Chapter 24 New Classmates

In the afternoon of early summer, the weather is warm and the flowers are blooming. The sun is like an egg yolk hidden in a layer of clouds like cicada wings, appearing and disappearing, giving people a warm feeling.

In the beginner class of warriors, the chubby old instructor is giving lectures to the students, explaining the basic soul power cultivation method of Shenglan College-Seven Stars Mantra.

"The sun rises in the east, the Yang Qi between heaven and earth revives, the essence of the sun shines on the earth, all things grow, and our soul power also grows. The essence of the sun at sunrise is the purest, and the cultivation effect is better... "

The old instructor spoke with spittle flying around, and the students below the podium listened very seriously. The vast majority of students did not want to be warriors, and were considered to be demon spiritual masters respected by thousands of people.

Demon spiritual masters are a very noble profession. A family with a gold demon spiritual master is called a noble family. A family with a black gold demon spiritual master is called a wealthy family. A family with three black gold demon spiritual masters or a legendary demon spiritual master is called a noble family. The family is called the pinnacle family.

Demon spiritual masters are linked to the power of the Glory City. Becoming a demon spiritual master is no different from entering an official career. Even if you cannot be a high official, you can still be a minor official. There is no one in ancient and modern times who is not keen on being an official.

Xian Wu is very enthusiastic. One day he will become the lord of the Glory City. He must marry the concubine of the thirteenth house, live in a palace-like house, drive a car pulled by a nine-headed dragon blood monster, and... eat every day. The most delicious meal!
Just as Xian Wu was taking notes and having sex, two people walked in outside the classroom, an old man and a girl.

The old man was in good spirits and coughed slightly to alert the old instructor who was concentrating on class that there was someone outside the door.

Hearing the cough, the old mentor looked back angrily.

Who, didn't you see that the old man I am giving a class to the students, I don't have any eyesight at all!

Seeing the visitor, the old mentor's pupils suddenly dilated.

He rubbed his eyes, lifted the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and opened his eyes again, there were still two people standing at the door.

The old instructor, who had a fierce look on his face just now, showed the students what it means to fall out of favor faster than turning over a book.

"Dean? Why are you here, dean?" The old mentor ran to the door excitedly. Dean Gao Yuan has been doing research in the trial area all year round. On weekdays, the work of the college is handled by Vice Dean Ye Sheng. Chairman, what’s going on today...

Gao Yuan stood on the armrest and spread his hands to introduce the girl next to him: "This is Ye Ziyun, please arrange a seat."

"Okay, no problem! Leave it to me, Dean!" The old mentor promised. He didn't dare to neglect the people Dean Gao Yuan brought. Most of them were direct descendants of a certain peak family.

Let me forget you, his surname is Ye, and he is obviously a direct descendant of the Fengxue family.It is said that Lord Ye Zong, the city lord, has an only daughter, most likely the one in front of him.

The old mentor smiled and said softly to Ye Ziyun: "Ziyun'er, come with me."

"Make arrangements!" Gao Yuan patted his old mentor on the shoulder and did not enter the room, only watching from outside the door.

There are 5 rows and 8 rows of seats in the classroom, one row by the window, one row by the wall, and three rows in the middle.

Currently, there are only 36 students in the junior martial arts class, and there are still four seats in the classroom.

The old mentor pointed at the aristocratic disciple on Xiao Ning'er's left and said, "You sit in the front row first, and I will help you switch another day."

The dean was watching from outside. Although the male student was reluctant, he had to obey.

"Thank you!" Ye Ziyun bowed to the male classmate, her voice was like the sound of nature.

Ye Ziyun's beautiful face and a touch of whiteness on her collar caused a honey blush to appear on the male student's face.

"'re welcome, that's right."

Ye Ziyun has a beautiful and flawless face. Although she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, she is already very slim.Her purple hair fell down to her waist like a waterfall, her curved eyebrows, and her watery eyes shone with the light of wisdom. When she smiled, a pair of deep dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth.

She was wearing a pure white silk skirt, and she had an indescribable tranquility and elegance. Many boys fell in love with her at the first sight and couldn't extricate themselves.

But Xian Wu was not included. He admitted that Ye Ziyun was beautiful and her hair was very flowing.

But he doesn't like girls with dimples because they always think of Teacher Guo Donglin.

After arranging Ye Ziyun's seat, Dean Gao Yuan did not stay and left in a hurry, returning to the trial site for research.

"Ning'er..." Ye Ziyun sat next to Xiao Ning'er and called in a low voice. They were old acquaintances.

Xiao Ning'er said coldly: "Student Ye Ziyun, please don't talk to me! We are in class now and you are disturbing my lecture."

Xian Wu originally thought that she was only virtuous towards boys, but he didn't expect that she would be like that towards beautiful female voices, and he couldn't help but feel mentally balanced.

Ye Ziyun was awkward in her original position, at a loss for a moment.

When she was a child, she and Xiao Ning'er were very good friends. Later, Xiao Ning'er's family became increasingly declining, and the two stopped dating because of family reasons.

But after that, she never made a true friend, only unscrupulous people who were greedy for her family background.

The daily boring practice almost made her collapse, and she missed the time of playing with Xiao Ning'er more and more.

At that time, they were unrestrained, innocent and free, like two lively deers.

When she heard that Xiao Ning'er was coming to study at Saint Orchid College, she immediately begged her father to arrange for her to also enter Saint Orchid College.

What she never expected was that she had a hot face and a cold butt.

What Ye Ziyun didn't know was that a boy in the back row had the same experience as her.

Xian Wu wanted to hold Ye Ziyun's little hand and say loudly: "Comrade, I finally found the team."

"Quiet, let's continue the class." The old instructor interrupted the whispers in the audience. Considering that Ye Ziyun had just come to class, he started to explain the "Seven Star God Curse" from the beginning.

Xian Wu was so angry that he wanted to stand up and scold his mother, but he still had to finish the last few sentences. You bad old man started from the beginning and deliberately missed the class, right?I'm going to complain to the deputy dean!

But... what is the background of that purple-haired girl that allowed the top leadership of the college to arrange admission.

He should be a direct descendant of some peak family. The surname of the Holy family is Shen, the surname of the Shengming family is Chen, and the surname of the Fengxue family is Ye. This girl is probably from the Fengxue family.

If he could have a good relationship with her, it would be possible for him to find the city lord as his godfather.

Having a godfather who is a city lord is not too pretty even just thinking about it.

During class, Ye Ziyun peeked at Xiao Ning'er from time to time, wanting to talk to her, but was frightened away by Xiao Ning'er's stern face.

Xiao Ning'er crossed her arms and stared at the blackboard, as if she wanted to keep strangers away and acquaintances away.

(End of this chapter)

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