Chapter 23
Zhaixing Restaurant is located in the center of Chengxi Street, under the jurisdiction of the Holy Family. It has gray bricks and blue tiles, and red corridors and painted walls, with a total of two floors.The lower floor is the counter and the hall for dining and drinking, while the upper floor is the private room.

On the black gate, a large three-character plaque with the words "Zhaixing Tower" hangs high.Groups of vegetable bearers and pickers from the fishy sea set up stalls at the door, waiting for the Star Picking Tower to buy them.

Tie Kuang hooked Xian Wu's neck and walked into the lobby of Zhaixing Restaurant. The waiter in charge of the waiter greeted him warmly and said with a smile on his face: "You two gentlemen, please come in -"

The waiter stretched out the white rag from his shoulders, scratched the table twice, and helped Tie Kuang and Xian Wu sit down.

"Excuse me, sir, what do you need?" The waiter came up to Tie Kuang. He couldn't do this job without the eyesight. The child in simple clothes obviously couldn't make the decision, so it was useless to ask.

Tie Kuang was a regular customer of Zhaixing Restaurant, so he said without thinking: "Two pounds of soy sauce beef, a pot of sweet potatoes, a plate of braised lion's head, a plate of peanuts, a plate of fried vegetables, and two big bowls of rice, let's eat here ." Considering that Xian Wu is a commoner and rarely eats meat, Tie Kuang specially ordered two meat dishes.

"Okay, please wait a moment, the food and wine will be here soon." After writing down the customer's order, the waiter hurried to the kitchen.

Not long after, two catties of sauced beef, a pot of sweet potato shochu, a plate of peanuts and two large bowls of rice were served.

They are all ready made and served quickly.

The braised lion's head and stir-fried vegetables need to be cooked on the stove and need to wait for a while.

Tie Kuang handed Xian Wu a pair of chopsticks and said with a smile: "Open your belly and eat hard, it's enough." Although he was a noble, he never looked down on the common people and was happy to make friends with them.

As the saying goes, many friends mean many roads, many enemies mean many walls.

Xian Wu nodded, without saying anything else, picked up a piece of beef with soy sauce and put it into his mouth.He made a note of the favor for today's meal, and when he gets rich someday, he will definitely pay it back.

"Eat slowly, don't choke. Do you want to drink or not?" Seeing Xian Wu shaking his head, Tie Kuang glared at him with disdain. He couldn't even drink a glass of wine, it was really embarrassing for a man. "If you don't drink, I'll drink it myself."

The two of them were eating when they suddenly heard the waiter shouting at the door: "Ladies, please come in -"


Xian Wu became interested and looked towards the door of the restaurant.

"Why is she everywhere!" Xian Wugang hurriedly looked away like a cat when he saw a cat, lowered his head, buried his head in eating, and secretly prayed that the other party would not find him.

Tie Kuang looked back at the gate curiously and found Huyan Lanruo, the daughter of the Huyan family, walking into the restaurant with a group of female companions.

"Miss Huyan, are you here to eat too?" Tie Kuang greeted Huyan Lanruo enthusiastically. Huyan Lanruo is a child of a wealthy family, so he should be flattered or not.

Huyan Lanruo glanced at Tie Kuang arrogantly and ignored him.People chatted with her like flies every day, and it was annoying to death.

Ok? ? ?
Huyan Lanruo noticed that there was a guy hiding his head and showing his tail on Tie Kuang's table. Because his back was facing her, he couldn't see what he looked like for a while, but his clothes were very familiar.

"Who is this person? Why are you covering your face?" Huyan Lanruo pointed at Xian Wu and asked curiously. It was too late for others to flatter her, so why was this guy hiding from her?Weird, really weird.

Xian Wu wailed in his heart: Don't come over, don't come over, I will scream if you come over again.Tiekuang tutor, don't just sit there, help me!
"His name is Xian Wu, and he's my class representative. Maybe it's because Miss Huyan is too charming, so he's shy when he sees you?" Tie Kuang pulled off Xian Wu's hand that was covering his face.

What's the matter with your boy?That's the eldest lady of the Huyan family. If you fall in love with her, you'll fly up a branch and become a phoenix.What a great opportunity, don't be stupid.

Tie Kuang arbitrarily removed the hand that was covering his face, and Xian Wu's peerless appearance was revealed in front of Huyan Lanruo.

What a coincidence, brother~~~ Huyan Lanruo's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Eat by yourself, I met an acquaintance." After dismissing the accompanying female companion, Huyan Lanruo swaggered over with one hand on her waist, and sat opposite Xian Wu.

"Uh... do you know each other?" Tie Kuang asked in surprise.Xian Wu is a good guy. He hooked up with the eldest lady of the Huyan family just two days after school started. How on earth did he do it? Isn't he so awesome?
Xian Wu coughed dryly and stammered in greeting: "Hu...Miss Huyan." Damn it, you can meet this tigress even when you are eating, what a sin...

Hu Yanlanruo didn't speak, she held her chin with one hand and stared at Xian Wu with a smile, as if she could get enough just by looking at him.

The atmosphere on the table was a little awkward.

Tie Kuang drank one cup after another, not knowing how to speak.He knew Miss Huyan's temper, and if she disturbed this young aunt's elegant mood, she would inevitably be roared by a lion from Hedong.

"Vice President Ye Sheng?" At this moment, Xian Wu saw Ye Sheng walking in from outside the restaurant.

associate dean?Tie Kuang and Huyan Lanruo both looked back, and it turned out to be him.

Tie Kuang felt strange, why did Vice Dean Ye Sheng come to Zhaixing Restaurant?He always goes home to eat.

"Xian Wu? Why are you here?" Ye Sheng followed the waiter into the restaurant and accidentally discovered that Xian Wu, a child without a father and mother, actually had money to eat in a luxury restaurant?Ye Sheng felt that he had been deceived.

Tie Kuang stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to Mr. Ye Sheng, I invited him here. Since you know him, why don't we sit at the same table?" The vice-principal actually knew Xian Wu, no wonder he was so arrogant at ordinary times, so there was a backer ah.

Ye Sheng nodded, put his hands behind his back, and sat opposite Tie Kuang, next to Huyan Lanruo and Xian Wu.

"Xiao Lanruo? Why are you here?" Ye Sheng asked doubtfully. Isn't it inappropriate for a little girl like you to sit at the same table with three of us men?

Huyan Lanruo winked at Xian Wu mischievously, got up and said, "Lord Ye Sheng, Lan Ruo has some things to do, please forgive me for not being with you." Old man, it's really disappointing to come here at this time.

"Okay, go ahead." Ye Sheng waved his hand. He put a piece of soy sauce beef into Xian Wu's bowl and asked Tie Kuang curiously: "Why did you remember to treat Xian Wu to dinner?"

Tie Kuang scratched his head, patted Xian Wu's shoulder, grinned and said, "Xian Wu is my class representative in the beginner class of warriors, please treat him to a meal as a token of appreciation." I don't know if Vice President Ye Sheng and Xian Wu are What's the matter, is it an illegitimate child?

No way, Vice President Ye Sheng is already so old... he is getting stronger with age.

Ye Sheng nodded happily. Xian Wu could become Tie Kuang's class representative. He was a talented warrior.

"Waiter, bring the menu." Ye Sheng shouted and took the menu. Ye Sheng patted Xian Wu on the shoulder and said, "Whatever you want to eat, order whatever you want. I'll treat you."

(End of this chapter)

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