Chapter 234 Invisibility
In less than ten breaths, Xian Wu devoured the legendary four-star ice dragon lizard spirit, and obtained an invisible combat skill.

The stealth combat skill, as the name suggests, can make oneself invisible after being activated, shielding everyone from detection and not being discovered by anyone.

The more soul power is consumed, the stronger the invisibility becomes.One hundred souls can block the perception of a peak bronze level expert for one second;
One thousand soul power can block the perception of peak silver level powerhouses for one second; ...; one hundred thousand soul power can shield the perception of all peak black gold level powerhouses for one second; one million soul power can shield the perception of peak legendary powerhouses for one second Second.

Ye Mo only has the legendary two-star realm, and Xian Wu only needs to consume 20 soul power to become invisible in front of him for one second.

"Such a powerful stealth combat skill, please call me King Xianling from now on!" Xian Wu was excited in his heart, he was even stronger than King Lanling.

As long as his soul power is not exhausted, he can remain invisible and will not expose his traces by attacking the enemy.

If he wants, he can stealthly assassinate anyone he wants to kill. Invisibility + the devil's left hand makes him invincible.

"Grandpa, I don't think we need to design traps. I just rushed into the Holy Family and executed Shen Hong." Combat skills, very suitable for assassination."

After killing Shen Hong, he then blamed the Dark Guild and let the two of them fight like dogs. This strategy was absolutely perfect.

Although Shen Hong is Shen Xiu's brother, the Holy Family has repeatedly persecuted him. This revenge must be avenged, and Shen Hong must die.

"That's inappropriate..." Ye Mo pondered for a moment, and then said: "Shen Xiu and Shen Hong are brothers and sisters. If you kill Shen Hong, Shen Xiu will most likely seek revenge from you. Shen Hong's life is still up to our Fengxue Family. Come and get it, Shen Xiu wants revenge, so let her come to me."

"Okay, I don't want to break up with Shen Xiu for the time being." Xian Wu nodded, "The Holy Family belongs to you, and the Dark Guild belongs to me."

Time passed quickly and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

After taking the Nine Transformation Pills, eating legendary monsters, and adjusting his breath for a night, Ye Mo's injuries were fully recovered.

The grandfather and grandson flew in the sky and flew all the way back to Glory City.

Since he had been protecting Ye Mo last night, Xian Wu didn't sleep all night. After returning home, he immediately called Huyan Lanruo to catch up on his sleep.

"I've had enough sleep, I don't want to sleep anymore." Huyan Lanruo shook her head and refused, but Xian Wu forcefully pushed her onto the bed.

After a whole day's sleep, half a night of busy work, and another half night of sleep, Xian Wu finally recovered.

The time has come for the next morning.

"Well... I slept so comfortably~" Xian Wu sat up from the soft big bed and stretched out.

Huyan Lanruo looked at Xian Wu with resentful eyes, and her belly kept screaming "Gululu...Gululu...".

Not only did she not eat all day yesterday, but she was also forced to perform physical labor. Now she is so hungry that she is rubbing her back.

Xian Wu reached out and hooked Huyan Lanruo's chin, and said with a smile: "Get up quickly, my husband will invite you to a big dinner."

"Big dinner?" After hearing this, Huyan Lanruo shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, I had enough yesterday."

"What are you thinking about in your little head, please eat roasted legendary monster meat!" Xian Wu poked her forehead with his finger.

Huyan Lanruo pursed her mouth and said with a look of disgust: "Don't eat it, that old wolf meat is hard and sticky, it doesn't taste good at all."

"It's not wolf meat, it's dragon meat, the meat of that ice dragon lizard in the mountains." Xian Wu continued to explain, "How about it, do you want to eat it or not?"

"Eat!" Huyan Lanruo got up decisively. Only Xian Wu could appreciate that graceful figure and the infinitely beautiful spring scenery.

Xian Wu handed the ice and snow dragon lizard's monster meat to the kitchen, sent Huyan Lanruo to supervise it, and then temporarily left the Haozhen family.The monster cub promised to Dean Gao Yuan must be sent over quickly. It has been almost a week, so the old man should be anxious.

Flying all the way to the depths of the trial site of Holy Orchid Academy, Xian Wu flapped his wind and thunder wings and shouted to a group of low buildings.

"Dean Gao? Is Dean Gao there? I'm Xian Wu. I've captured the monster cub you wanted. Are you there?"

Hearing Xian Wu's shout, several middle-aged people ran out of the house, wearing the same tattered overalls as Dean Gao.

Xian Wu landed near rows of huge cages. There were monsters in the cages, and the strongest ones were only gold-level ones.

Seeing the stranger Xian Wu approaching, the monsters all roared and wanted to rush out of the cage and devour him alive.

"Shut up!" Xian Wu scolded, and an invisible soul force spread out, suppressing all the monsters, and they did not dare to scream again.

"Meet the young city master!" A few middle-aged people rushed over and bowed respectfully to Xian Wu, "The principal is taking care of himself, and he will come later."

"I've finished my convenience." Gao Yuan walked over with a look of displeasure on his face while tying his pants, wondering if he had wiped his butt.

Xian Wu didn't waste much time and directly threw the space ring to Gao Yuan: "Here are 190 nine monster cubs, take a look."

Gao Yuan caught the ring and took out the pet cages inside one by one. The assistants took the pet cages and put the cubs inside into the animal pens.

"Snow wolf cubs? Griffon cubs?" The assistants all widened their eyes. These cubs are too rare and precious.

Especially the snow wolf pups, they are firmly protected by the wolves in the Snow Wolf Canyon, where the legendary Howling Moon Wolf King is guarding.

Let alone entering the canyon to steal the cubs, as soon as you reach the outskirts of the canyon, you will be torn into pieces by the patrolling wolves.

"Hey, you are such an idiot, don't put the griffon chick and the snow wolf cub together." Dean Gao kicked the assistant next to him.

The griffin chick that was placed among the snow wolf cubs was eaten clean in an instant, making Dean Gao's beard explode with anger.

There were few baby griffins, and one was killed by an assistant. Dean Gao wanted to feed that assistant to the wolf cubs in the animal pen.

Dean Gao grabbed the assistant, kicked him on the ass, and shouted: "You don't need to release the cubs, go and move the newly developed feed!"

"Feed? Feed that can tame monsters?" Xian Wu asked curiously.

Dean Gao nodded. He looked at the black monster cubs in the animal pen, as if looking at his own children.

The assistant quickly ran back with a bag of feed and placed it in front of Gao Yuan.

Xian Wu took a closer look and saw that the linen bag contained brown powder balls as big as fists. He didn't know what materials they were made of.

Before Xian Wu could continue his research, Gao Yuan picked up the linen bag and poured it into the feed trough for the Snow Wolf cubs.

The snow wolf cubs had been hungry for more than a day and were all hungry. As soon as they saw food, they all pounced on it.

Generations of feed were shipped one after another, and the troughs around the two animal pens were filled.

Just as the cubs were feasting, Gao Yuan took out the spoon hanging around his neck and made a "beep-" sound.

(End of this chapter)

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