The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 231 Ye Mo vs. Dragon Lizard

Chapter 231 Ye Mo vs. Dragon Lizard
Ye Mo had seen Xian Wu's Hao Zhen painted a halberd in the underground prison of the city lord's palace. At that time, he made Xian Wu anxious because of his sexual abstinence.

If it can emit such a dazzling golden light, if it is not Xian Wu's weapon, then it is the birth of an extremely precious mountain treasure.

No matter what the reason was, Ye Mo had to go and see if he could reach the realm of legendary demon spiritual master and fly in the air for a long time.

Therefore, Ye Mo did not summon a demon spirit to possess him, but only consumed a small part of his soul power, attached to his legs, and flew up.

What he never expected was that not long after he left the city, he would encounter his mortal enemy, the legendary four-star Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard.

This ice and snow dragon lizard has the blood of a dragon. It can breathe out dragon breath that freezes all things. Its body can open monuments and crack rocks. It is extremely powerful.

Moreover, the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard is the most powerful among the three legendary monsters sleeping in the Shengzu Mountain Range, and it is very difficult to deal with.

Ye Mo is only a legendary two-star demon spiritual master. After reaching the legendary realm, he is no match for the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard.

What's more, the combat effectiveness of monster beasts in the same realm is slightly stronger than that of demon spiritual masters. It is not your own thing, so there will naturally be disadvantages when using it.

"Isn't the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard always dormant? How did it wake up?" Ye Mo was puzzled, and at the same time, he summoned the Heavenly Ling Holy Bird to possess him.

The Holy Bird of Tianling is a large flying peacock-shaped monster. Its tail feathers are extremely hard, capable of breaking gold and jade, and its combat effectiveness is impressive.

The Heavenly Feather Sacred Bird that Ye Mo fused was a legendary three-star monster when it was alive. Although it couldn't defeat the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, it had no problem escaping.

The problem is that once Ye Mo chooses to escape, the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard is likely to chase him. If he is lured to the Glory City, he will be in danger of destroying the city.

So Ye Mo led the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard away from the direction of the Glory City while flying towards the direction of the golden light.

If the golden light was a precious mountain treasure, the ice and snow dragon lizard would probably turn its attention to the mountain treasure and stop chasing him.

But if Xian Wu was fighting the legendary monster, it would be screwed. The two of them would probably be surrounded and annihilated by two monsters.

"Roar!!!" The ice and snow dragon lizard sprayed out a stream of ice dragon breath, and the entire area of ​​dozens of miles was instantly covered in white mist.

Ye Mo was in the thick fog, his nerves were tense to the extreme. He condensed several Tianling Ice Swords around his body, ready to attack at any time.

Suddenly the cloud and mist behind him rolled, Ye Mo suddenly turned his head, and shot out a sky feather, the cloud and mist were scattered, and there was nothing inside.

"Not good!" Ye Mo's hairs all over his body stood up suddenly, sensing the approach of death, he quickly grabbed two Tianling ice swords, turned around to block.

The ice and snow dragon lizard appeared out of nowhere, and by the time Ye Mo noticed the crisis, its ferocious dragon claws had already fallen.

The Tianling Ice Sword was directly smashed to pieces by the ice and snow dragon lizard's dragon claws, and Ye Mo's chest was also scratched with three large cuts by the sharp dragon claws.

Fortunately, Ye Mo dodged back in time, otherwise not only would there be three wounds on his body, but he would have been cut in half on the spot.

Ye Mo "snapped" several large acupuncture points around his body, and quickly retreated in one direction while swallowing the Nine Turns Pill to heal his injuries.

The ice and snow dragon lizard showed a human smile on its dragon face, like a cat chasing a mouse, constantly chasing Ye Mo.

"Tianling sword rain!!!" Ye Mo roared angrily, and shot all the Tianling ice sword that was condensed just now at the ice and snow dragon lizard that was chasing him.

The attack strength of the Tianling Ice Sword is legendary. Although it cannot penetrate the scales of the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, it can damage its vital parts.

There are three vital parts of the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, two at the front and one at the back. The vital parts at the front are its two eyes.

Facing the oncoming sword rain, the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard did not dodge or dodge. It closed its eyes and resisted with its body. At the same time, its flying speed slowed down. "Ding ding ding!!!" The Tianling Ice Sword hit the silver-white scales of the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, making a crisp sound and bursting into pieces.

Relying on the delay of Tianling Sword Rain, Ye Mo quickly distanced himself from the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard and fled to the edge of the thick fog.

The ice and snow dragon lizard opened its ferocious longan eyes, and there was no sign of Ye Mo in front of it, but it was not in a hurry, as long as Ye Mo was still in the thick fog, it would not be able to escape. "Clatter..." The ice and snow dragon lizard shook its scales and disappeared instantly.

Seeing that the thick fog ahead was getting thinner and thinner, Ye Mo felt happy and increased the output of his soul power and increased his flying speed.

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to break through the thick fog, the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard appeared in front of him out of thin air and struck him with a claw.

At the critical moment, Ye Mo took out the legendary inscription scroll that he had prepared long ago - the Ice Mirror Shield, and quickly injected his soul power into it.

An invisible barrier appeared in front of Ye Mo. After resisting the fierce slap of the dragon's claw, the barrier shattered.

Taking advantage of the ice and snow dragon lizard's distraction, Ye Mo quickly swept away and escaped from the rich area.

"Roar!!!" Seeing the cooked duck fly away, the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard immediately became furious and opened its big mouth, preparing to spit out the Ice Dragon Breath again.

"We must not fall into the thick fog again!" Ye Mo quickly took out a legendary inscription scroll and injected soul power into it again.

A thunderbolt as thick as a python flew out of the scroll and directly hit the ice and snow dragon lizard, forcibly interrupting its dragon breath.

The moment the thunder and lightning was released, a dazzling light flashed in the night sky, and after bombarding the ice and snow dragon lizard, a powerful shock wave was generated.

"The Scroll of Thunder God's Wrath can only be used three times, so you have to leave quickly!" While the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard was stunned, Ye Mo escaped again.

Two or three seconds later, the Ice Snow Dragon Lizard stopped the falling dragon body, flapped its wings, and became furious, the dragon's roar resounded through the sky.

Under normal circumstances, powerful inscription scrolls can be used less frequently, while less powerful inscription scrolls can be used more often.

This is the case with Ye Mo's Thunder God's Wrath Scroll. Although it can be used three times, its attack power is only one legendary star each time.

Just like Xian Wu's Thunder Beast, it can only restrain the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, but cannot effectively seriously injure it.

Ye Mo didn't have a powerful legendary inscription scroll in his hand. If he had, he would have used it to instantly kill the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard.

Even if you can't kill it instantly, you can still seriously injure this legendary monster, which will buy time for the glorious city to develop peacefully.

It turns out there are some, but they were all used up when the monsters attacked the city. There are also some in the city lord's palace, but those are the last support of the Glory City.Ye Mo did not intend to use those legendary scrolls until the arrangement of the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons Array was completed.

"Roar!!!" The angry ice and snow dragon lizard roared and chased Ye Mo.

The flying speed of Ye Mo's Heavenly Ling Holy Bird was about the same as that of the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, but due to being seriously injured and his acupoints were sealed, Ye Mo's flying speed dropped rapidly, and he was overtaken by the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard in a short time.

With no choice, Ye Mo could only use the inscription scroll again.

Seeing Ye Mo take out the scroll, the ice and snow dragon lizard was instantly frightened and stopped.

Although the ice and snow dragon lizard did not attack, it kept staring at Ye Mo. When Ye Mo moved, it also moved.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other in the air, a bolt of lightning came from behind Ye Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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