Chapter 237 The ghost is out
The glorious city, the holy family, the meeting hall.

"Why did you suddenly come to my holy family? There has been a lot of news lately." Shen Hong reminded him while sitting on the Grand Master's chair.

Standing in the hall, a tall man in black robe stretched out a mechanical golden arm from his robe and slowly opened his black hood.

If Xian Wu was there, he would definitely recognize this face.This person was the ghost who killed Ye Shuo, and there was a sinister look on his brows.

Guixi clenched his mechanical iron fist and said in a hoarse voice: "I have received reliable information. The City Lord's Mansion has recently been building a powerful formation called the 'Ten Thousand Demons and Demons Array'. We must attack the City Lord's Mansion before the formation is completed." Tianlao, rescue Long Sha, and things will change if it is too late."

"I know you are anxious, but this is not a matter of urgency. The City Lord's Mansion is heavily guarded. How can we break in?" Shen Hong retorted.

Gui Sha took out a sparkling stone from the space ring and introduced: "This is the Stone of Space and Darkness, which can summon the abyss troll in the abyss world. The abyss troll has legendary strength. If summoned in the city lord's palace, it will definitely be able to contain it. Guard, we can attack in the east and in the west."

"It's still not right. That old guy Ye Mo is currently in the city. He can deal with the abyss troll by himself." Shen Hong questioned.

Guisha sneered, and secretly scolded Shen Hong as a cowardly old dog who was afraid of death. He continued: "Don't worry about this, besides summoning the abyss troll, I will also create a wave of million-level monsters outside the city. Contain Ye Mo or that little bastard Xian Wu."

Seeing that Shen Hong was still hesitating, Guisha put away the Kongming Stone, took out a diamond-shaped runestone, and threatened: "You'd better cooperate obediently, don't force me to crush the runestone. Your soul has already been broken into by Longsha." If you break the soul chain, once I crush the runestone, you will definitely die."

"Don't be angry. I didn't say that the Holy Family would not cooperate." Shen Hong's expression changed drastically. "We will be ready when we take action."

Gui Sha snorted coldly, put away the rune stones, and said: "It will take some time to create a wave of monsters, probably in a month."

"One month later? Well, I will mobilize the Holy Family now and get ready for battle." Shen Hong nodded, "However, once we take action, our Holy Family will be exposed, and there will be no place for us in the Glory City." Land, what should we do?”

"Don't worry, I will take you to the headquarters of Black Rock City, which is much safer than the City of Glory." Gui Sha replied, "By the way, doesn't your family have a black gold-level demon spiritual master who was smashed into a vegetative state by a dragon evil? ?Leave it to me and I can bring him back to life."

"Regain a new life? Are you kidding me? Can you heal an injury that cannot be cured by taking the Nine Transformations Pill?" Shen Hong didn't believe it.

Gui Sha raised his iron fist, showed it to Shen Hong, and explained: "There is a dark demon spiritual master in the headquarters who makes spirit puppets. As long as the soul of that useless demon spiritual master is transferred into the humanoid spirit puppet, he can be reborn. Get even more powerful than before.”

"Is there such an existence in the headquarters?" Shen Hong frowned and continued: "Shen Yao is still suffering while he is alive. You can take him away."

"By the way, I also want the woman who married Xian Wu." Gui Sha added, "Don't worry, I don't like to eat other people's leftovers."

"What do you want Shen Xiu to do? She is from our sacred family, and I can't let you take her away." Shen Hong refused decisively.

Are you kidding me? The Dark Guild is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Without the protection of the family, Shen Xiu could not get there without being eaten alive.

Gui Sha took out the rune stones again and threatened: "I need to use her to coerce Xian Wu. You must hand her over to me. There is no negotiation."

"Gui Sha, you have to think clearly. If you make Xian Wu angry, you and I will have to walk around without food." Shen Hong reminded, "Long Sha will fall into his hands, let alone you and me. . I fought against him a few days ago, and that kid’s skill is already superior to mine.”

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm not a fool. I naturally know that Xian Wu is not easy to mess with. That's why I need that woman."

Gui Sha has a ferocious face, and his left hand was amputated by Xian Wu Shengsheng, but he also received a powerful prosthetic limb as a blessing in disguise. "Don't worry, I swear to God, no one from the guild will touch a hair of Shen Xiu, so just leave it to me."

Under Gui Sha's coercion and inducement, Shen Hong finally compromised.Under the leadership of Shen Hong, Gui Sha went to Shen Xiu's room.

"Master of the house! Master Guisha!" Shen Yuan, the black gold level warrior responsible for guarding and protecting, greeted him and immediately opened the courtyard door for the two of them.

Gui Sha and Shen Hong ignored Shen Yuan and walked into the courtyard.

Another black gold level warrior, Shen Xu, appeared from the darkness, clasped his fists and raised his hands in greeting: "Master! What are you doing?"

"Master Guisha wants to take Shen Xiu to live in the Dark Guild. I will take him to pick him up." Shen Hong said reluctantly in a low voice.

The head of his dignified and sacred family was actually forced into this situation by the Dark Guild, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Shen Xu said "Oh", got out of the way, followed Shen Hong and Gui Sha, and strolled to Shen Xiu's boudoir.

Gui Sha wanted to push open the door and force his way in, but Shen Hong raised his hand to stop him and warned: "Shen Xiu is a member of my holy family, please show respect."

"Xiu'er, it's me, brother. Come out and discuss something with you." Shen Hong knocked on the door and said softly.

He was usually very stern and spoke in a very bad tone. Now that his sister was picked up, he felt a little regretful.

Gui Sha narrowed his eyes and said impatiently: "What's going on? Why is there no movement in the house? Open the door quickly!"

Ignoring Shen Hong's obstruction, Gui Sha kicked the door open and broke into the house.I saw the two little maids responsible for serving, lying on the ground crookedly, unconscious. Apart from the two of them, there was no one else in the room. Shen Xiu was missing!
"Where's Shen Xiu!" Gui Sha glared at Shen Hong, strangled his neck with his mechanical hand, and said angrily: "You don't want me to pick her up, are you deliberately acting here for me? You must hand her over today. Give it to me, or I will make you lose your arm like me."

"Gui Sha! Let go of our master." Shen Xu moved his flame palm and prepared to attack Gui Sha, but Shen Hong raised his hand to stop him.

Shen Xu was no match for Gui Sha. If he launched an attack rashly, he would only be seeking death.

Shen Hong grabbed Gui Sha's mechanical arm and comforted him: "Gui Sha, listen to me. I really don't know where Shen Xiu is. I dare to swear to heaven. He may be Xian Wu or someone else, who secretly abducted Shen Xiu. gone."

"That's nonsense! There are two black gold-level warriors guarding the door. How can God Xian Martial Arts pick someone up without anyone noticing? You're fooling a three-year-old child!" Gui Sha increased the strength of his hands.

While Gui Sha and Shen Hong were biting the dog, Shen Xiu was already lying on the familiar soft bed.

"Well... I feel so dizzy~" Shen Xiu rubbed her temples and sat up. She seemed to have had a dream just now...

"Are you awake?!" came a familiar voice that made Shen Xiu's soul tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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