snow Wolf Canyon, Xian Wu looked coldly, and took out the Thunder Sword of Meteor God from the space ring.

After landing on the ground, Xian Wu swaggered into the valley, and what he saw was a large group of gray anus-eating beasts.

Anus-eating beasts are also scavenging monsters, belonging to the canine family, and are famous for attacking the anuses of monsters in groups.

In the canyon, the snow wolves that had been frozen into ice sculptures by Xian Wu were chewed to pieces, and some only had four crampons left.

"Goooooo~~~Quack~~~" After smelling the scent of living people, the anus-picking beasts howled excitedly.

Xian Wu held the sword in both hands and squinted his eyes. He could clearly sense that there were hundreds of silver-level beasts in the valley, dozens of gold-level ones, and one black-gold level beast.The griffins above the canyon are all gold-level.

One of the gryphons fell under the claws of the black-gold anal beast, and was probably killed by its sneak attack.

The advantage of anus-drawing beasts lies in group fights. In a one-on-one fight, a black-gold-level anus-drawing beast may not be able to defeat a gold-level griffin.

No matter how low the level of a griffon is, it is still a lion and an eagle. It is not some cat or dog that can be killed casually.

Moreover, the gryphon can also fly, and it is still very difficult to kill the anal beast that cannot fly, unless it is a sneak attack.

Before he had time to think too much, Xian Wu injected most of the soul power in his soul sea into the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God, and an electric blade instantly appeared on the sword.

Although he doesn't know any martial arts such as swordsmanship, the Thunder God's Meteor Sword can cut iron like clay, and he can kill the enemy with a few random cuts.

Most of the anus-digging beasts and dogs rely on the crowd, giving up their old profession of anal-digging, and choose to attack directly.Their bite force is astonishing, one bite can crush the bones of monsters of the same level, and there are germs in the saliva, if the target is bitten, it will die within three days.

"Strike Huashan Mountain!!!" Xian Wu raised the Thunder God's Meteor Sword high and shouted loudly, and immediately a 50-meter-long electric blade shot into the sky.

After shouting, the 50-meter-long sword fell from the sky and chopped the anal beasts in front of Xian Wu into ashes with one blow.

This was not the end yet. Xian Wu held the hilt of the sword with both hands and spun on the spot while shouting: "Super Invincible Hot Wheels!!!"

Xian Wu turned into a combine harvester in an instant, cutting down the anal beasts one by one like wheat.

The crowded Snow Wolf Canyon was emptied out at an extremely fast speed by the Tianyun brand lawn mower, leaving only one monster beast.

It was the black-gold anus-drawing beast. It wasn't that the lightning blade of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword wasn't sharp enough, but that Xian Wu was merciful.

Because he wanted to collect [-] black-gold-level demon spirits and build the array of ten thousand demon spirits on the territory of the Haozhen family.

The anus-drawing beast noticed Xian Wu's terrifying strength, dropped the griffin carcass that was eating, and ran away with its tail between its legs.

"I can spare your life, but keep the demon spirit!" Xian Wu thought, and hundreds of lightning bolts came out of his sword and went straight to the anus-drawing beast.

Rays of lightning turned into white ghost beasts, instantly surrounding the black-gold level beasts in the center.

Xian Wu inserted the Thunder God's Meteor Sword into the ground and summoned a golden soul weapon painted halberd from the soul sea.The dazzling golden light directly illuminated the eyes of the blind black gold anal beast. The griffons in the sky were also affected at the same time, and they fell one after another like dumplings.Xian Wu was not polite, swung his halberd to chop off the head of the black gold-level anal beast, and ordered the thunder beast to control all the griffins.

Although the Thunder Beast can also kill griffons, the griffin killed by the Thunder Beast will become an Thunder Beast Griffin and needs to be killed with a sword.

Digging out the demon spirit of the black gold-level anus-drilling beast, importing the demon spirit stone, Xian Wu took the soul soldier's painted halberd back to the soul sea, and pulled out the great sword.

After chopping the griffins into ashes, Xian Wu obtained dozens of griffin thunder beasts.

After putting all the thunder beasts back into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword and taking back his soul power, Xian Wu discovered that the sword had some new changes.

Now, even if soul power is not injected into the sword body, an electric blade will appear on the sword body, and the strength of the electric blade is extremely close to the legendary level.

"Hundreds of silver-level monsters, dozens of gold-level monsters, all the monsters put together, it's almost like this."

Xian Wu rubbed the blade of the sword, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. The Thunder God's Meteor Sword was indeed extraordinary, and its power could be accumulated by killing monsters.

However, his own soul weapon painted halberd has similar power, and it only needs to kill ordinary monsters.

The Thunder Sword of the Meteor God needs to kill monsters with monster spirits. Under normal circumstances, monsters with monster spirits are extremely rare.

However, the monsters near Snow Wolf Canyon are all high-end goods. They can survive the threat of wolves, so naturally they are not good people.

Almost every monster near Snow Wolf Canyon has a monster spirit, which is convenient for the Thunder God Meteor Sword to quickly accumulate power.

"Those snow wolf cubs won't be eaten, right?" Xian Wu walked into the largest cave with an anxious mood.

Ji Bai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the snow wolf cubs in the wolf den were not dead, and they were moaning "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

However, their condition is not very good. They have been starved for almost a week, and they are all skinny and skinny.

"If you don't dislike Ge Ying, then eat this." Ji Bai threw the meat of the Howling Moon Wolf King on the ground.

The meat of Xiaoyue Wolf King weighs several tons, and the golden egg gets tired after eating only a few hundred catties. If you feed it again, it will not eat it.

Feeding the wolf cub meat with the meat of legendary monsters seemed a bit luxurious, but there was no point in keeping it. Soon he would be hunting new monsters.

Smelling the smell of meat, the snow wolf cubs all became restless, and one by one they rushed towards the bright red meat and started to feast on it.

The meat of the Howling Moon Wolf King is a great supplement to them. After swallowing the flesh and blood, the cubs become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I remember there were some wolf cubs nursing in the wolf den, but why can't I see any of them? Could it be..." Xian Wu narrowed his eyes. Nature is cruel. In order to survive, cannibalism is also extremely common. It's possible.

After feeding the wolf cubs, Xian Wu took out the monster cage from the space ring given by Dean Gao Yuan and put them in one by one.

After loading them all, there were still dozens of empty cages left in the space ring. Xian Wu walked out of the cave depressed.

A group of griffins appeared in the canyon again, and they gnawed wildly around the headless corpse of the anal beast.

Looking at the strong griffin, Xian Wu touched his chin. If he could catch the griffin's cub, it would be enough to make a difference.

(End of this chapter)

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