Chapter 226 Forging Weapons

After taming a griffin with the magic of charm, Xian Wu rode on the back of the griffin and flew to the griffins' lair.

Holding the Heavenly Meteor God Thunder Sword in his hand, he slayed the attacking flying monsters along the way, constantly increasing the power of the divine sword.

Griffons are not the overlord creatures in the Holy Ancestral Mountain Range, and many monsters dare to attack them.

"Hey, why are you getting slower and slower?" Xian Wu pricked up his ears and heard the grumbling of the gryphon's stomach.

Out of gas?In desperation, Xian Wu let the griffin fall in an open space and took out the legendary monster meat to refuel the griffin.

"It consumes only one piece of fuel per [-] kilometers. It's really amazing." Xian Wu patted the strong and round butt of the gryphon. This was a female gryphon.

Of course Xian Wu doesn't have any strange ideas, and griffons are scavengers and their mouths smell worse than toilets. He doesn't have such a strong mouth?
Although it was already autumn, it was still extremely hot at noon. There was not a single cloud in the sky, there was no breeze over the forest sea, and the air seemed to be stagnant.Xian Wu rode the griffon for a while and then landed on the ground again.

"Bleach! You are made of sweat. My clothes are all wet." Xian Wu kicked the griffin angrily.

In desperation, Xian Wu found a shady place to rest, and prepared to set off when it was cooler at dusk.

After inserting the Thunder God's Sword and summoning the Thunder Beast to serve as a guard, Xian Wu found a large bluestone and lay down with his arms as pillow.

As for the sweaty gryphon, Xian Wu put it into a pet cage and released it when the time came.

The pet cage is a kind of space magic weapon. No matter how big the monster is, it can be taken in, provided that the monster has no sense of resistance.

Although the monster can be shrunk and put into the monster cage, it still needs to be released regularly to feed, otherwise the monster will starve to death.

After lying down until about three o'clock in the afternoon, Xian Wu couldn't lie down anymore, so he sat up and prepared to find something to do.

It's not time to set off yet, the sun is still shining brightly, and summoning the delicate griffon at this time will definitely make him sweat again.

After much thought, Xian Wu prepared to use Flame Palm to refine some warrior armor for Snow Dragon Guard.He had just taken over the Snow Dragon Guard, and the veterans were not very obedient to him. They believed in their hearts that Ye Hong, the biological son of the previous Snow Dragon Guard, was more suitable for the position of guard captain.

"It is true that I am not suitable to be the captain of the Snow Dragon Guard, but I don't want that scumbag Ye Hong who covets my brother-in-law's wife to be the captain."

Xian Wu planned to make Wo Diaochang, his future uncle, the second in command of the Snow Dragon Guard.

If Wo Diaochang wants to gain a foothold in Snow Dragon Guard, he must adopt some methods and means that can attract people's hearts.

Judging from the fact that Ye Shuo gave him the snow dragon armor as a meeting gift, the people of the Snow Dragon Guard should like warriors and armors very much.

Although there are some people who are proud and unmoved by money and treasures, the vast majority of people are still greedy for money and treasures.

It is not necessary to control everyone in the Snow Dragon Guard, just control the vast majority of the people in the Snow Dragon Guard.The remaining die-hards, one or two, can't stand alone and can't make any waves.Whoever is Ye Hong's friend is his Xian Wu's enemy, it's that simple.

The iron element in iron ore is one of the raw materials for Xian Wu to synthesize the Nine Transformations Pill, so Xian Wu's ring contains a lot of it.

"Xuanyan Palm!!!" Xian Wu shouted, and a black flame rose from his palm.

The iron ore fell into it and instantly turned into molten iron, and all other impurities were burned away.Iron ore is a bronze-level refining material that can be fused with other bronze-level materials and then refined into silver-level materials.

The fine steel used to forge Snow Dragon's armor is a silver-grade material that is smelted from iron ore and sulfur.

"Let's make a mold first." Xian Wu took out the soul weapon painting halberd from the soul sea, and then wrapped it with clay.

After patting the clay solidly, Xian Wu used the "parts disassembly" ability of the devil's left hand to separate the soul soldier's painted halberd.

In this way, Xian Wu obtained a clay mold for a square-shaped painted halberd. He only needed to pour molten iron into the mold along the pouring hole, and the embryo of a square-shaped painted halberd was formed. After quenching, annealing, rough machining, After the finishing process, the finished product of Fangtian Painted Halberd can be obtained.

Xian Wu studied mechanical design, manufacturing and automation before crossing over. He also had a metalworking internship and has certain hands-on ability.

Following the example of the soul soldier's halberd painting, General Xian rubbed Fang Tian's halberd-painting hand out of pure iron.

His left hand is much sharper than the turning tool of a lathe, and his powerful soul power gives him unparalleled processing accuracy.

Therefore, the iron Fangtian Painted Halberd is exactly the same as the Soul Soldier Painted Halberd except for the material.

It's not that Xian Wu doesn't want to use the demon's left hand to combine the Soul Soldier Painted Halberd, but once the Soul Soldier Painted Halberd is decomposed, the eight-kill effect of the Soul Soldier Painted Halberd will be reset to zero.The same goes for the Meteor God's Thunder Sword. Once it is decomposed and resynthesized, it is equivalent to restoring the factory settings and having to start over.

"This pure iron Fangtian painted halberd is not even a bronze-level warrior, but it is different if it is engraved with the battle inscription."

When he was at Holy Orchid Academy, Xian Wu had been practicing inscriptions for a period of time under the guidance of Nie Li. Not only was he familiar with the inscriptions of Holy Fire, Snow Wind and Battle Front, but he was also able to inscribe some advanced inscriptions from the Thunder Fire Scripture. Ancient inscriptions.

Taking out the claw pen from the space ring, Xian Wu engraved the inscription pattern of war front on the head of Fang Tian's halberd, and engraved the inscription pattern of guarding on the shaft of Fang Tian's halberd that can increase the strength and hardness. The crescent blade of the halberd is engraved with sacred fire and wind and snow inscriptions.

Since Xian Wu's inscriptions were all gold-level inscriptions, the strength and power of Fang Tian's painted halberd also reached gold level.

"The template is completed, now it's time to synthesize it in batches." Using the devil's left hand to decompose and then synthesize it, Xian Wu got the phantom ball that can be used to synthesize Fang Tian's painted halberd in batches.

Using the devil's left hand to decompose iron ore and monster blood, Xian Wu synthesized a thousand Fangtian painted halberds in batches, possessing gold-level power.

Gold level is still relatively rare in the Glory City, and the heads of those noble families are only gold level demon spiritual masters.

The Snow Dragon Guard's standard snow dragon armor is only a silver-level armor, and Xian Wu doesn't believe that those Snow Dragon Guards can resist the temptation of a gold-level warrior.

A thousand Snow Dragon Guards armed with gold-level soldiers are definitely a force that cannot be underestimated. As long as they restrain those few black-gold-level old dogs, the Snow Dragon Guards will massacre the Holy Family in a matter of minutes.

"It's getting late, it's time to set off." Xian Wu originally wanted to make a set of armor, but when he looked up at the sky, it was already dusk.

In fact, smelting and synthesizing don't take much time, what consumes time is the engraving of seals.

Putting away the Thunder Sword of the God of Meteor and releasing the Griffon, Xian Wu bathed in the red glow of the sky and continued to move towards the Griffin's lair.

The griffin stopped at a mountain peak that stood like a sharp sword. Xian Wu released his soul power and found that shallow nests had been carved out of the mountain peak. The nests were full of griffin cubs waiting to be fed.

(End of this chapter)

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