The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 235 Recruiting Warriors

Chapter 235 Recruiting Warriors

As Dean Gao Yuan's whistle sounded, all the monster cubs that had eaten the feed stopped their mouth movements and stood at attention.

"Dudu!" Then Dean Gao Yuan blew the whistle twice, and the monster cubs returned to normal and continued to eat the feed.

"Wow, that's amazing, Dean Gao, what will happen to them if the whistle is blown three times?" Xian Wuju asked in reverse.

Obviously, Gao Yuan's method of controlling the monster is to use the number of times the whistle sounds in a short period of time. This feed is awesome, to be honest.

Gao Yuan handed the whistle to Xian Wu, but Xian Wu didn't pick it up. Gao Yuan retracted his hand in embarrassment and explained: "Three whistles, the monsters will enter the attack state, attacking the enemies attacked by the whistler and attacking the whistler. The enemy of the enemy. Two whistles to stop the attack."

"What should we do if we want the scattered monsters to regroup?" Xian Wu thought the whistle attack method was very interesting.

The reason why he didn't take Gao Yuan's spoon was because he had mysophobia. How could he be so disgusting if Gao Yuan had swore something?

Gao Yuan explained: "After the monsters attack the target, they will return to the automatic whistler. You can also use feed to attract them."

After a brief introduction, Gao Yuan gave the feed formula to Xian Wu. According to the formula, the feed can be prepared.

Before leaving, Xian Wu took two pairs of strong snow wolf cubs and two pairs of griffon chicks, half male and half male, to facilitate mass breeding.

"Okay, you don't have to send them off. Go back and take care of the cubs." Xian Wu flapped his wind and thunder wings and waved to Gao Yuan and the others.

After flying out of Shenglan Academy, Xian Wu landed on the academy street and swept away all the ingredients on the street according to the formula.

In addition, Xian Wu also bought many ores, including copper ore, iron ore, tungsten ore, silver ore, gold ore, black iron ore, etc.

The reason why he wanted to buy the ore was to forge high-quality weapons and armor to arm his future family's private soldiers.

Xian Wu thought about it carefully and decided that instead of training the Snow Dragon Guard Roubaozi to beat the dog and never come back, it would be better to train a private soldier from scratch.

After all, the Snow Dragon Guard is the power of the Fengxue Family. The Snow Dragon Guard is nominally managed by itself, but in fact, it does not take care of its own orders.

If one day he offends Ye Mo or the Snow Wind Family, his position as Snow Dragon Guard Captain may be revoked at any time.

Although he is invincible with Fang Tian Hua Ji in hand, if he resists with force, he may lose the support of the people.

Glory City has been painstakingly managed by the Fengxue Family for many years. It is very influential in the hearts of the people and they will not easily believe in themselves.

He will succeed the lord of Glory City in the future. If he doesn't cultivate his own power, he will probably be controlled by the Snow Wind Family.

In that case, he is the city lord in name, but in reality he is a puppet, at the mercy of the Snow Wind Family and following its orders.

Therefore, if you want to secure the throne of the city lord, you must have your own army at your fingertips and have political power under the barrel of a gun.

Although I alone can be worth a million heroes, in the future, the human race will rush out of the city of glory and head to the Holy Spirit Continent. After the territory is vast, even if I can fight alone, it is impossible to take care of all the cities on the continent at the same time. I must cultivate myself. power.

The City of Glory is not monolithic. Each aristocratic family has its own Xiao Jiujiu. In the past, they might have restrained themselves under the threat of monsters. Now that there is no threat from monsters, the major families will show their fangs and compete for territory. resource.

Because once the external contradictions are eliminated, people's attention will shift to internal contradictions, that is, internal fighting.If you want to break out of the Holy Ancestor Mountains and head towards the Holy Spirit Continent, you must first resolve the internal conflicts and surrender all the major families.

Xian Wu's purpose is that those who obey me will prosper and those who go against us will perish. If anyone disobeys, we will impose economic sanctions. If they still disobey, we will suppress them with force.

At present, he is not short of money, but what he lacks is the way to spend it. What he needs to do now is to cultivate an army that will absolutely obey him.

After sweeping through all the major markets and shops in the Glory City, Xian Wu came to the Warriors Association.

The City of Glory has two types, the Warriors Association and the Demon Spiritualist Association, which are responsible for registering the identity information of warriors and demon spiritualists respectively, and recording their current levels.At the same time, the association will also accept commissions from common people and aristocratic families, and warriors and demon spiritual masters will be rewarded for completing the commissions.

Generally speaking, the entrustments are employment entrustments. The aristocratic family hires warriors and demon spiritual masters to look after the home and protect the courtyard, increasing the family's power.

Because most of the warriors and demon spiritual masters who accepted the commission came from civilian families and did not have the money to purchase resources for training.

Warriors and demon spiritual masters from noble families do not have this trouble. The family will provide them with appropriate resources for training.

However, if your cultivation talent is average, the noble family will not provide too many resources, but only very few resources.

Therefore, some noble disciples will come to the Warriors and Demon Spirit Masters Association to receive commissions, earn funds, and purchase resources for training.

When they arrived at the Warriors Association, a strong muscular man came over and said with a smile: "Welcome to the Warriors Association!"

"Hello." Xian Wu nodded cautiously. Most of the warriors were muscular and full of pride. "Can I issue a commission?"

"Commission? What commission do you want to issue?" Brother Muscle looked Xian Wu up and down. This man was luxuriously dressed and had extraordinary equipment. He should not be a commoner, but a noble.Moreover, this person is a bit unfamiliar. It must be his first time coming to the Warriors Association. Which young master could he be?
Xian Wu has been living in seclusion. Except for the top executives of Glory City, not many people know him. It's not surprising that Brother Muscle doesn't know him.

"I want to recruit some warriors, as long as they are from civilian families, preferably without schooling, and between the ages of thirteen and sixteen."

Xian Wu stated his recruitment conditions. He wanted to train an army that would be completely obedient to his orders, so naturally he couldn't recruit people who were too old.

Older people tend to be more cunning, and older people generally have more evil ideas, are difficult to train, let alone control, and may even instigate mutiny.

"Okay, we have too many warriors of this type here." Brother Muscle nodded, "However, can I ask, which family are you from? What do you want to recruit these people for? What are the benefits? Are there any? Six insurances and one fund or something?”

Xian Wu was a little dizzy from being asked, and answered one question after another: "I am Xian Wu, the head of the Haoxun family. I want to train some loyal soldiers to defend the family. As for the welfare benefits, according to the highest standards in the market, I’m not short of money.”

"Head of the Haozhen family?" The muscular man hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed, "Young City Lord, I'm sorry for the delay in welcoming you."

"Don't deal with those vain etiquette, just let me do the job, I will reward you." Xian Wu gave the muscular man a bottle of soul nourishing pill, and continued: "You tell those warriors, just follow me Xian Wu Wu, I promise to drink spicy food in the future."

"By the way, the number of places for the first batch of recruitment is limited, 100 people are temporarily recruited. Go ahead and do it. Once the job is done, the benefits will be yours."

"Okay, Young City Master, I will post the announcement now." The muscular man agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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