The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 238 Shen Xiuzhang’s Family

Chapter 238 Shen Xiu goes home
"You...why are you in my room? Get out! Get out quickly!" Shen Xiu hugged the quilt and was so frightened that her face turned pale.

How could Xian Wu be in his room? Is this how those two deadbeats Shen Yuan and Chen Xu protected him?
"This is my home, I appear in my room, what's the fuss." Xian Wu drank a cup of fragrant tea.

The tea was given to him a few days ago when Chen Linjian went to the Shengming Family to borrow construction workers from the Haozhen Family to build a military camp.

It was just a simple effort to save his life, but Chen Zhenglong had evened the situation by giving him a black gold level demon spirit.

Unexpectedly, Chen Linjian kept this kindness in his heart and even invited himself to that place that day, but he refused.

Now I am a man with a family, all the wives are beautiful, and I married another two days ago, so how can I pay off the food.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Shen Xiu reacted instantly, widened her charming phoenix eyes, and said softly: "In your home? How dare you kidnap me from the holy family, get out of here, I want to go home , don't stop me!" Shen Xiu wanted to run away.

How could Xian Wu let her run away, he suddenly hugged her waist from behind, the princess picked her up, put her gently on the bed, and held her down.

"Let me ask you, is it true that Shen Hong said you have a child? Or is it false? Is the child mine?" Xian Wu looked down at Shen Xiu.

He grabbed Shen Xiu's slippery wrists with one hand, and Shen Xiu's delicate ankles with the other, preventing her from making any movements.

Shen Xiu was tightly controlled by Xian Wu and could not move at all. She was so angry that her small breasts rose and fell violently, like a fierce horse.

Their eyes met, Shen Xiu struggled for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "Let me go, you strong criminal, I will go to the city lord's palace to sue you."

Xian Wu smiled, stared at Shen Xiu with burning eyes, and twitched his nose slightly. The taste was still the same as before.

"You are already married to me. We are a legal couple. I have always acted in accordance with the law, and it will be ignored if you file a lawsuit."

"Furthermore, City Lord Ye Zong is my adoptive father. Do you think he will help you or me?" Xian Wu let go of her wrist.

Shen Xiu, a bitch, stayed at her parents' house for a few days, but when she came back she didn't know what her last name was. No, she had to be educated with a cane.

" are despicable and shameless." Shen Xiu bit her red lips, raised her small fist, and hammered Xian Wu's strong chest.

"Despicable?" Upon hearing this word, Xian Wu smiled disdainfully and retorted: "No matter how despicable I am, I am not as despicable as the Holy Family."

The Holy Family not only framed the Pterodactyl Family and seized most of its property, but also colluded with the Dark Guild, which was full of evil.

"Shut up! I won't allow you to slander our family." Shen Xiu picked up the pillow, threw it over, and covered it with the quilt.

While Xian Wu's sight was blocked by the quilt, Shen Xiu jumped out of bed and ran away without even wearing shoes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she passed by Xian Wu, he wrapped her in a quilt, twisted it into a spring roll, and put her on the bed again.

Xian Wu pinched his waist with both hands, took out a thick ham sausage made from Xiaoyue Wolf King meat from the space ring, and punched it into Shen Xiu's face.

"Am I wrong? Don't you know whether the Holy Family is despicable or shameless?" Xian Wu said with a sneer.

If it weren't for the fear that when the Fengxue Family wiped out the Holy Family, his flesh and blood would be implicated, he wouldn't bother to talk to Shen Xiu.

The action against the Dark Guild is in full swing. As long as the Dark Guild dares to appear, they will surely die.

Even though he was trapped like a spring roll, Shen Xiu still argued: "You are talking nonsense, our holy family acts openly and aboveboard..."

"Your voice is quite bright. Let me take away all your soul power and see if you are still bright." Xian Wu put his hand on Shen Xiu's forehead and started running the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art".Shen Xiu is only a silver two-star demon spiritual master with only over 2000 points of soul power in the soul sea.Shen Xiu's spirit weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, but her mouth had not yet closed: "Let me go, I want to go home."

"Go home? This is your home!" Xian Wu took the stool to the bedside and sat down, slicing the ham and eating it.

The ham sausage stuffed with legendary monster meat has a great taste. You don’t need to put it in your mouth, just smell it to refresh your mind.

Although Shen Xiu could close her eyes, the backs of her hands were wrapped in the quilt and she could not block her ears. The sound of chewing was particularly harsh.

Moreover, the aroma of meat wafting from the ham sausage had a fatal attraction. Just smelling it made her mouth water.

Maybe it was because of her pregnancy that she slept in the morning and skipped breakfast. She planned to make up for it at noon, but she didn't expect to be robbed by Xian Wu.

This bastard not only slandered their family, but also indulged himself with delicious food. It was really abominable.

But to be honest, the food in the Shengsheng family was not as good as the food in the Haozhen family. She had been thinking about it during those few days at her parents' house.

Xian Wu guarded Shen Xiu, didn't say a word, just savored the ham on his own, until noon when Huyan Lanruo called him to eat.

Shen Xiu felt happy. As soon as Xian Wu left, she would sneak away. With her status as the Fourth Lady, no one would dare to stop her.

"Want to run? You're so beautiful!" Xian Wu stood up and pointed at Shen Xiu's acupuncture point. Shen Xiu's muscles instantly stiffened.

Now she can only move her eyes and speak, but she can't do anything else: "Xian Wu, what are you doing, take it away!"

"I won't take it away!" Xian Wu put the delicious ham sausage on the table, facing Shen Xiu, making Xiang'er keep looking at her.

Watching Xian Wu and Hu Yan Lanruo walking away arm in arm, Shen Xiu wanted to stare out her beautiful phoenix eyes. It was so abominable!
Shortly after the two left, the door was suddenly knocked open.

Just when Shen Xiu thought someone from the family was coming to save her, a big white goose walked in swaggeringly.

The big goose is more than half a man tall, very strong, and has a shining golden beak that looks very sharp.

"When did Xian Wu raise a big white goose again?" Shen Xiu stared at the golden egg stupidly, not recognizing it.

Without even looking at Shen Xiu, Jin Dan flew to the table, opened his mouth to pick up the sausage, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Under Shen Xiu's astonished gaze, Jin Dan walked over in a swaggering manner, turned his face sideways, and looked her over.

One person and one goose, big eyes staring at small eyes, fell into silence.

"Go, go, let's play! Didn't you see sister taking a rest?" Shen Xiu shouted.

Jin Dan turned a deaf ear and still stared at Shen Xiu with his small eyes.

"What are you looking at? You ugly monster, get out of here." Shen Xiu cursed harshly.

Suddenly, the golden egg moved and pulled out a piece of Shen Xiu's hair with his mouth. The pain made Shen Xiu cry for father and mother.

Immediately afterwards, the golden egg was glowing with silver, and a magical scene happened.

(End of this chapter)

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