Chapter 236 Hiring Tie Kuang
After leaving the Warriors Association, Xian Wu went home directly and did not go to the Demon Spiritual Masters Association because the people in the Demon Spiritual Masters Association were relatively rubbish.

The status of demon spiritual masters in the Glory City is relatively high. Once there are scattered demon spiritual masters, they will be poached by aristocratic families quickly.

The rest are either those with poor talent, or those who charge such high prices that they can’t recognize their identities. They’re not that interesting anyway.

"Let's go shopping someday when we have a lot of free time. Now we have to go home and cook." Xian Wu muttered as he flew.

He didn't know whether the legendary monster meat was ready, whether it was fried, deep-fried, or simmered. Xian Wu was looking forward to it very much.

Flying over the sparkling moat and the towering dotite city wall, being chased by the dog Ah Huang all the way, Xian Wu landed at the gate.

"Bitch, you run pretty fast!" Xian Wu rubbed Ah Huang's head, then took out a piece of demon ape meat and fed it to Ah Huang.

Ji Ni stood at attention and saluted, and reported loudly: "Reporting to the head of the family, I am patrolling the territory with Ah Huang. Please give me your instructions."

Soon after they arrived at the Haozhen family, the head of the family promulgated a set of family regulations, which required standing at attention and saluting.

"Continue to patrol." Xian Wu returned the salute.He is not used to the cumbersome etiquette of ancient times, but is still used to modern military etiquette.

"Yes!" Ji Ni got the order and took Ah Huang's dog by the leash. "Patriarch, what kind of meat is this? It smells so bad."

"It's the meat of the legendary one-eyed demon ape. Why, you want to eat it too?" Xian Wu asked. He had already sealed his nose with his soul power.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Ji Ni's eyes suddenly widened and she murmured: "Legendary monster meat? But...can you give it to me?"

"Of course, here you go!" Xian Wu took out a long and thin piece of meat from the space ring and delivered it to Ji Ni with his soul power.

Ji Ni was stunned, holding the strange-shaped legendary monster meat in both hands, and curiously asked: "Master, which part is this?"

"I don't know. I took it casually. Anyway, it's the one-eyed ape demon meat. Okay, let's continue working." Xian Wu patted Ji Ni's shoulder.

Looking at the legendary monster meat flashing in her hand, Ji Ni swallowed her saliva and waited to share it with her good brothers when she returned to the dormitory.

"Woof woof woof! Ouch ouch ouch... ouch ouch ouch..." Seeing the meat in Ji Ni's hand, Ah Huang suddenly screamed like crazy.

This big lump of legendary monster meat seemed to have triggered some bad memories in its mind, and Ah Huang rushed to bite it.

Ji Ni quickly put the precious meat into her small space ring: "You have meat to eat, why are you taking mine? I'm going to beat you!"

On the other side, Xian Wu walked vigorously to the inner canteen in the third courtyard, and the outer canteen in the second courtyard.

The dining hall of the Haozhen family is divided into an outer dining hall and an inner dining hall. The outer dining hall is a place for guests and servants to eat.

The inner canteen is where Xian Wu and his wives eat. Hu Yanba sometimes comes to eat in the inner canteen, but only rarely.

"Husband, you are finally back. I'm waiting for you!" Huyan Lanruo stood up excitedly and ran over to help Xian Wu.

"What's the rush, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, come, let me have a piece of tofu first." Xian Wu made Huyan Boruo blush.

At the dinner table, General Xian discussed the formation of the army with several ladies, and they each had different opinions.

"Husband, there are spies from major aristocratic families in the Warriors Association, and your actions may have been exposed." Yang Xin said worriedly.

Xian Wu waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter, I'm recruiting only junior warrior apprentices, I can't hinder them in anything." "The warrior apprentices are too weak, why not recruit some bronze and silver level masters?" Huyan Lanruo asked while eating.

Xian Wu explained: "Although warrior apprentices are weak, they are more loyal than others. Bronze and silver masters are very arrogant and difficult to manage."

"Who do you plan to train these warrior apprentices? Are you hiring someone from the eldest sister's family?" Ouyang Tiantian gave Xian Wu a piece of meat.

Xian Wu picked up the crystal rice in the bowl, pondered for a while, and then replied: "I plan to go to Shenglan College to hire someone."

"Who are you inviting?" Xiao Ning'er asked curiously. She missed Xian Wu so much that she stayed at the City Lord's Mansion for two days before running back to the Haozhen Family.

Xian Wu took a big chicken leg for Xiao Ning'er, pointed at the chicken leg and said, "Teacher Tie Kuang, the one who taught us Wuxingquan back then."

"Tie Kuang?" Huyan Lanruo recalled, "Is it the muscular guy we met at Zhaixing Restaurant that day?"

"What kind of muscle stick? He's called Tie Kuang. He treated me to dinner when I was in poverty." Xian Wu retorted.

A meal of kindness must be repaid, and a drop of water must be repaid.He swore at that time that when he became prosperous in the future, he would support Tie Kuang.

Now is your chance.Most of those martial arts apprentices came from poor families and relied on wild methods to cultivate, so Tie Kuang Cult was just the right fit.

Xian Wu gave Wo Xueshen a very tender piece of tenderloin and said, "Xue Shen, leave Tie Kuang's affairs to your elder brother."

"Understood, I'll go after breakfast." Wo Xueshen did not refuse, and looked at Xian Wu with burning black eyes, as if longing for something.It has been quite some time since she came to the Haokuo family, Xian Wu didn't even touch her when he came, did he despise her?

Xian Wu nodded, gave another chicken leg to Yang Xin, and then said: "Baby, Xueshen has been at our house for a long time. I want to find a time to get married in the near future. What do you think? If you don't If you have any opinions, let’s do it tomorrow without further ado.”

Hearing this, the women at the dinner table put down their chopsticks one after another and stared at Xian Wu in shock. Xiao Ning'er even bit her lip.

"Okay, do as your husband wants, I have no objection." Yang Xin shrugged and put the chicken legs into Xiao Ning'er's bowl.

"Ning'er, you are still young, don't worry, it will be your turn in two years." Xian Wu comforted Xiao Ning'er.

"I'm full." Xiao Ning'er put down her chopsticks and left the cafeteria with red eyes. She turned her back to everyone and burst into tears.

Xian Wu coughed dryly and stood up: "I'm full too. Let's go out and do some exercise. You guys can eat slowly."

Taking long strides, Xian Wu hurriedly left the cafeteria, caught up with Xiao Ning'er, held her little hand, and came to his room.

"Why, I want to marry Wo Xueshen, are you jealous?" Xian Wu put his arms around Xiao Ning'er's shoulders, sat on the bed, and asked with a smile.

Xiao Ning'er suddenly hugged Xian Wu and pressed her face against hers.

"Brother Wu, Ning'er is not jealous. No matter what you do, I will choose to support you unconditionally." Xiao Ning'er said softly, "I'm just afraid. I'm afraid that you won't want me anymore in the future because you have so many women. "

"How could it be? No one like me would let you go." Xian Wu stroked Xiao Ning'er's arm.


"Well, really."

(End of this chapter)

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