The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 227 The devil is coming

Chapter 227 The devil is coming
At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun reflects on the mountains and waters, interweaving into a floating picture, which is extremely magnificent.

The Sword Peak is dyed with a layer of gold, and the eggs of the griffins are bathed in the warm sunlight, and may hatch at any time.

The female griffons who were responsible for caring for the griffin eggs were all gone, and they all came out to attack the intruders.

Xian Wu was naturally the intruder. He slashed left and right with the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and the female griffins instantly turned into clouds of ashes.

"If I'm to blame, it's because you don't have any long-range attack methods. You can only scratch with your claws and pick it up with your mouth." Xian Wu said to himself.

The Meteor God's Thunder Sword seemed to be able to subtly affect people's psyche. He felt guilty for killing the weak indiscriminately.

But once he held the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, an endless desire to kill emerged from his heart, wanting to turn more monsters into thunder beasts.

Thunder beasts are thunder ghosts. The demon spirits are devoured and transformed by the thunder sword of the meteor god. They can cause lightning damage and are immune to physical damage.

The more demon spirits it devoured, the more powerful the Thunder God's Meteor Sword became. Xian Wu could faintly feel that the sword spirit fetus was slowly condensing in the sword body.

A sword spirit fetus is an embryo that can give birth to a sword spirit. The chance of a sword giving birth to a sword spirit fetus is very small. Each sword only has one fetus in its lifetime.

The sword spirit embryo can slowly grow into a sword spirit, that is, the soul of the sword. At that time, the sword will no longer be a killing tool and will have life.

The Thunder Sword of the Meteor God is very eager to have its own life, so it wants Xian Wu to kill more monsters and condense the sword's spiritual fetus.

By the time Xian Wu came to his senses, there was no trace of the gryphon in the sky, and he immediately put the Meteor God's Thunder Sword back into the space ring.

"Well... my brain became much clearer instantly." Xian Wu rubbed his temples, feeling dizzy when using the sword.

Maybe it was because the battle with Huyan Lanruo last night was too intense... Many beautiful pictures appeared in Xian Wu's mind.

Huyan Lanruo is really a beauty!Xian Wu always felt that Huyan Lanruo's face was like that of foot-washing girl Pingguo, both beautiful and charming.

"The criminal has been eliminated, let's start working now!" Xian Wu controlled the female griffon and flew to the highest griffin nest.

Putting the little griffons that were waiting for feeding into the remaining empty pet cages, Xian Wu finally completed the task assigned by Dean Gao.

Xian Wu did not kill all the remaining cubs, but he still retained a trace of kindness in his heart.

"These little griffons should not die. The other griffons that went out to look for food should come back soon." Xian Wu said to himself.

Parking the female griffon on his crotch in a large empty nest, Xian Wu summoned his wind and thunder wings and climbed to the highest point of the Sharp Sword Peak.

Looking down at the majestic rivers and mountains below the peak, enjoying the evening breeze blowing in his face, Xian Wu took out the map and prepared to go to the Black Devil Jungle.

"Smell...where did the smell of daddy come from?" Xian Wu pinched his nose. The smell came so suddenly that he was not prepared at all.

Although griffons eat scavengers, their nests are very clean. Xian Wu has never seen a plate of mosquito-repellent incense inside.

Since the smell didn't come from the gryphon's lair, where did it come from?Xian Wu held the map and thought doubtfully.

Soon, Xian Wu determined the direction of the Black Demonic Jungle, and at the same time he discovered black shadows flying from that direction.

"What is it? The smell seems to come from them." General Xian's soul power was attached to his eyes and he looked from a distance.

Soul power is a very mysterious energy. In addition to maintaining the state of possession by demon spirits, it can also strengthen the demon spirit master's physical fitness.

Under normal circumstances, demon spiritual masters would not waste their soul power on strengthening their bodies in order to upgrade, but Xian Wu was not afraid of wasting it.

His current soul power reserve has reached its limit. Apart from swallowing legendary demon spirits, he cannot improve it no matter how much he practices.After the soul power was attached, Xian Wu's vision was greatly improved: "Are those dark monsters chasing the griffins?"

Those charcoal-like monsters, with the body of an ape and the wings of a bat, are very similar to the black demon ape recorded in the Monster Beast Guide.

"I'll go, it's so cruel, I'll eat the griffin alive right in the air." That scene shocked Xian Wu.

Although these black demon apes are also gold-level monsters, they are overlord-level monsters and have the terrifying potential to grow to the legendary level.Their fighting power is very fierce, and ordinary gold-level monsters are no match for them, even large monsters like griffons.

Xian Wu narrowed his eyes and muttered: "These black demon apes... seem to be flying over from the direction of the black demon jungle."

After rolling his eyes a few times, Xian Wu decided to use the charm technique to capture a black demon ape and let it carry him to the black demon jungle.

He did what he said, put the map into the space ring, and took out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword from it. Xian Wu flapped his wind and thunder wings and took off.

The "Thunder God's Wrath" combat skill was extremely fast, instantly sending Xian Wu to the vicinity of the black demon ape, and Xian Wu slashed with his sword.

The black demon ape that was holding the gryphon and chewing on its claws was split in half by Xian Wu's sword before he understood what was going on.

"Zhuo, what a piece of rubbish, what an overlord-level monster, but there's no monster spirit in his head!" Xian Wu cursed loudly.


The black demon apes soon discovered Xian Wu's voice and made a very unpleasant scream to threaten Xian Wu.

However, Xian Wu didn't take that kind of trick, he swung his sword and slashed, and took another in an instant, "Once you get a demon spirit, let's keep fighting!"

The black demon apes scattered in all directions, flapped their wings, and surrounded King Xianwu Qin, not giving him a chance to kill two birds with one stone.

They are very smart, they know the horror of the Thunder Sword in Xian Wu's hand, and they don't give Xian Wu a chance to fight close to him.

"Love the magic power and spin in circles? I'll let you spin in circles!" Xian Wu activated the thunder god's wrath and instantly cut a black demon ape in half.

The straight-line speed of Thunder God's Fury is comparable to lightning, and it is impossible to escape with the two fleshy wings of the Black Demon Ape.

Seeing Xian Wu break through the siege easily, a black demon ape who was suspected to be the leader of the team screamed, giving some kind of order.

Seeing the movements of the black demon apes, Xian Wu turned pale with fright, flapped his wings and backed away.

Those black demon apes stretched their hands to their buttocks, rubbed out spiral pills made of feces the size of a human head, and then smiled strangely at Xian Wu.

"Brother Monkey, if you have something to say, put your shit down first." Xian Wu pinched his nose. No wonder he smelled a smell of shit just now. It turned out to be from these black demon apes.

The leader ape pointed at Xian Wu, screamed strangely, then threw out the shit bomb in his hand, and then reached out to Pi Yanzi.

Upon hearing the order, the other black demon apes also threw shit bombs at Xian Wu.

With the powerful arm strength of the black demon ape, the shit bombs roared towards Xian Wu like cannonballs.

"Mommy!" Xian Wu instantly activated "Thunder God's Fury" and escaped from the area bombarded by artillery shells.

"Bah! It's so disgusting. I don't want any bullshit monsters anymore. Let them all die!"

(End of this chapter)

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