The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 230 Energy Gathering Formation

Chapter 230 Energy Gathering Formation
Whether it was the black gold-level black devil ape or the legendary one-star black devil ape, they were all blinded by the golden light.

Not only that, Hao Zhen's painted halberd was like a small sun, instantly lighting up the sky above the Black Demonic Jungle like daylight.

The scope of the golden light radiation is very wide, not only the Black Devil Jungle, but also the entire Saint Ancestor Mountain Range has been affected.

On the top of the Holy Ancestor Mountain, the legendary four-star ice and snow dragon lizard suddenly opened its eyes, roared in the direction of the golden light, and flapped its wings to take off.

In the distant city of glory, the legendary demon spiritual master Ye Mo put the ancient book in his hand on the table, broke out of the door, and jumped into the sky.

On the Tianyun Plateau in the Saint Ancestor Mountains, girl Yun Ling was preparing to close her doors, looking at the sun in the distance with confusion.

"Dad, come out and see, the sun has set in the mountains!"

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and close the door and go back to the house to sleep! You have to get up early tomorrow to make porridge to earn money and save your dowry."

"I don't want to get married. I want to stay by my father's side." When Miss Yun Ling looked back, the "sun" suddenly disappeared.

On the hill in the Black Demonic Jungle, Xian Wu pulled out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword and annihilated the Black Gold Peak Black Demonic Ape in his hand.

Setting up the Ten Thousand Demon Demon Spirits Array requires [-] black gold level demon spirits, which cannot be saved in a short time, and it will not be of much help to me.

It is better to use the Thunder God's Meteor Sword to kill the monsters at the peak of black gold, transform their monster spirits into thunder spirits, and enhance the combat effectiveness of the thunder spirits.

"In the future, if you encounter monsters at the Black Gold Peak, use the Thunder God's Meteor Sword to kill them all, and leave the rest as materials for formation."

Regarding Xian Wu's idea, the Thunder God's Meteor Sword was a hundred times willing. The higher the level of the monsters killed, the faster the sword's spirit fetus would condense.

He took out the head of the legendary one-eyed demon ape and threw it on the ground. Xian Wu unfolded it with an electric blade that was as sharp as clay.

The Meteor God's Thunder Sword has two attack modes. One is annihilation, which directly kills the enemy to pieces and consumes a huge amount of soul power.

The other is the ordinary sword mode, which uses an electric blade that cuts iron like clay to cut. It consumes much less soul power than the annihilation mode.

Annihilation mode destroys all enemies, while normal mode only destroys a part of the enemy, so the cost is naturally smaller.

After taking out the one-eyed demon ape's demon spirit, Xian Wu was hesitant to swallow it: "What if he acquires the Rasengan combat skill..."

Xian Wu felt nauseated when he thought about it.However, it is also possible to obtain the battle skills of the Ape Demon Formation, the probability is [-]/[-].

"Forget it, there are currently no other legendary monsters, so let's just devour them." Xian Wu started running the technique anxiously.

Even if you accidentally acquire the "Rasengan" combat skill, you won't have to use it at all.

Now, even if I don't use the demon spirit combat skills, I can rely on the soul weapon to draw a halberd, and the air will disappear in seconds.

Putting the demon spirit in his palms, Xian Wu closed his eyes and swallowed it. After a few breaths, the one-eyed ape demon's demon spirit was completely devoured.

Xian Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat off his brow: "It seems that my luck is not bad, and I got the 'Energy Gathering Array'."

The energy-gathering battle skill temporarily gathers the soul power of teammates for one's own use, improving one's own combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

After gathering soul power, your own size will become larger to accommodate the extra soul power, while the size of your teammates will shrink.

It is worth mentioning that this change only lasts for 3 minutes, and the remaining soul power will be automatically returned after 3 minutes.

If you die during the energy gathering period, your soul cannot be returned, and your teammates will remain in a shrunken state. Their body size will not return to their original size until they cultivate their soul power to their original state.As you practice, your body shape will slowly recover. "What a powerful energy-gathering formation!"

Although he has been able to fight beyond the level, he relies on the strength of weapons. When he encounters an enemy with better weapons, he has nothing to do.

"Come out, demon thunder beast!" Xian Wu thrust the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword into the ground, and summoned the black gold peak demon ape.

Ordering the demon thunder ape to be on guard nearby, Xian Wu took out the headless body of the one-eyed demon ape, threw it on the ground, and then stretched out his left hand.

"Secret Technique: Part Disassembly!!!" No one was around, Xian Wuzhong shouted, and instantly disassembled the head and body.

Putting away the demon crystal, demon blood and fur, Xian Wu took out the griffon chicks from the pet cage one by one and let them eat on their own.

The moment he took out the griffon chick, the demon thunder ape rushed towards Gulai and slapped the chirping chick into ashes.

Xian Wu was stunned, slapped his forehead, and regretted: "How could I forget that the thunder beasts will attack wild monsters when they are on alert!"

Xian Wu quickly put back the Demonic Thunder Ape and the Meteor God Thunder Sword, put the Meteor God Thunder Sword back into the space ring, and then took out the baby bird.

"From two hundred to 190 nine, Dean Gao Yuan probably won't mind." Xian Wu muttered, not sure.

The flesh and blood of a legendary beast contains powerful energy, which is very nourishing for both monsters and humans.

As soon as the young griffon was released, it pounced on the fresh legendary monster meat, wolfing it down, which was very spectacular.

The one-eyed demon ape is more than ten meters tall. Although the meat on its body is more than the body of the Howling Moon Wolf King, it is still enough for the young birds to eat.

In less than a cup of tea, each griffon chick was stretched out like a small meat dumpling. Xian Wu quickly put it back in the cage.

If they were allowed to swallow it again, they would have to hold on until they exploded.

Putting the remaining monster meat into the space ring that stored the pet cage, Xian Wu stretched out and prepared to find a place to sleep.

"After swallowing two more legendary demon spirits, I can be promoted to the legendary level. Hehe, I'm so happy." Xian Wu leaned on the branch of a tree.

Suddenly, a violent shock wave hit from the sky. Xian Wu looked up in confusion and muttered: "It seems like someone is fighting?"

Fortunately, he had practiced the "Six-Character and Five-Shaped Fist" to the extreme, otherwise the shock wave just now would have knocked him down the tree.

"It's so late at night, don't you have any sense of public morality, and you're not letting anyone sleep?" Xian Wu sat up angrily.

The intensity of the shock wave is similar to the intensity of the one-eyed demon ape's magic sound. It should have been created by a legendary powerhouse.

Xian Wu stood up excitedly, rubbed his hands and said, "If it's two legendary monsters fighting, then I'll be rich!"

Spreading his wind and thunder wings and kicking hard on the thick tree branch with his legs, Xian Wu rose into the air and flew straight towards the direction of the shock wave.

Under the bright moonlight, a man and an animal were fighting to the death in mid-air.

"Evil beast!" Ye Mo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and several ice swords condensed from his body.

The ice and snow dragon lizard flapped its huge dragon wings, roared, raised its ferocious claws, and chopped off Ye Mo's head!

(End of this chapter)

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