The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 229 One-eyed Demon Ape

Chapter 229 One-eyed Demon Ape
The mountains are black and majestic, the earth is gloomy, and the night is like a monster with its black mouth open.

Flapping his wind and thunder wings, Xian Wu slowly landed on the hill outside the Black Demonic Forest, his eyes shining as he stared intently.

The soul power attached to the eyes can improve the demon spiritual master's vision, and of course it can also enhance the demon spiritual master's night vision.

The dark forest was eerily quiet, as quiet as death, with no sound to be heard, like a huge trap.

"As expected of the Black Demon Forest, it's so dark." Xian Wu sighed with emotion, snapped his fingers and cremated the little black demon ape who was guiding him.

Ever since he saw the attack methods of the black demon ape, he hated this kind of monster very much and wanted to drive them away to death.

So what if you guide him?Just now, I threw a dung ball at him, which was more harm than good, so the little black devil ape must die.

Looking up at the golden full moon passing through the gaps in the thin clouds, Xian Wu confidently and boldly took out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword from the space ring.

If there is no moonlight, the consumed soul power cannot be replenished by absorbing light energy through the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art".

After inserting the Thunder God's Meteor Sword into the ground, Xian Wu summoned the thunder beast and issued an attack command: "Kill all the black demon apes in the jungle!"

After receiving the order, the Thunder Beasts set off immediately. They quickly penetrated into the deep dark jungle, looking for targets to kill.

"It is estimated that by tomorrow morning, those low-level black demon apes will be cleared away." Xian Wu said to himself.

Injecting more than 1000 million souls from the soul sea and the Nightmare Demon Pot into the Meteor God Thunder Sword, Xian Wu began to operate the "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique".

Xian Wu absorbed all the surrounding moonlight into his body, and fell into darkness for hundreds of miles, unable to see anything.

It wasn't until Xian Wu's soul power was fully restored that the Black Devil Jungle returned to the embrace of Mother Moon.

"It's so boring——" Xian Wu sat cross-legged on the ground, resting his chin, watching thunder beasts rebirth from the body of the Heavenly Meteor God Thunder Sword.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, could he control a long-range thunder beast to fight?Like controlling a drone.

The Thunder Beast is controlled by the Thunder God's Meteor Sword. If you want to control the Thunder Beast, you must first control the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

"Sword, I am your master, you must be obedient~" Xian Wu muttered and put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

The Thunder God's Meteor Sword seemed to understand Xian Wu's words, and the sword groaned softly, sucking Xian Wu's soul into the sword.

After a period of dizziness, Xian Wu found himself in a place that looked like a monitoring room, filled with screens.

Some screens displayed some dynamic pictures, which seemed to record what the thunder beasts saw.

Some screens suddenly disappeared, but after being shot into a bolt of lightning by the lightning ball in the center of the monitoring room, the screens reappeared again.

"What is this?" Xian Wu circled around the thunderball and then touched it lightly with the back of his hand. He did not get an electric shock.

He guessed that this ball of thunder was the soul power he injected into the Thunder Sword of the Meteorite God just now, so he didn't shock himself.

Xian Wu keenly observed that something seemed to be wrapped in the thunder ball, and there was a small humanoid figure curled up.

Just when Xian Wu was about to put his hand into the thunder ball and explore it carefully, the spinning feeling came over him again.

"What a harsh sound!" Xian Wu's soul returned to his body, and then he heard a deafening sound.

The sound was full of violent power, blowing the entire dark jungle and shaking the earth.

Xian Wu's ears were in severe pain, tinnitus rang out, and a disgusting feeling came over him, "No, this roar has soul power!" He quickly activated the soul barrier, completely wrapping himself in it to resist the invasion. Sexual soul damage.

The soul barrier was violently deformed and twisted under the destruction of the magic sound. Only a part of the soul damage was reduced, and most of it was still there.

"The soul power's attack strength surpasses the peak of black gold. It should be a legendary existence. Is it the one-eyed demon ape?"

Xian Wu narrowed his eyes. The legendary monster was indeed not that easy to hunt, but as long as that guy dared to show up, he would die.

Thunder beasts are resurrected more and more frequently, and they seem to have encountered strong opponents, either black gold level or legendary level.

The one-eyed demon ape's roar quickly subsided. Roaring consumes a lot of energy. Xian Wu didn't believe it could keep roaring.

"Bleach, it's bleeding." Xian Wu touched his ear and found a bright red patch on his hand, so he quickly took out a handful of Nine Turns Pill and drank it.

Just as he was adjusting his breath to heal his injuries, a group of dark things suddenly flew out of the dark jungle, with lightning flashing from their bodies from time to time.

Xian Wu discovered that after the thunder beasts were resurrected again, they flew down from the hill and headed straight for the group of black things.

Suddenly realizing something, Xian Wu attached his soul power to his eyes and immediately saw the group of dark things clearly.

It was a group of black demon apes. The leader was more than ten meters tall, and the rest of the black demon apes were about five meters tall.

The leader demon ape is blind in one eye, so it should be the legendary one-eyed demon ape, but it is only one-star legendary.

The one-eyed demon ape soon discovered the hill where Xian Wu was located, and the thunder beasts were reborn from there. It couldn't help but discover it.

"One legend and one star, more than 20 black and gold grades, today is really a bumper harvest." Xian Wu slapped his thigh and stood up.

He did not take back the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and continued to let it produce thunder beasts to contain the Black Demon Ape's movements.

Although it was only one second, one second was enough for him to kill a black gold-level black demon ape.

Xian Wu summoned his wind and thunder wings, kicked off the ground with his legs, flapped his wings and flew into the air, heading straight for the Black Demon Ape.

"Squeak!" When the one-eyed demon ape saw its prey taking the initiative to die, it immediately grinned to the back of its head and called for its younger brother to rush over.

Not long after, the black demon ape surrounded Xian Wu and began to circle around him, looking for weaknesses and preparing to attack.

Suddenly, a black devil ape with one black gold star couldn't hold back his temper. He made fists with both hands and hit Xian Wu's back hard.

The corner of Xian Wu's mouth raised, he turned around and struck him with the "Five-Continuous Hunyuan Lightning Whip", then he raised the knife and cut off his head and put it into the space ring.

After doing all this, Xian Wu provocatively hooked his hand at the other black demon apes.

At this time, a four-star black demon ape was stunned by the lightning from the rushing thunder beast. Xian Wu made a decisive move, and cut off his head with another hand knife, and put it in the space ring.

Two headless corpses, one behind the other, fell into the dark and deep dark jungle, and were pierced into skewers by the towering pine trees.

The One-Eyed Demon Ape finally realized something was wrong and wanted to tell his younger brothers to stay away from Xian Wu.

"If you want to run away, hit me with a flash bomb!" Xian Wu took out the soul weapon painting halberd from the soul sea, and instantly blinded the eyes of the black demon apes.

(End of this chapter)

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